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People in the Bayeux Tapestry

People in the Bayeux Tapestry

Bildwirkerey von Bayeux National Gallery of Art NGAkids Art Zone SEA-SAWS SEA-SAWS is fun for kids of all ages. Select photographs of natural and man-made objects, then arrange the pieces to create a seascape or an abstract composition. The BUILD tool helps you construct animated characters and set them in motion. (Shockwave, 7.5 MB) FACES & PLACES helps children of all ages create portraits and landscape paintings in the style of American naive artists. Photo Op is a large program and it may take some time to download. The NGAkids Still Life (Shockwave, 8 MB) helps you create interactive art that mirrors the paintings of the old masters. A still life slideshow (Flash, 32K) features photographs of real paintings and art objects in the National Gallery of Art that were the inspiration for this interactive. BRUSHster is a painting machine for all ages. In Holland during the 17th and 18th centuries, the "poppenhuis" or dollhouse was an adult diversion, but our online DUTCH HOUSE is fun for kids of all ages.

Make a mosaic Design a mosaic Index --- Roman --- large --- triangles --- no mortar --- black & white --- simple --- geometric --- Greek key --- maze --- knot --- Fishbourne --- information --- saving These webpages allow you to design a mosaic online. © Jo Edkins 2007 - index to all my websites - any questions or comments, email me Storytelling Alice Disclaimers: Storytelling Alice was created as part of the research for my PhD dissertation. It has not been heavily tested in the classroom (as Alice 2 has) and no support is available. It is available for download in part because of the overwhelming number of requests that I have received and in part because it provides a glimpse of some of the ideas influencing the design of Alice 3. But, use at your own risk. Storytelling Alice and Alice 2 share some but not all of their code base. Download Storytelling Alice is distributed as a zip file. Storytelling Alice Brochure: This is designed to be a folded booklet that reviews Storytelling Alice basics and introduces methods, loops, parameters, and multiple scenes. Download StorytellingAliceGuide.pdf

Fondation Bemberg : L'art en s'amusant Le portrait L'énigme Tête de jeune paysan - Paul GAUGUIN (1848-1903) – Fin XIXe siècle – Huile sur toile Le paysage Petite histoire de la peinture La nature morte Parmi toutes les couleurs qui composent le visage de l’enfant, tu peux distinguer deux ensembles : les couleurs chaudes et les couleurs froides. La scène de genre Les couleurs chaudes évoquent le feu, le soleil, la chaleur… comme le jaune, l’orange, le rouge… Les couleurs froides suggèrent la glace, l’eau, le froid… comme le bleu, le vert, le violet… Revoir les couleurs originales > Observe à nouveau le visage. Une couleur crée une zone d’ombre Les couleurs employées par le peintre ne sont pas le reflet de la réalité. alors qu’une couleur évoque une zone de lumière > Tu peux donc en conclure que… froide chaude Regarde bien ces 4 visages. Dans ses représentations de femmes, cet artiste germanique du XVIe siècle réutilise les mêmes critères physiques. La plupart des œuvres rencontrées dans ces deux jeux appartiennent au genre portrait.

StoryChasers Storychasers offers several different iPad-based digital storytelling workshops, primarily focused on helping teachers facilitate student multimedia projects in the classroom with students using iPads. These are offered both as full-day, on-site workshops for teachers and staff, as well as open workshops individuals can register to attend. Our workshops are BYO-iPad: Bring Your Own iPad! Participants in our workshops teach in both “1 to 1” iPad settings (where every student and teacher has an iPad) as well as cart / checkout settings where iPads are available for student/teacher use when needed. Learn more about our workshop leaders, register to attend an upcoming workshop, or contact us to inquire about bringing a Storychasers workshop to your school, conference, event, or other organization. We currently offer four different iPad-based digital storytelling workshops: Narrated Slideshows and Screencasts with the iPad iPad Quick Edit Videography Intermediate iPad Digital Storytelling

22 forme di narrazione per scrittori e storyteller Quanti modi esistono per raccontare una storia? O, meglio, quante forme di racconto possiamo usare per la nostra storia? In ogni progetto narrativo va decisa anche la struttura del racconto – romanzo, racconto propriamente detto, dramma teatrale, storytelling, fino ai progetti transmediali – e le sue caratteristiche. In questo post ho elencato 22 forme narrative che possono essere utili a chi scrive, a chi deve raccontare per lavoro o per puro piacere personale. Libro-gioco o librogame (Gamebook) Un gamebook è un libro a lettura dinamica, potremmo dire, un libro in cui il lettore partecipa alla storia compiendo scelte in modo autonomo e non secondo le consuete regole impostate dall’autore. A differenza di un libro comune, quindi, il lettore non si limita a seguire la traccia delineata dall’autore, ma può far compiere ai personaggi altre azioni. Possiamo oggi parlare di due tipi di libro-gioco: i librogame cartacei e i gamebook digitali. Narrazione ipertestuale (Hypertext fiction) Spin-off

⭐ Story Generator Actividades Clase → Actividades para realizar cuando el estudiante va culminando la tarea asignada French Numbers → A French number dice, with written words to correspond with online lessons and interactive activities. Ecosystems Factor Dice → Factor dice for competition in ecosystems activity Actividades Clase → Actividades para realizar cuando el estudiante va culminando la tarea asignada French Numbers → A French number dice, with written words to correspond with online lessons and interactive activities. Ecosystems Factor Dice → Factor dice for competition in ecosystems activity
