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Libro oficial: App Inventor 2: Create your own Android Apps (

Libro oficial: App Inventor 2: Create your own Android Apps (
The book is written by USF Professor David Wolber, along with three of the original creators of App Inventor: MIT's Hal Abelson, Mills Professor and Google Engineer Ellen Spertus and Google Engineer Liz Looney. The book is designed for absolute beginners and is also useful for programmers looking to add App Inventor to their programming arsenal. The book is used in many K-12 and college courses, often in conjunction with the Course-in-the-Box. About the Book The first section of the book is organized by content-- apps you might want to build-- instead of topic names like "conditionals" or "iteration" that are less inviting to beginners. The second section, the "Inventor's Manual" follows a more traditional topic-by-topic organization. Many thanks to Cayla Shaver, USF CS student, for her work on converting AI1 materials to AI2 The chapters in pdf form are provided below but please purchase the book to support the authors and the work at Book Contents

Uso de AppInventor en TIC ( AppInventor v1 There are no translations available. En el actual diseño del Bachillerato en España se propone “Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación como asignatura optativa”. Entre los objetivos generales de esta asignatura se puede leer “Usar los recursos informáticos como instrumento de resolución de problemas específicos” o “Integrar la información textual, numérica y gráfica obtenida de cualquier fuente para elaborar contenidos propios y publicarlos ... y formatos que faciliten la inclusión de elementos multimedia decidiendo la forma en la que se ponen a disposición del resto de usuarios”. Son muchos los profesores que enseñan algún lenguaje de programación como una de las herramientas para alcanzar estos objetivos. En este artículo se propone usar App Inventor1 como parte del curriculum de esta asignatura. En la imagen siguiente se puede apreciar la herramienta de diseño en el navegador con la que se construye el interfaz gráfico de la aplicación: ¿Por qué App Inventor? Sentencias Bucles Modules Quizzes Each module includes: Lesson plans and lecture notes Tutorials and Video Screencasts Conceptual worksheets Creative projects Test Questions Assigned readings from the App Inventor book Module Pathways Module 1, "Intro to Event-Handling" provides an introduction to the App Inventor environment and the idea that an app is a set of event-handlers. Conditional blocks are also introduced. Modules 4-6 focus on working with data, and this represents a significant conceptual leap as the programming becomes more abstract. Module X, "Software Engineering and Procedure Abstraction" is so named because different instructors will want to present it at different places in the curriculum. Teaching Methodology Each module follows a do-first structure that has worked well in motivating students to learn. Build It Introduce a topic but keep it brief. Conceptualize It Customize It Create Learn More People Map Wolber's 2013 Course Site

ai one Quiz Départements Français Chemical quiz qui vous permettra de mémoriser rapidement les symboles d'éléments chimiques, les groupes, les périodes, les blocs et les numéros atomiques. Assurez-vous que vous êtes familiarisé avec le tableau périodique des éléments. Testez vous-même en comparant votre score avec le meilleur classement en ligne et devenir un maître de la chimie! Les noms des éléments chimiques sont disponibles en 36 langues (selon les paramètres de langue sur le téléphone):Anglais, danois, farsi, japonais, norvégien, allemand, thaï, chinois, finlandais, vietnamien, slovaque, ukrainienne, grec, néerlandais, polonais, slovène, le bengali, indonésien, coréen, roumain, arabe, français, croate, turc, tchèque, espagnol, malais, estonien, italien, lituanien, portugais, hongrois, russe, letton, suédois et en hébreu.

CoderDojo | Android (Tutoriales) The following links will take you to the tutorials needed to complete to introduce you to App Inventor. Tutorial 1 – Hello YouTutorial 2 – Hello PurrTutorial 3 – Paint App Additional Tutorials: Tutorial 4 – Cat & Mouse GameTutorial 5 – Shape SortTutorial 6 – Dear DiaryTutorial 7 – Screen LayoutsTutorial 8 – Help MeTutorial 9 – NXT Lego RobotTutorial 10 – Simple CalculatorTutorial 11 – Barcode & QR Code ScannerTutorial 12 – Mole Mash GameTutorial 13 – TinyWebDB Additional Files needed for the Tutorials, Right click HERE and select SAVE LINK AS to save all the support files. Store the files on your Desktop These tutorials have kindly been provided by Kevin Meehan App Inventor Tutorials and Examples: MySQL | Pura Vida Apps Probably you want to read this first: What is MySQL and what is a relational database? You can use this App Inventor example together with a php script on your web server to query your MySQL database on your web server. Shival Wolf already provided a nice App Inventor Classic - MySQL interface. I now "translated" his example into App Inventor 2 with a few adjustments. The example presented here uses the same SQL statements as used in my SQLite example. Setup Put the PHP code on your web server Set the SQLKEY in your app and in the PHP code, they must match for this code to work Setup your database connection information in the php script Try out the code Special Notes Do you need help with your App Inventor project? I can help you: for one hour I charge 25 USD. App Inventor, please use the App Inventor forum. App Inventor blocks Please see here for the SQL syntax. Run Query Response Received Display Table To display the result table, I'm using 2 nested for each loops. Queries Further blocks used

