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Related:  Brain,Mind,Psychology

How Many Friends Can Your Brain Handle? SAN DIEGO — Being a social butterfly just might change your brain: In people with a large network of friends and excellent social skills, certain brain regions are bigger and better connected than in people with fewer friends, a new study finds. The research, presented here Tuesday (Nov. 12) at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, suggests a connection between social interactions and brain structure. "We're interested in how your brain is able to allow you to navigate in complex social environments," study researcher MaryAnn Noonan, a neuroscientist at Oxford University, in England, said at a news conference. Basically, "how many friends can your brain handle?" Noonan said. [7 Personality Traits You Should Change] Scientists still don't understand how the brain manages human behavior in increasingly complex social situations, or what parts of the brain are linked to deviant social behavior associated with conditions like autism and schizophrenia.

Multiplier les erreurs aide à mieux apprendre L'entraînement ne suffit pas à progresser : il faut aussi essayer sans craindre l'échec, et se ménager des pauses. Lao Tseu l'affirmait: «L'échec est le fondement de la réussite.» Vingt-cinq siècles plus tard, le Pr Tom Stafford, du département de psychologie de l'université de Sheffield (Royaume-Uni), et son collègue de New York Michael Dewar viennent de confirmer l'enseignement du sage chinois dans une expérience originale. Pour s'approcher au plus près de la vie réelle, les deux chercheurs ont observé à leur insu le comportement de 854.064 joueurs sur un jeu gratuit en ligne, Axon, spécialement créé pour l'occasion. «Si l'on parvient à déterminer comment apprendre plus efficacement, on pourra apprendre plus de choses, ou autant en moins de temps», explique au FigaroTom Stafford, à l'initiative de cette étude publiée dans la revue Psychological Science. La première observation de Stafford et Dewar était attendue: la clé du succès est dans la pratique.

You can increase your intelligence: 5 ways to maximize your cognitive potential | Guest Blog The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Scientific American. "One should not pursue goals that are easily achieved. One must develop an instinct for what one can just barely achieve through one’s greatest efforts." —Albert Einstein While Einstein was not a neuroscientist, he sure knew what he was talking about in regards to the human capacity to achieve. Not so many years ago, I was told by a professor of mine that you didn’t have much control over your intelligence. Well, I disagreed. You see, before that point in my studies, I had begun working as a Behavior Therapist, training young children on the autism spectrum. One of my first clients was a little boy w/ PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Delays-Not Otherwise Specified), a mild form of autism. He wasn’t the only child I saw make vast improvements in the years I’ve been a therapist, either. Although the data from those early studies showed dismal results, I wasn’t discouraged. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3.

Inverser sa classe : par où commencer (et autres trucs du métier!) Afin de mettre en œuvre sa classe inversée, l’enseignant David Chartrand (présenté précédemment dans ce dossier) a commencé par produire quelques capsules vidéo et un peu de matériel écrit, qu'il a rendu accessible à ses élèves via le Web. Il lui a fallu environ 2 ans pour bâtir sa banque vidéo, couvrant les principales notions de son cours de mathématiques. Il conseille de ne pas trop se précipiter : il a commencé graduellement, une vidéo par ci, une autre par là. Donc : Pour leur part, Bobbi Jo Carter, coordonnatrice de l’apprentissage numérique au Calhoun Community College, et Alice Yeager, enseignante en développement de l’enfant, mettent en garde ceux qui voudraient tenter l’expérience de la classe renversée. Ne pas fournir seulement des vidéos comme contenu théorique; Tenter de ne pas dépasser les 5 à 10 minutes par capsule pour favoriser l’attention; Prévoir des activités d’apprentissage actif en classe, pas uniquement des exercices et des devoirs. Au niveau de la technologie :

How Technology Is Changing Our Brains A while back, Bill Keller of The New York Times stirred up a hornet’s nest when he wrote a column worrying that joining Facebook would have a debilitating effect on his 13 year-old daughter’s intellectual faculties. Technology advocates, including me, pounced. Now there are new studies out that seem to support his argument. I think the question itself is misplaced. What Makes An Expert? We come into the world not knowing much. We learn virtually everything that way, by combining low order patterns to form higher order ones. Experts define themselves by learning the highest order patterns through what Anders Ericsson, calls deliberate practice. In much the same way, surgeons spend years learning the patterns of the human body and experienced firemen become familiar with the patterns of burning buildings. How Machines Are Taking Over The fear that new technologies lessen our ability to function is nothing new. Yet computers can absorb material much faster than we can. The Power To Choose

Team Coaching as a profession | BTA – Brazil Team Academy Today it is rougly 6 weeks to go before the next Team Mastery Brazil team coaching program starts along with the other similar programs that will be kickstarted at the 5th Anniversary of Mondragon Team Academy in Basque Country, Spain in June. Team Coaching as a profession is still a rather new and rare although it offers great comptetitive edge for companies that use it. How is Team Coaching as a job and what are the needs it responds to? According to world-acclaimed team learning guru Peter Senge no high-performing team has been built without a team coach. For twenty years my team coaching work has included four elementary elements: experiences, thoughts, concretization and active experimenting. Team coach must have his mind and heart fully at the team’s goals. Team coach doesn’t necessarily have to be a top-notch expert in the field that the team is operating in. Team coach focuses on the strengths of the team members. Team coaching prepares people to work in the future world.

