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NLVM Number & Operations Manipulatives

NLVM Number & Operations Manipulatives

KS1 Numeracy A visual open ended activity to help with basic calculation and number bonds. Create number piles, Drag and drop the number bars to help explain a variety of concepts. A visual excersice to help with basic subtraction. Drag and drop the number bars to help with the calculation. © Ice Cream Combinations Shine + Write | Transum Software A different version of this activity is here. This is a visual aid designed to be projected onto a whiteboard for whole class exposition. It does not need to be an interactive whiteboard though of course that will make the resource more dynamic. The title "Shine+Write" suggests that the teacher or student can write on the whiteboard to enhance this visual aid.

Sumdog Sumdog > Sumdog's features > Games Sumdog's maths games are all free to play, whether you're at home or in school. (Why are they free?). Math Games Win the tug of war by getting the power of the tug. Select the number that rounds to the nearest 10. Win the tug of war by getting the power to tug by selecting the coin with the greatest value. Welcome to Math Playground Division…Bring It! We’re in the midst of multiplication and division madness in my classroom! To help the kids understand the termonology associated with a division problem, I created this anchor chart. I also revamped an activity I posted last year. I wanted my kids to have more practice with division problems while being held accountable for the termonology as well. - The Fun Place to Learn! - Free Games for Kids Free Online Algebra Games for kids Our free educational games are used by more than 20,000 teachers & homeschooling parents! Equation Solving Game Algebra Rags to Riches Welcome to Crickweb The Order of Operations Millionaire Game In this millionaire-style game, students will use order of operations to solve math problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division including exponents and parentheses. This is a single-player game that can be played on computers, iPads, and other tablets. You do not need to install an app to play this game on the iPad. How many points can you earn? Play this fun and interractive game to show off your math skills. The game is based on the following Common Core math standards:
