A Whole Bunch of Amazing Stuff Pseudo Elements Can Do It's pretty amazing what you can do with the pseudo elements :before and :after. For every element on the page, you get two more free ones that you can do just about anything another HTML element could do. They unlock a whole lot of interesting design possibilities without negatively affecting the semantics of your markup. Give you multiple background canvases Because you can absolutely position pseudo elements relative to their parent element, you can think of them as two extra layers to play with for every element. Expand the number of shapes you can make with a single element All of the shapes above any many more can be created with a single element, which makes them actually practical. Here's an example of a six-pointed star: Show URL's of links in printed web pages Clear floats Rather than insert extra non-semantic markup to clear the float on container elements, we can use a pseudo element to do that for us. Simulate float: center; Label blocks of code with the language it is in
CSS Fonts Module Level 3 Abstract This CSS3 module describes how font properties are specified and how font resources are loaded dynamically. The contents of this specification are a consolidation of content previously divided into CSS3 Fonts and CSS3 Web Fonts modules. The description of font load events was moved into the CSS3 Font Load Events module. Status of this document This is a public copy of the editors' draft. The (archived) public mailing list www-style@w3.org (see instructions) is preferred for discussion of this specification. This document was produced by the CSS Working Group (part of the Style Activity). This document was produced by a group operating under the 5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy. See the section CR Exit Criteria for details on advancing this specification to W3C Recommendation. Features at risk The following features are at risk; if interoperable implementations are not found, they may be removed to advance the other features in this specification to Proposed Recommendation: weight
8 Magical Dynamic and Fluid Layout and How to Make It Introduction Recently, I have been quite interested with a new kind of web layout - dynamic and fluid layout. It cleverly fills in all the spaces and rearranges each items and display it nicely on browsers, and they usually come with slick animation too. Some of them even have advance filtering for different categories. I found 8 websites that share the same characteristics and in the last section of this post, I listed 3 jQuery plugins that help you to achieve the same effect as well. Enjoy! Showcase How to do it!!! Alright, I guess you want to know how to do it. jQuery Masonry A dynamic layout plugin for jQuery. Reorder and filter items with a nice shuffling animation.
Nice Web Type – How to use CSS @font-face Code up top for quick reference, details down below—we’ll prepare typefaces for use on the web, go through @font-face CSS line-by-line, and get the experts’ take on browser support. Updated May 2010 with new syntax from Paul Irish. The CSS: The HTML: <h2>This headline is typeset in <em>your typeface</em>. Before we get started If you want to brush up history and basics, Håkon Wium Lie has a great introduction to the CSS @font-face property in his A List Apart article, CSS @ Ten: The Next Big Thing. Acquire a typeface You may have a typeface in mind, or you may have no idea where to begin. I have also experimented with several properly-licensed typefaces in a series I call Nice Web Type Likes, providing bits of advice with each example and explaining what I feel are each typeface’s merits. For this demonstration I’ll use Fontin Sans from Exljbris. /* A font by Jos Buivenga (exljbris) -> www.exljbris.nl */ Go grab a properly licensed typeface, then continue reading here. Use several font formats
20 Super Techniques For CSS Page Layouts Its our constant endeavor to bring the best of resources for our resources. This article is yet again an effort to do the same by collecting a huge list of CSS Page Layouts. If you are short of time, you can download ready made CSS Page layouts and if you want to add certain personalized touch, we have listed few websites below where you can make a CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), on your own without adding too much effort. As a developer, you know the importance of respecting the hard work others have put in making these CSS Page layouts. If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our older articles on Tips for Writing CSS, What’s Exciting In CSS3, CSS3 Animation Demos and Tutorials, and Comparison Tables. Advertisement Nice and Free CSS Templates This site contains free css templates for your website – Just copy and paste and there you have a stunning website. More Information on Nice and Free CSS Templates CSS Layouts A collection of 224 grid and CSS layouts. Page Layout Layouts
New High-Quality Free Fonts Creating a CSS3 Dropdown Menu #2 Creating CSS3 Dropdown Menu #2 This is our second drop down menu. Today it is in the green palette. Here are final result (what we will creating): Here are samples and downloadable package: Live Demo download in package Ok, download the example files and lets start coding ! Step 1. As usual, we start with the HTML. index.html Step 2. Here are used CSS styles. css/style.css Step 3. Our menu using only single image to reach custom backgroundwith and fading effect. Conclusion Hope you enjoyed with this tutorial, don’t forget to tell thanks and leave a comment :) Good luck! Initial idea has been taken from here. If you enjoy our articles, feel free to share our tutorials with your friends. tinytype Owner's Manual Perhaps a more accurate description would be an incompatibility table. This shows the state of default system fonts across the most popular platforms. I put this together as a way of finding alternatives to certain webfonts when page weight starts to get too heavy. Notes and Resources Android fonts from versions 1.6 and up except Roboto which exists on version 4.0/Ice Cream Sandwich and up (ht — Stu Robson).
Creating A CSS3 Dropdown Menu #4 Creating CSS3 Dropdown Menu #4 This is our forth CSS3 menu. This will colored tabs with dropdown submenus (animated with transition effects). Make attention, that all new effects (transitions) will work only in most fresh browsers like FF, Chrome, Safary browsers, possible in Opera too. Here are final result (what we will creating): Here are samples and downloadable package: Live Demo download in package Ok, download our example files (package) and lets start making this menu! Step 1. As usual, we start with the HTML. index.html Step 2. Here are used CSS styles. css/style.css Step 3. Here are single background for page: Conclusion Today we made new nice menu (forth), your comments and thanks welcomed. If you enjoy our articles, feel free to share our tutorials with your friends.