100 Best AppInventor Videos activitejeuxvideo - Gamesalad Training Leçon 1 - Créer un projet Gamesalad Leçon 1- Créer un projet CREATION D’UN NOUVEAU PROJETFile > NewRemplir les premiers champs (Title, Tags, Description, Instruction)Pour Target platform and orientation choisir « Gamesalad Arcade ».Un avertissement s’affiche : Cliquer sur Ok ENREGISTRER LE PROJETFile > SaveDonner comme nom « prenom_ninjatraining »Demander à Laureline où les projets doivent être enregistrés. COMMENCER LE PROJET Double cliquer sur la vignette « Initial Scene » Repérer les éléments de l’interface (avec Laureline) : Inspector,Library, et Scene. En francais : l’inspecteur, la bibliothèque et la scène.

CSP Summer School (Dispositivas del curso) Días 1,2 y 3 Day 1, Monday 27th of June 2011 09h45-10h00 Wake up Coffee Break 10h00-11h15 Hardware Introduction to computer science and hands on disassembly of a PC 11h15-12h15 Tour of Campus 12h15-13h00 Scratch 1 A practical where students will learn the basics of programming by writing instructions in an integrated development environment, Scratch 13h00-13h45 Lunch 13h45-15h00 Scratch 2 A continuation of the first Scratch session where students will learn more programming 15h00-15h45 Cyber crime (Lecture) 15h45-16h00 Coffee 16h00-17h00 App Inventor 1 Introduction to development on the Android platform 17h00-17h30 Quiz Test of the days content App Inventor Get Started Follow these simple directions to build your first app! Tutorials Step-by-step guides show you how to create even more apps. Teach Find out about curriculum and resources for teachers. Forums Join community forums to get answers to your questions.

Tutorial - The New Multiscreen Explained | tAIR - The App Inventor Repository A lot of messages have been flying around about the new multi screen features. I have been known for having the simulated multi-screen templates and will be updating my starter templates within the next month. Any way, I thought I would add a tutorial on how the new multi screen works. Feel free to add comments or suggestions for improvements at the bottom of this page and I will update the tutorial as neccesary. Create a new project in the My Projects area of the designer. Rename Screen1 to Home to change the title text to home. Click the Add Screen button and name the screen about. Click the Add Screen button and name the screen Help. Lets start building the pages out. Screen1 Make sure you are on Screen1. We are going to use a list picker to create a navigational menu. Screen Text Drag an Vertical arrangement to the Screen1 screen. Database Drag a tinyDB over to Screen1 and name it tdbMain. About Click on the About screen up at the top to change to the about screen. Help Settings Database

App inventor 2 en español (Juan Antonio Villalpando) App inventor 2 en español Cómo programar los teléfonos móviles con Android mediante App inventor 2 - Juan Antonio Villalpando -- Tutorial de iniciación de App Inventor 2 en español -- - Índice del tutorial: 0.- Presentación. 1.- Pitágoras. 1A.- JUEGO: Adivina el número. 1B.- JUEGO: Ruleta rusa. 1C.- JUEGO: Tres iguales. 2.- Propiedades. 2U.- VerticalScrollArrangement. 2UU.- Nuevo VerticalScrollArrangement como VisorDeLista. 2V.- Propiedad de la Etiquetas: HasMargins. 2W.- Botones y paneles. 2X.- Botón invisible. 2Y.- Nuevo Orientación de la pantalla. 2A.- CasillaDeVerificación. 2B.- Desplegable oculto. 2C.- VisorDeLista. 2D.- VisorDeLista. 2E.- VisorDeLista. 2F.- VisorDeLista. 3.- SelectorDeFecha. 3B.- Deslizador. 4.- Cámara. 4B.- TextoAVoz. 5.- (MAPA GOOGLE) Acelerómetro. 5A.- Sensor LectorCódigoDeBarras. 5B.- Podómetro. 6.- Reloj. 6B.- GIF animados. 6C.- GIF animados. 7.- Lienzo. 7A.- Botón sobre una imagen. 7B.- Introducir un bloque en otro. 7C.- Nuevo Introducir un bloque en otro arrastándolo.

Apps To Google Play Every app you publish must have a VersionCode and a VersionName. You can set these in the designer under the properties panel for the Screen1 component. VersionCode is an integer value that will not be visible to Google Play Store users. It is used by other apps to check if your app has been upgraded or downgraded. It defaults to 1 and should be increased by one with every successive change whether it is a major change or a minor change. VersionName is a String which can be anything you would like. You will need to increase the VersionCode and change the VersionName of your application when you upload a new version to the Play Store. Once you publish your application in the Google Play Store, other people will now be depending upon you to fix bugs and otherwise maintain your application. MIT and Google, which operates the App Engine service on which MIT App Inventor relies, make best efforts to ensure that MIT App Inventor does not lose projects. A Word about keystores
