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Women's rights country by country - interactive

Women's rights country by country - interactive
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extreme-heat-exposure-up-4-to-6-times-by-mid-century Heat kills. Vulnerable populations, like the elderly and children, are highly affected -- but the hazard extends to workplaces too, where heat has significant economic costs in addition to costing otherwise healthy workers their lives each year. I came across a new study by The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) on the same day I found the usual late Spring reminder on the issue of heat hazards in the workplace in my email. The folks at Industrial Safety and Hygiene News (ISHN) succinctly highlight the risk: "If the body cannot rid itself of excess heat, it will store it. UCAR predicts "the average annual exposure to extreme heat in the United States during the study period (2041-2070) is expected to be between 10 and 14 billion person-days, compared to an annual average of 2.3 billion person-days between 1971 and 2000." They found that increased exposures to extreme heat due to climate change alone account for only about a third of the projected trend.

Pourquoi la défense des droits des femmes est dans l'intérêt de l'Europe | Didier Chaudet On imagine que ce titre doit provoquer bien des réactions ironiques, bien des sarcasmes. En France, comme dans beaucoup de pays riches, on a beaucoup de Bismarks de salon, qui jugent savoir tout du monde de leurs terrasses de café. Cela explique les commentaires qu'on a pu lire après certains articles sur les victimes de Boko Haram: est-ce dans notre intérêt national de s'intéresser au sort d'écolières africaines? Puis viennent bien vite les discours définitifs de ceux qui associent, de plus en plus ouvertement, culture extra-européenne et positionnement rétrograde pour toujours: "tout ça, c'est "leur" culture, "ils" sont comme ça". Connaissant notamment l'Afghanistan et son environnement régional (et le vrai terrain, pas les hôtels 5 étoiles...), nous ne pouvons que nous opposer à une telle approche. Mais revenons au point clé de cet article: soutenir le droit des femmes à l'étranger est clairement dans l'intérêt de l'UE. Retrouvez plus d'analyses sur le site de l'IPSE

Dr Vandana Shiva | Author, Activist, Pioneer, Scientific Advisor, Mother Historiana : Case Study : Suffragettes and suffragists: the campaign for women’s voting rights: Britain and the wider world Suffragettes and suffragists: the campaign for women’s voting rights: Britain and the wider world The introduction of women's suffrage came at different times in different places. The struggle to achieve votes for women began in the late 18th century but had little success until the early 20th century - even at the beginning of the 21st century there are still countries where votes for women are restricted or denied. One important episode in the campaign for women's suffrage was fought in Britain from about 1880 until 1918, when Parliament finally granted some women (but not all) the right to vote. The struggle of women in Britain was similar to that of women in other similar societies: the United States, New Zealand and countries in Northern Europe, such as Finland, Iceland and Norway. ShareThis

Global Peace Index Les associations de femmes présentent 10 priorités communes, conrètes et positives À l’occasion des élections 2014 et dans le cadre des discussions sur l’agenda post-2015 pour le développement, les organisations de femmes en Belgique formulent 10 revendications électorales communes : trois revendications par niveau de pouvoir plus une dixième demande qui concerne tous les niveaux. Au niveau européen, les mouvements de femmes revendiquent : 1. 2. 3. Au niveau fédéral, les mouvements de femmes demandent : 4. 5. 6. Au niveau régional/communautaire, les mouvements de femmes réclament : 7. 8. 9. La dixième demande qui concerne tous les niveaux : 10.

Home - Helen Caldicott, MD How languages evolve - Alex Gendler What is the difference between "a hearty welcome" and "a cordial reception"? In a brief, action-packed history of the English language, Kate Gardoqui explains why these semantically equal phrases evoke such different images. What do Game of Thrones’ Dothraki, Avatar’s Na’vi, Star Trek’s Klingon and LOTR’s Elvish have in common? They are all fantasy constructed languages, or conlangs. This incredibly thorough map shows the branching diversity of languages throughout the history of the world. "The object of inquiry in linguistics is human language, in particular the extent and limits of diversity in the world’s languages. From the BBC, here's "a guide to which languages are most widely spoken, hardest to learn and other revealing facts." Music is a powerful communication tool--it causes us to laugh, cry, think and question.

what-if-carbon-dioxide-was-pink Written by Gregg Kleiner. Here’s one dads desperate attempt to slow climate change by thinking pink… As a father, I often lie awake nights tossing and twisting with worry about the climate crisis and how it will impact the lives of my children, their children, children all over the world. As a writer, my imagination fires easily, in full color, so I can easily envision the worst. I blink in the dark and see rising seas, mountains with no snow, super storms swirling on the horizons. On one of those sleep-deprived nights, I got to thinking about how I might use my gift for writing stories to help kids better understand climate change, and then take action. I talked to Green Diva Meg about it in a recent Green Divas Green Dude episode… It’s become very clear that we can’t wait for our politicians to ride in and slow climate change. So we can’t wait for our leaders to come around. But what if we could see carbon dioxide? Puffing from smoke stacks and tail pipes and the butts of cows? Bonus:
