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Non-Hybrid Vegetable Fruit Grain Herb Seeds

Non-Hybrid Vegetable Fruit Grain Herb Seeds

The Four Steps Required to Keep Monsanto OUT of Your Garden Seed catalogs for the 2014 growing season are arriving in mailboxes across the Northern Hemisphere with home gardeners everywhere starting to plan which seeds they will sow in their spring gardens. A positive trend in recent years is the growing number of gardening enthusiasts choosing to plant gardens using organic and/or heirloom seeds. What most of these home gardeners don’t realize is that corporate behemoth and GMO titan Monsanto has been gobbling up the seed market faster than a caterpillar can munch a tomato plant! With one fell swoop in 2005, Monsanto grabbed approximately 40% of the US vegetable seed market with its acquisition of Seminis. This means that a home gardener could unknowingly be supporting the development and proliferation of genetically modified crops if the seeds used are from Seminis. Does this mean that even if you buy organic or heirloom seeds from a completely independent company some of your purchase might be supporting the bad guys? Yes, it does. Surprise!

Hood River Organic Seed Garlic - Garlic, Softneck, Hardneck, growing garlic, planting garlic Survival Seeds - The Survival Seed Bank Provides a Lifetime Food Solution for Families Sources for Buying Non-GMO Seeds One of the questions that I often get and have had myself for a while is where can you buy non-gmo seeds or seeds from companies that aren’t owned by Monsanto. Monsanto owns something like 90-95% of the seed companies out there. So the company might not be selling genetically engineered seeds, the money is still going into the pockets of Monsanto. I’m not down with that. Here are some seed companies that I’ve either worked with or have been highly recommended by others. A family owned operation right outside of Los Angeles, provides 100% non-gmo, open-pollinated and non-hybrid seeds. At, we are on a mission to help families and communities understand the importance of growing their own Organic/NON-GMO food – wherever they might live. UOG fans get 10% off their order just by using the code: URBAN10. Botanical Interests I also contacted, Botanical Interests to find out where they source their seeds from and their stance on genetically engineered seeds.

Welcome to Victory Seeds - Rare, Open-pollinated & Heirloom Garden Seeds Welcome to eFoodsDirect - Your number one source for high quality food storage needs. An emergency food supply provides peace of mind for life’s unexpected events. Choose the best emergency food supply based on shelf-life, storage capacity, and food quality. Considerations Here are a few things you'll want to consider when shopping for emergency food supplies: Quantity: Emergency food supplies are designed to feed you for a specified timeframe. Food Shelf-Life: Emergency food supplies come in diverse forms and include everything from basic pastas and rice to powdered milk and even freeze-dried ice cream. Storage and Size: For emergency supply kits that you store in your car, you’ll want a smaller kit. Taste and Nutritional Value: In the case of an emergency, you will probably have bigger things to worry about than flavor profiles or over-salted mashed potato flakes. So how do you choose the best emergency food? How much emergency food should you have? How much emergency water should you have per person per day? What foods are good for emergency storage? Final Thoughts

Owning It. Peddling a product that consumers can duplicate for free is a tricky business. With affordable consumer technology, you can now copy a song a hundred times, with no degradation in the sound quality—and most people seem to immediately recognize why that’s gonna make it harder to get paid for songs. But my first experiences with lossless, duplicable technology didn’t have anything to do with my career as a rapper. Seeds, quite obviously, are the mechanism of plant duplication. So if farmers can just save seeds from previous crops, why would they still buy them from seed companies? Monsanto is probably a familiar name to most readers. A lot of people are concerned about Monsanto. At these summer events, gardeners and naturalists traded heirloom seeds, which is perfectly legal because there’s no patent to infringe upon—it’s just a tomato. Monsanto seeds, as I mentioned, you’re not allowed to save. Both companies are employing similar strategies to respond to the challenge.

Organic Herbal Supplements - Oregon's Wild Harvest non-hybrid heirloom seeds Non-hybrid seeds are untreated seeds as far as genetic tampering goes. They can also be heirlooms if they come from an original source that has not had the seeds tampered with. Grown season to season the seeds are only modified by the weather and the growing conditions. People have fed off the crop for thousands of years. An example that should be checked on. p.j. floyd from Jaffray B.C., Canada writes: Substances produced in nature and substances produced in factories and laboratories are NOT identical.
