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If you see someone DROWNING lol

If you see someone DROWNING lol

Flithy Rich Dream Wish List | Sweep Tight - StumbleUpon One day if when I have entirely way too much money, after many generous donations to needy animals, here are some of the things I shall splurge on… Lazy river inside the house? Um, absolutely. Source My own island yacht? But, of course. Source This bunk bed to have the top as a reading nook! Source This shower for sure. Source Slides as a means of transportation throughout the house, to go down at least… Source And amazing staircases to go back up! Source Our bedroom, which will be attached to the lazy river, naturally. Source In our backyard we shall have this gazebo-ish area… And, of course, everyone needs a vacation home… Source I think I am being quite practical, don’t you?
