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Raccourcis et astuces Emmet Emmet est un plugin pour éditeurs de textes qui vous aide à créer HTML et CSS à la vitesse de l'éclair. Rappel des raccourcis principaux et quelques fonctionnalités moins connues. Par Matt McFadyen NdT : Deux articles de la Cascade ont déjà présenté Emmet, l'un de manière globale (Goodbye Zen Coding, Hello Emmet !) Pour compléter cet article de Matt McFadyen, vous trouverez un article de Jordan Moore à la suite, à propos de quelques fonctionnalités d'Emmet moins connues. Raccourcis Emmet Emmet est un plugin de SublimeText (NdT: et d'autres éditeurs de texte) qui peut être utile pour accroître votre productivité grâce à de nombreux raccourcis vous épargnant la saisie de code répétitif et ennuyeux. Dans les exemples qui suivent, la syntaxe en blanc correspond à Emmet, en tapant la touche tabulation on obtient la syntaxe colorée HTML. Utiliser > pour ajouter un élément enfant (child) Utiliser + pour ajouter un élément frère (sibling) Utiliser * pour multiplier les éléments En résumé Astuces Emmet

Mes meilleurs ressources Web - Madmic | Mon blog web Je viens juste d’ achever une formation de 10 mois sur le Web design et pendant cette période d’ apprentissage j’ ai récupéré des ressources web qui me servent tous les jours dans ma passion qui est la création numérique. j ‘ai classé ma sélection par matières abordées lors de mon cursus. Mes choix d’ adresses restent sujet à discussion, et si vous avez des suggestions ou des conseils sur d ‘autres lieux où je devrais trainer ma souris, je suis preneur (Merci de laisser un commentaire!!!). Mes ressources WEB et PRINT (gratuit ou pas) ou plus simplement le saint Graal de la snippet, de la brush, du mock up qui vous manquent… En Anglais comme beaucoup de contenus web de qualité. C’est un vrai trésor qui vous attend avec un mode DEMO qui permet de faire rapidement un choix sur les téléchargements que vous voulez effectuer… Vous trouverez en majorité du HTML, CSS et une pointe de JavaScript. - Site de news, d'actualités et de tutoriel geek et nouvelles technologies WordPress Channel - Tutoriels, thèmes et plugins WordPress Javascript 101 So, you have landed on this page from a google search or your teammate gave a link to here or you stumbled upon my blog accidentally and found the content to be nice but a bit advanced? And you also felt like building these apps but you think your knowledge of Javascript is limited and you want to expand on it. Or you just saw the link Javascript 101 when you visited my blog and landed here. Whom ever you are Welcome!!! In this post, I will not teach you Javascript but I will show you how to navigate around it and share resources which will be helpful for you to understand and work with it. There are so many awesome tutorials out there, this is just a road map on how to connect them. The path we are going to follow is simple. So, Let us get started. Javascript Essentials The first thing you need to know is that Javascript was introduced to make the webpages dynamic. You can find an awesome elaborated video by Douglas Crockford on how it all started. Also check out Sweet right! Also checkout

10 JQuery Parallax and Web Scroll Plugins for Amazing Web Experience With a constant evolution in web technology, web developers and designers are utilizing innovative methods and techniques to deliver an unforgettable web experience to the user. Many new techniques have emerged over the years and one of the most popular techniques is “Parallax”. With the parallax technique, the text on a website moves slower than the background, giving it a slick illusionary effect. 1. This is a simple plugin that generates the most common parallax effect you see on single-page websites. 2. Scroll Magic is a really cool JQuery plugin that enables animation of components based on scroll position. 3. multiScroll.js MultiScroll creates a split page with vertical scrolling panels. 4. This plugin is one of my favorites. 5. jInvertScroll – A lightweight jQuery horizontal Parallax Plugin This plugin enables you to move in the horizontal direction creating a parallax effect while scrolling down. 6. 7. 8. fullPage.js 9. 10. FoldScroll plugin generates an effect of a 3D CSS scroll.

Cisco Packet Tracer - Networking Academy Cisco Packet Tracer is a powerful network simulation program that allows students to experiment with network behavior and ask “what if” questions. As an integral part of the Networking Academy comprehensive learning experience, Packet Tracer provides simulation, visualization, authoring, assessment, and collaboration capabilities and facilitates the teaching and learning of complex technology concepts. Packet Tracer supplements physical equipment in the classroom by allowing students to create a network with an almost unlimited number of devices, encouraging practice, discovery, and troubleshooting. The simulation-based learning environment helps students develop 21st century skills such as decision making, creative and critical thinking, and problem solving. Packet Tracer complements the Networking Academy curricula, allowing instructors to easily teach and demonstrate complex technical concepts and networking systems design. Download Instructions Resources At-A-Glance (PDF)

50+ Best jQuery Parallax Plugin with Examples PAXMAN.js : Scrolling Engine with Vector Control A Scrolling Engine for making sweet static single paged websites, quickly, and by using HTML markup as config. Features: Parallax scrolling for BackgroundsAnchor triggered Class additions/removalsSVG MaskingChild Vectors LogosDistort : jQuery Advanced 3d Perspective Distortion This plugin allows you to (currently) do full-page 3d perspective transforms base on mouse position. Enllax.js : jQuery Parallax Scrolling Effect Enllax is an ultra-lightweight and super easy to use plugin for parallax scrolling effect.If you want your elements to scroll at a different speed, or you can say scroll with parallax effect, then this plugin made this super easy. jQuery Smooth Parallax Scroll Smooth parallax animations on vertical page scrolling using requestAnimationFrame and CSS3 3D transitions. Parallax Hero Image with CSS3 3D Transforms A full-width figure element, with floating images distributed in a 3D space. jQuery Parallax Scroll Plugin

The Abyss Project - Formation Informatique et Web 2.0 main Aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once enough data packets have been captured. It implements the standard FMS attack along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, as well as the all-new PTW attack, thus making the attack much faster compared to other WEP cracking tools. In fact, Aircrack-ng is a set of tools for auditing wireless networks. If you are impatient and want to know how to get started, jump to the Getting Started Tutorial. Aircrack-ng is the next generation of aircrack with lots of new features: More cards/drivers supported More OS and platforms supported WEP dictionary attack Fragmentation attack WPA Migration mode Improved cracking speed Capture with multiple cards Optimizations, other improvements and bug fixing … Note: Check trac for planned and requested features More news... Current version Latest version: 1.2 Beta 3 Zaurus (1.0-dev r830; older than beta2) Changelog Finally properly fixed the buffer overflow. Virtual Machine

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