English (ESL) Literacy and Vocabulary Exercises Online
beginning English exercises numbers 0 - 10readnumber names, zero to ten:read spell A - a, B - b, C - c ...readthings in the classroom:read spellcolors:read spelldaily activitiesread spell months:read spellfamily:read spellvegetables:read spellfruit:read spellclothing:read spell places around the neighborhoodread spell rooms in a houseread spell accessories:read spell farm animals:read spellfast foodread spell intermediate and advanced English exercises kitchen equipment:read spell transportationread spell things in an office:read spell kinds of moviesread spell wild animals:read spell tools:read spellsea creatures:read spellspace:read spell San Francisco tourist places:read spell the Earthread spell insectsread spell fabric patternsread spell punctuation marks:read spell Greetings teachers of English as a second language (ESL), You should note, however, that although the game-like element adds some excitement, the simplicity of these exercises makes them somewhat monotonous. Cheers, Kurt
English Express
Adriana's story Here is an amazing story about Adriana. In 1986, she was left beside a road when she was a baby. It was April 14, 1986, near Victoria, B.C. The boys found a baby girl inside a bag beside the road! Got help The boys got help. Baby became famous The baby's story was on TV and in newspapers. Couple adopted baby Soon a couple adopted Baby Jessica. Adriana had a happy childhood. In 2006, Adriana was 20 years old. Adriana was curious about her birth mother. The woman didn't have any information about Adriana's parents. Adriana read about her three rescuers. Thanked rescuers Adriana phoned the newspaper. Adriana thanked the men. Now Adriana works at an animal shelter in Edmonton. Future plans Adriana wants to work with animals or be a paramedic.
BBC Learning
Adele's ESL Corner - Your free online English language website
I forgot my phone
This EFL lesson is designed around a beautiful short film by Miles Crawford titled I lost my phone and the theme of mobile phones. Students listen to a film and speculate about what is happening, watch the film to check their answers and talk about mobile phone use. Language level: Intermediate (B1) – Upper Intermediate (B2) Learner type:Teens and adults Time: 90 minutes Activity: Watching a short film, speculating and speaking Topic: Mobile phones Language: Present continuous tense; modal verbs of speculation and vocabulary related to mobile phones. Materials: Short film Downloadable materials: I forgot my phone lesson instructions The School for Training is a small specialist teacher training institute in Barcelona, providing innovative courses of the highest quality for teachers from around the world. Find out more about the courses and how to enrol here. Step 1 Tell the learners they are going to hear, but not see a short film in which a young woman she in a variety of different situations.
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If you're trying to learn English, check our courses below about adjectives, adverbs, articles, gender (feminine, masculine...), negation, nouns, numbers, phrases, plural, prepositions, pronouns, questions, verbs, vocabulary, excercises... to help you with your English grammar. Below are our free English lessons. Enjoy our courses! English Lessons Information about English English belongs to the Indo-European family, Germanic group, West Germanic subgroup and is the official language of over 1.7 billion people. The words "England" and "English", come from the word, "Angles". We hope the lessons above helped you learn English.
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Best Short Stories for Middle Schoolers, As Chosen by Teachers
It can be a challenge to get middle schoolers interested in reading. The thought of tackling a thick novel can be overwhelming, especially toward the end of the school year when attention spans and patience for reading are often running short. Short stories are always a great choice. In addition to requiring less of a time commitment, they are an easy way to expose your students to new authors and genres. Also, the best short stories are every bit as engaging and meaningful as the best novels. If you’re searching for more short stories, check out these recommendations compiled by the Seattle Public Library, the ShortStoryGuide, and Barnes and Noble. Plus, we love these anthologies: A Thousand Beginnings and Endings compiled by We Need Diverse Books’s Ellen Oh and Elsie Chapman, and Meet Cute: Some People are Destined to Meet by Sona Charaipotra, Dhonielle Clayton, Nicola Yoon, Ibi Zoboi and others. Don’t miss our list of favorite middle school poems, too.
Restaurant English: Ordering Food
Time: 1 hour Focus: The purpose of this lesson is to give false beginners the skills to order food in a restaurant. This lesson follows a simple format of an introduction and discussion, followed by a role-play activity. Preparation: The teacher will need to print off and photocopy four sheets: restaurant menus, the waiters' activity sheet, the customers' activity sheet, and the role-play prompts. Introduction: Tell the students that they will be ordering food from restaurants today. Usually, the student will say something very basic, "Hamburger." If the student gives a more sophisticated answer, then I write it on the board and then we begin to discuss other ways of ordering food. Discussion: The purpose of the above demonstration is a lesson in pragmatic competence. As a class we briefly discuss ways to order food: I'll have a hamburger, please. Role-play Activity: Now, comes the real focus of the class: a role-play activity to practice ordering food.. Restaurant Cloze Activity Target Language:
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