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Prerender - AngularJS SEO, BackboneJS SEO, or EmberJS SEO

Prerender - AngularJS SEO, BackboneJS SEO, or EmberJS SEO

imagemin/imagemin SEO for single page applications - Backbone.js Tutorials This tutorial will show you how to index your application on search engines. As the author I believe that servers should be completely independent of the client in the age of API's. Which speeds up development for the ever increasing array of clients. It is on the shoulders of the search engines to conform and they should not dictate how the web is stored and accessed. In 2009 Google released the idea of escaped fragments. The idea simply stating that if a search engine should come across your JavaScript application then you have the permission to redirect the search engine to another URL that serves the fully rendered version of the page (The current search engines cannot execute much JavaScript (Some people speculate that Google Chrome was born of Google Search wishing to successfully render every web page to retrieve ajaxed content)). How does redirecting bots work? Implementation using Phantom.js Phantom.js is a headless webkit browser. Redirecting bots Relevant Links

lodash/lodash node-seo A connect middleware that serves html snapshots of single page apps node-seo is a connect middleware that can generate, cache and serve HTML snapshots of single page web apps for search bots. Uses PhantomJS for generating snapshots. Installation via npm: $ npm install seo Configuration node-seo can be used as a middleware for connect/express, like this: var express = require'express'; var seo = require'seo'; var app = express; appuse cacheDirectory: pathresolveprocesscwd '.seo-cache' routes: require'. requestURL: ' init; applisten8080; In this case, node-seo will use seo-routes.js to check whether it should create a snapshot for the current path. if requestpath === '/' return true; return false;

Use Cases For CSS Vertical Media Queries Two weeks ago, Sara Soueidan tweeted about the love of CSS Vertical Media Queries, I’ve remembered that I used them in some projects and so I decided to write an article about them. We all love media queries, don’t we? Without them our layouts won’t be responsive. Media queries that check for min-width and max-width are well-known and used a lot. In this article we will explore different use cases for using vertical media queries in CSS. So we will focus on min-height and max-height. Sometimes the designer work on a web page that is divided into multiple sections, each one should occupy the full viewport height. The solution is that we apply the height: 100vh only if the height is bigger than a specified value, test your design and when you notice that something is broken, add a breakpoint. Demo Fixed headers are a trend and requested from clients a lot these days. Usually the modal (dialog) should be centered vertically and horizontally. There are a lot of patterns for mobile navigation.

How Google Sees Node.js This is going to be a lightweight post about Node.js. No coding. Nothing hardcore. Just a little fun tour in the world of Google and the Node.js ecosystem. Personal intro to Node.js It was back in September 2014 when Gergely and Peter, two founders of RisingStack told me that they would be starting a Node.js consulting company. This is how the conversation pretty much looked like: Gergely & Peter: We are going to launch a Node.js consulting company. This is how it all started. Rank RisingStack in the top 10 on Google for the keyword: "Node.js consulting". I knew that it would take about 3 months to achieve this. Getting to know Node.js First I turned to Wikipedia and looked for Node.js: There are many tools out there you can use to check keywords, understand topics and analyze trends. Google Trends If you search "Node.js" on Google Trends here's what you get Interest over time Regional Interest (Region) Regional Interest (City) Regional Interest Map (City) Conclusion

SEO with Node.js's Express prerender/prerender-node SEO.js - Getting Started with Node.js To use SEO.js with a Node.js app install the express-seojs package: $ npm install express-seojs --save Configure your API key In the initialization section of your app invoke the middleware. var seojs = require('express-seojs');app.use(seojs('YOUR_API_KEY')); Alternatively, if you prefer to keep credentials separate from code you can set the SEOJS_TOKEN environment variable and leave it empty in the code: app.use(seojs()); After this your app.js should look something like this: var express = require('express');var app = express(); var seojs = require('express-seojs');app.use(seojs('YOUR_API_KEY')); app.get('/', function(req, res){ res.send('hello world');}); app.listen(3000); Requests to your app containing the _escaped_fragment_ query parameter will now be forwarded to our CDN. Enable AJAX crawling To tell search engine crawlers that your site allows AJAX crawling you need to add the fragment meta tag to your HTML header. <head><meta name="fragment" content="!" Use compatible URLs /nice#!

Making AJAX Applications Crawlable - Webmasters If you're running an AJAX application with content that you'd like to appear in search results, we have a new process that, when implemented, can help Google (and potentially other search engines) crawl and index your content. Historically, AJAX applications have been difficult for search engines to process because AJAX content is produced dynamically by the browser and thus not visible to crawlers. While there are existing methods for dealing with this problem, they involve regular manual maintenance to keep the content up-to-date. Learn more Learn why search engines don't see the content you see and what needs to happen to fix this. Getting started guide Get started in making your AJAX application visible to search engines. Creating HTML snapshots Learn more about creating HTML snapshots, and which technique might be best suited for your application. Frequently asked questions Having trouble? Specification Get the details.

What are some ways websites built on node.js handle SEO? 9 Tried-and-Tested SEO Strategies for 2015 Sound SEO strategies lead to online success and business growth, but with the web and search engines constantly evolving, it can be hard to know what those are. To complicate matters, there’s a lot of misinformation out there. The solution is pretty simple, though: keep abreast of changes and follow industry best practices. In case you haven’t been doing that, here’s a list of nine things you can start implementing today that will increase your traffic, leads, and conversions, as well as enhance your online reputation. 1. If this isn’t one of your top priority SEO strategies, it should be. 2. Well, maybe not completely, but it makes much more sense to track ROI metrics. 3. Inbound links have always been a Google ranking signal. 4. Since the introduction of Hummingbird, Google handles queries differently. 5. 6. There was a time when having a social presence meant signing up on all available platforms and sharing a bunch of content. 7. Change your URLs to static. 8. 9.

7 SEO Strategies You Can't be Without in 2015 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) sounds a bit like rocket science. With the right combo of this widget and that module, add in time, subtract theory and maybe the equation will produce a solution better than the last. Like most technology, what was applied last year in online marketing efforts may already be outdated. Those tactics are dying a slow half-life while the competition is jumping to the top of search. With every new year, you must reevaluate your strategies without having to dedicate a good chunk of the marketing department’s change. When much of the bottom-line depends on the ability to reach more potential customers, readers and service users, it only makes sense to do everything in your power to enhance that reach. To do so, enlist the company of tried and true third party tools as well as free resources from the search engine rulers themselves, Google and Bing. 1. In a recent study, GlobalWebIndex took a sampling of 170,000 adults in 32 markets around the globe. 2. 3. 4.
