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Lost in Translation (2003

Lost in Translation (2003

À bord du Darjeeling Limited (2007 Eyes Wide Shut (1999) - IMDb Before Sunrise (1995 Snatch - Tu braques ou tu raques (2000 The Painted Veil (2006) - IMDb Away We Go (2009 The Dark Knight, Le Chevalier Noir (2008) Un seul mot: Sublime. Venant d'un film de super-héros, je n'aurait jamais pu penser avoir cette réaction à la fin du film. Toujours réalisé et écrit par Christopher Nolan, avec les complicités de David S. Goyer et du frère du réalisateur, Jonathan Nolan, les trois hommes ont livré un scénario complexe et digne des plus grands films noirs du cinéma. Mais le personnage qui m'a marqué est le Joker, à la fois drôle, taré et ... Lire plus Un seul mot: Sublime. Un seul mot: Sublime. Dangerous Liaisons (1988) - IMDb The Dreamers (2003 35 Inspirational Movies That Will Change Your Life The best inspirational movies leave an indelible impression on the viewer. In this selection I’ve chosen 35; from Oscar winners to cult favorites, they’re worthy of anyone’s DVD collection. In an attempt to avoid this list being cliché, I’ve picked films you may not have seen before, and ones which may have slipped from your memory. 1. This wonderful period epic, loosely based on Mozart’s genius, boasts fine performances and exceptional music. “This was a music I’d never heard. 2. King George III loses his mind, throwing government into chaos. “No life is without its regrets yet none is without its consolations.” 3. A quirky, life-affirming claymation film. “My fifth job was a garbage collector. 4. A sweeping masterpiece from Studio Ghibli. “This is what hatred looks like! 5. Schoolgirl Chihiro is inadvertently transferred to the spirit world, forcing her to work in a Japanese bathhouse to reclaim her freedom. “Once you’ve met someone you never really forget them. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

A Royal Affair (2012
