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LanguageTool Style and Grammar Check

LanguageTool Style and Grammar Check

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8 YouTube Tools to Help Learn English It always amazes me that despite being the world’s largest video library, YouTube is still blocked or banned in many educational institutions. As a resource for learning about almost anything, but particularly for language learning it is an incredibly valuable tool and a tool that many third party companies have started to build on and exploit to make its use easier and more engaging. Below are just a few of the many tools that can help educators exploit the learning potential of YouTube with a particular focus on English language learning. I hope you can enjoy these tools and if you do work in an institution where YouTube is still blocked perhaps you can use this article to help persuade the people responsible that the benefits of making the resource available far outweigh the manageable risks that it can create.

English ESL worksheets, activities for distance learning and physical classrooms (x85052) Blog - Top 10 ESL Websites Worth Trying in 2018 - Top 10 ESL Websites Worth Trying in 2018 Welcome, English Language Teachers! ELTs like us spend an incredible amount of time surfing the Web. We educate, question, advise, inspire, and collaborate online. We learn. We create. We post. StayFocusd Create Texting Fiction to Keep Your Teens Engaged Texting fiction is a new emergent genre of fiction writing that is becoming very popular among teens and I have to say when I started reading a few of these creations I can see why. Basically the narrative is structured as a phone based text conversation and can include images and videos as well as text and audio messages. The reader taps their way through the messages as a kind of voyeur, following the interaction between the two people to build their understanding of the story. The most popular platforms at present for marketing this type of genre are:

Virtual Reality in Use – Teacher Phili On 22 Nov 2017 the #ELTchat was on the topic of ‘Virtual Reality In Use’. This is a written summary of the chat, while an enhanced video showing some of the sites mentioned and a chat between the joint summary writers is at the end. The question to kick start was about the VR headsets available in the market. One of the participants mentioned Google Cardboard Box, the affordable Google VR set for schools. As there were doubts because some participants were not familiar with this VR possibility, this site was suggested for quick research. Google Cardboard is a VR headset that you put your phone into.

Nik Peachey's Educational Technology & ELT Newsletter 14th Feb 2017 Hi and welcome to the first February edition of my Edtech and ELT Newsletter. In this issue I have a great collection of new articles most of which focus on three main themes - Digital literacies for teachers The role of artificial intelligence in homework marking and support The importance of encouraging students to think critically about news and information. In the tools section there’s a great collection of apps and resources and a link to one of the most useful search engines for digital research and study. In the games section I have two more free games, one that focuses on vocabulary and the other on social development issues, but before we get into the details I’d like to share some Valentine’s love by offering a 75% discount code for all my books and resources.

English listening exercises and tests with selected talks English Levels (Based on the CEFR) A2: Basic - Elementary B1: Intermediate B2: Upper Intermediate C1: Advanced A1-Beginner and C2-Proficiency levels not available. 5 Benefits of Using Backchannels In Your Classroom Over the last two weeks I've introduced a lot of teachers to using Padlet, TodaysMeet, and Socrative in their classrooms. All three of these tools can be used as backchannel and informal assessment tools. I've written about various ways to use each of these tools in the past. (Click here for TodaysMeet, here for Padlet, and here for Socrative). Here are some of the key benefits of using backchannels in your classroom. 1.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 15 Excellent YouTube Channels for Language Teachers and ESL Learners January 13, 2017 YouTube hosts a treasure trove of excellent educational content that speaks to the learning needs of a wide variety of audiences. Some of this content is created by dedicated teachers and educators who took it upon themselves to promote learning beyond the traditional walls of their classrooms. For instance, in the area of English language learning, there are numerous language teachers (including EFL and ESL) who have set their own YouTube channels and provide video lessons covering almost everything related to language learning.

Pricing Your first 14 days of are free, and you can make account changes at any time - no hassle and no questions asked. Free Forever: For Personal $0/month Curate & share personal content. Share information beautifully. Unlimited elinksLink libraryelink ad banner TesTeach. Créer facilement des leçons interactives – Les Outils Tice TesTeach est une plateforme en ligne qui permet de créer et de partager facilement des leçons interactives, des présentations ou encore des ressources numériques. Elle est utilisable aussi bien par un enseignant que par des élèves. Seul petit regret, l’interface est en anglais. TesTeach tient ses promesses du point de vue de la facilité de prise en main et d’utilisation.

PlagScan. L’arme fatale contre les plagiats – Les Outils Tice Plagscan est une solution en ligne pour détecter les plagiats et vérifier l’originalité des textes que vous allez lui soumettre. Autant dire que c’est un outil que certains de vos étudiants ne vont pas aimer. Ne pas aimer du tout. D’autant que Plagscan est d’une redoutable efficacité. 6 outils pour detecter les plagiats et les copier-coller – Les Outils Tice Voici 6 outils en ligne qui permettent de détecter dans les copies de vos élèves ou étudiants les plagiats et autres copier-coller. C’est l’épidémie de l’ère Google. Le plagiat est un phénomène depuis longtemps connu et répertorié dans le monde universitaire.
