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Ited Nations Population Division Home Page

Firms to Invest in Food Production for World’s Poor Barry Malone/Reuters New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition seeks provide aid to farmers like these in Ethiopia. President Obama and the leaders of four African countries will introduce the group of 45 companies, the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, on Friday at a symposium on food security and agriculture that will begin the summit meeting of the industrialized nations this weekend at Camp David in Maryland. “We are never going to end hunger in Africa without private investment,” said Rajiv Shah, the administrator of the United States Agency for International Development. “There are things that only companies can do, like building silos for storage and developing seeds and fertilizers.” The alliance includes well-known multinational giants like Monsanto, Diageo and Swiss Re as well as little-known businesses like Mullege, an Ethiopian coffee exporter. Almost all of the $22 billion has now been “budgeted and appropriated,” and 58 percent of it has been disbursed, Mr. Mr.

launches global conversation on sustainable development 22 November 2011 – The United Nations today launched a campaign ahead of its major conference on sustainable development (Rio+20) in June next year, inviting governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and people everywhere to engage in a global conversation about the communities they want to see in the future. “Sustainable development is a top priority for a simple reason – it cuts across all the challenges and priorities,” Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told a press briefing this morning. “We know that what we face – food insecurity, water scarcity, energy shortages, climate change, increasing carbon emissions and unhealthy oceans – all these are the priority challenges which we have to address.” Sustainable development is a top priority for a simple reason – it cuts across all the challenges and priorities “Opportunities like Rio+20 do not come along often,” Mr. Mr.

The Environmental Literacy Council - Urbanization Cities are where human civilization began; where the world's great universities, libraries, cathedrals, and museums are found. They have been the center of scientific discovery and technological innovation, of commerce and literacy. However, even in ancient times, cities were also congested ? metropolitan Rome and Carthage each had nearly one million inhabitants. There has been a major shift of the population over the previous century. There are now 23 "megacities" which each have populations over 10 million. There is also a wide array of environmental benefits to growing cities. Urbanization of the World This brief page gives an overview of urbanization, from the origin of cities to the urbanization of developing countries. The Social and Sustainable Use of Space The United Nation Population Fund's State of the World Population report for 2007 focuses on 'unleashing the potential of urban growth.' U.S.

Professor Alan Boyle, Edinburgh Law School Professor of Public International Law MA, BCL, LLD, Barrister Tel: +44 (0)131 650 2019 Fax: 0131 650 2005 Email: Biography Alan Boyle specialises in Public International Law. Alan Boyle specialises in Public International Law. His research interests include international environmental law, the law of the sea, the law of treaties, international law-making and the settlement of international disputes. He is a barrister and practises occasionally in the International Court of Justice and other international tribunals, mainly in environmental and law of the sea cases. read less PhD Supervisees Dr Handa Abidin 'REDD-Plus and the Protection of Indigenous Peoples under International Law' Justine Bendel 'Role of International Courts and Tribunals in Environmental… read more Justine Bendel 'Role of International Courts and Tribunals in Environmental Disputes' Diogo De Sousa e Alvim 'Human Rights and Transboundary Environmental Law: A European Perspective' read less Books Edited Books

The City Solution At the time of Jack the Ripper, a hard time for London, there lived in that city a mild-mannered stenographer named Ebenezer Howard. He's worth mentioning because he had a large and lingering impact on how we think about cities. Howard was bald, with a bushy, mouth-cloaking mustache, wire-rim spectacles, and the distracted air of a seeker. His job transcribing speeches did not fulfill him. London in the 1880s, you see, was booming, but it was also bursting with people far more desperate than Howard. Urban planning in the 20th century sprang from that horrified perception of 19th-century cities. The tide of urbanization must be stopped, Howard argued, by drawing people away from the cancerous metropolises into new, self-contained "garden cities." He was right about the human desire for more living space but wrong about the future of cities: It's the tide of urbanization that has spread around the world. And here's one more change since then: Urbanization is now good news.

Age.Mob » Youth in Action » Age.Mob Introduction Youth in Action is the Programme the European Union has set up for young people. It aims to inspire a sense of active European citizenship, solidarity and tolerance among young Europeans and to involve them in shaping the Union’s future. Every year, thousands of projects are submitted by promoters in order to get financial support from the Programme; a selection process aims at granting the best projects. Objectives The YOUTH IN ACTION programme is the EU’s mobility and non-formal education programme targeting young people aged between 13 and 30 years. Actions In order to achieve its objectives, the Youth in Action Programme foresees five operational Actions. Action 1 – Youth for Europe Action 2 – European Voluntary Service Action 3 – Youth in the World Action 4 – Youth Support Systems Action 5 – Support for European cooperation in the youth field Depending on the Programme Action, the selection process of projects is initiated in one of the following ways:

Dwindling Resources Trigger Global Land Rush UXBRIDGE, Canada, Mar 1, 2012 (IPS) - A global scramble for land and mineral resources fuelled by billions of investment dollars is threatening the last remaining wilderness and critical ecosystems, destroying communities and contaminating huge volumes of fresh water, warned environmental groups in London Wednesday. No national park, delicate ecosystem or community is off limits in the voracious hunt for valuable metals, minerals and fossil fuels, said the Gaia Foundation’s report, " Opening Pandora's Box ". The intensity of the hunt and exploitation is building to a fever pitch despite the fact the Earth is already overheated and humanity is using more than can be sustained, the 56-page report warns. "We're calling for a global moratorium on large-scale new mining, extraction and prospecting," said Teresa Anderson of The Gaia Foundation, an international NGO headquartered in London, UK that works with local communities. The easy-to-get resources are gone.

Campus Mentis Dwindling Resources and Why Population Growth Must Stop Earth’s population is approaching seven billion at the same time that resource limits and environmental degradation are becoming more apparent every day. Rich nations have long assured poor nations that they, too, would one day be rich and that their rates of population growth would decline, but it is no longer clear that this will occur for most of today’s poor nations. Resource scarcities, especially oil, are likely to limit future economic growth; the demographic transition that has accompanied economic growth in the past may not be possible for many nations today. Nearly 220,000 people are added to the planet every day, further compounding most resource and environmental problems. The United States adds another person every eleven seconds. We can no longer wait for increasing wealth to bring down fertility in remaining high fertility nations; we need policies and incentives to stop growth now. Writers sometimes confuse population issues. Economists do not deserve all the blame. 1.

Welcome This page is available in 24 languages Is an EU Career for me? Whether you are a student looking at career options for the future, or an experienced professional wanting a new challenge, this section of our website will give you all the information you need about careers in the European Union institutions. • Discover exciting career opportunities with the EU institutions and how you can make a difference for Europe. We believe we have some truly unique opportunities to offer the right candidate, see Why EU Careers? • Find out about the most common job profiles in the institutions, the qualifications you will need and how we select for the different roles, see Job Profiles. • Get a quick overview of the EU institutions and check where they are located, with links to more in-depth information, see EU Institutions. We recommend that you browse this section before deciding whether to apply. Top

Prospettive di sviluppo del diritto internazionale dell’ambiente: l’ipotesi di creazione di un tribunale internazionale penale per i crimini contro l’ambiente - Ambiente Regione Emilia-Romagna Trattamento dei dati personali: INFORMATIVA per il trattamento dei dati personali 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 8. Al fine di semplificare le modalità di inoltro e ridurre i tempi per il riscontro si invita a presentare le richieste, di cui al precedente paragrafo, alla Regione Emilia-Romagna, Ufficio per le relazioni con il pubblico (Urp), per iscritto o recandosi direttamente presso lo sportello Urp. L’Urp è aperto dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 9 alle 13 in Viale Aldo Moro 52, 40127 Bologna (Italia): telefono 800-662200, fax 051-6395360, e-mail Le richieste di cui all’art.7 del Codice comma 1 e comma 2 possono essere formulate anche oralmente.