8 Common Thinking Mistakes Our Brains Make Every Day and How to Prevent Them 12.3K Flares 12.3K Flares × Get ready to have your mind blown. I was seriously shocked at some of these mistakes in thinking that I subconsciously make all the time. Obviously, none of them are huge, life-threatening mistakes, but they are really surprising and avoiding them could help us to make more rational, sensible decisions. Especially as we thrive for continues self-improvement at Buffer, if we look at our values, being aware of the mistakes we naturally have in our thinking can make a big difference in avoiding them. Regardless, I think it’s fascinating to learn more about how we think and make decisions every day, so let’s take a look at some of these thinking habits we didn’t know we had. 1. We tend to like people who think like us. This is called confirmation bias. It’s similar to how improving our body language can actually also change who we are as people. Confirmation bias is a more active form of the same experience. 2. 3. 4. Well, no. 5. 6. 7. The lesson here?

5 Strategies For Creating A Genius Mindset In Students How Can We Help Every Student Tap Their Inner Genius? by Zacc Dukowitz, When we hear the word genius, certain people come immediately to mind—Albert Einstein in mathematics, or Warren Buffett in investing—but what exactly sets these people apart? It’s easy to simply shrug and say to ourselves, “Those people are just different. But the steps taken to arrive at a place of genius are actually more concrete, and have less to do with innate talent, than you might think. When it comes to cultivating intelligence, mindset is a huge factor. A study of preschoolers by Diamond, Barnett, Thomas, and Munro (2007) showed an increase in executive control through a low-cost training regime of giving children experience with tasks involving inhibition of responding.A study of adult working memory by Jaeggi, Buschkuehl, Jonides, and Perrig (2008) showed a significantly higher “fluid intelligence” (ability to reason and solve new problems) through emphasis on mindset. What is “Mindset”?

Study explains how the brain remembers pleasure and its implications for addiction | Kaleidoscope - UAB Campus News Key details of the way nerve cells in the brain remember pleasure are revealed in a study by UAB researchers published today in the journal Nature Neuroscience. Furthermore, the molecular events that form such “reward memories” appear to differ from those created by drug addiction, despite the popular theory that addiction hijacks normal reward pathways. Brain circuits have evolved to encourage behaviors proven to help our species survive by attaching pleasure to them. Eating rich food tastes good because it delivers energy and sex is desirable because it creates offspring. This study in rats supports the idea that the mammalian brain features several memory types, each using different circuits, with memories accessed and integrated as needed. “We believe reward memory may serve as a good model for understanding the molecular mechanisms behind many types of learning and memory,” said David Sweatt, Ph.D., chair of the UAB Department of Neurobiology, director of the Evelyn F.

Decision Making Is A Science 1.5K Flares 1.5K Flares × Making decisions is something we do every day, so I wanted to find out more about how this process works and what affects the choices we make. It turns out, there are some really interesting ways our decisions are affected that I never would have guessed. Luckily, we can take action to improve most of these. What happens in your brain when you make decisions Obviously lots of things take place inside your brain as you make a decision. Why we accept the default choice Dan Ariely’s excellent TED talk explains this concept really well with the example of organ donor options on driver’s license forms: The overwhelming majority of drivers in the UK and European countries didn’t not check the box on their driver’s license application form. The funny thing is, in some countries, the box was an opt-in option, so people had to check the box to become an organ donor. When we get offered too many choices, the same thing happens—we shut down, unable to decide. 1.

How to Reframe Your Thoughts mind mapIQ Matrix Blog Buy Map Using Map Free Maps Never solve a problem from its original perspective. — Charles Thompson What is Framing? Framing is a mental structure that is built upon the beliefs you have about yourself, your roles, your circumstances, and about other people. It is a structure you use to ascribe meaning to given circumstances. Frames can be of a positive or of a negative nature; they can also be within your control or out of your control. When you decide to work on a project you set a scope or frame for that project so that everyone knows what is included and excluded. You will for instance use frames to handle feedback and criticism; to solve problems; to get a better understanding of the long-term consequences of your decisions and actions; to connect unrelated events and circumstances; and to make more sense of the world you live in. The frames of reference you use collaborate with your beliefs and values. There is however a positive intention behind all your thoughts. Types of Frames

The Irritating Reason That Overconfident People Get All The Breaks Why does society seem to reward those who are the most overconfident? People who are overconfident in their own abilities are considered more talented by others than they really are, a new study finds. These overconfident individuals are probably more likely to get promoted, to become the leaders of organisations and even nations. On the other hand, people who are not so confident in their abilities are judged as less competent than they actually are. The findings, published in the journal PLOS ONE, provide evidence for a controversial theory of the evolution of self-deception (Lamba & Nityananda, 2014). Being better at deceiving yourself makes you better at deceiving others, some have argued, and this study provides evidence for the theory. Dr. In the research itself, students were asked to rate their own abilities and those of their peers. When rating each other, though, those who were over-confident received higher ratings from their peers. The authors conclude that… Image credit: s-inator

How to keep your brain healthy Neuroscience research got a huge boost last week with news of Professor John O’Keefe’s Nobel prize for work on the “brain’s internal GPS system”. It is an exciting new part of the giant jigsaw puzzle of our brain and how it functions. But how does cutting-edge neuroscience research translate into practical advice about how to pass exams, remember names, tot up household bills and find where the hell you left the car in a crowded car park? O’Keefe’s prize was awarded jointly with Norwegian husband and wife team Edvard and May-Britt Moser for their discovery of “place and grid cells” that allow rats to chart where they are. We already knew that the part of the brain known as the hippocampus was involved in spatial awareness in birds and mammals, and this latest work on place cells sheds more light on how we know where we are and where we’re going. Yet great breakthroughs don’t automatically translate into practical benefits. Use it or lose it Neuro-enhancing drugs Avoiding damage
