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How To Tackle Digital Citizenship During The First 5 Days Of School

Crowdsourced School Social Media Policy Now Available I’ve been seeing a lot of people on social media looking for a social media policy and / or an acceptable use policy. So I offered to help spearhead an initiative where some of our amazing readers could help craft these policies from scratch. It started out very basic but, 400 edits later, has materialized into a thoughtful and well-organized document that’s a great template for any school. Want to edit the living document? Social Media Responsible Use Guidelines 2012-2013 We encourage teachers, students, staff, and other school community members to use social networking/media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) as a way to connect with others, share educational resources, create and curate educational content, and enhance the classroom experience. We’ve created these social networking/media guidelines for you to follow when representing the school in the virtual world. Please do the following: Use good judgment We expect you to use good judgment in all situations. Be respectful Be a good listener

Week 1 of School: Selling the Value of Literacy I sell literacy. I do. If I don't sell kids on wanting to learn to read and write as well as they can, they won't. Sometimes it's an especially hard sell for kids in middle school, both for those who are competent in these areas but choose to be illiterate, and for those who have always struggled with these skills. You've heard the old axiom, "What you plant in September, you reap in June," so it's crucial to set the right tone from the start. Here's what I do. A Kiss and a Strategy We read one of my favorite poems the first day of school, Naomi Shihab Nye's "A Valentine for Ernest Mann". The next day in class I give them materials, a set of instructions for making such a box, and well wishes. During our third day together, we debrief about why I gave them the box on that first day and asked them to construct one the next. Possible Consequences and Rewards

BaliEng240&414: "Valentine for Ernest Mann" by Naomi Shihab Nye « Role of a Poet | Main | Mapping of "The Lightning is a Yellow Fork" by Emily Dickinson » "Valentine for Ernest Mann" by Naomi Shihab Nye You can't order a poem like you order a taco. Still, I like your spirit. Once I knew a man who gave his wife two skunks for a valentine. Maybe if we re-invent whatever our lives give us we find poems. --This poem maps the origin of poetry itself. Posted by pbali at October 21, 2007 02:34 PM I love this poem. Posted by: stablowz at November 5, 2007 07:56 PM I find it almost impossible to not find a poam wherever I travel. Thanks for the Nye poem; I'll pass it on to the 240 network in a post.
