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Global Atlas for Solar & Wind - IRENA

Global Atlas for Solar & Wind - IRENA
Related:  Environment & Sustainability

RECONFIGURACION EMPLEOS Changing Forest Cover Since the Soviet Era acquired 1985 - 2012download large image (7 MB, JPEG, 5101x3188) acquired 1985 - 2012download large Eastern Europe image (21 MB, JPEG, 11802x11401) When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the political and economic effects were profound for the 290 million people under its rule. But the effects were not limited to the people. After compiling a new satellite-based data set, a team of scientists has published maps showing how Eastern Europe’s forests have changed over 27 years. “Forests generally recovered quickly,” noted Potapov. Across the study area, forest cover grew by 4.7 percent, increasing from 216 million hectares (533 million acres) in 1985 to 226 million hectares (558 million acres) in 2012. acquired 1985 - 2012 Timber harvesting was the primary cause of forest change, accounting for more than 90 percent. The breakup of the Soviet Union rippled through the timber industries of the various countries. acquired 1985 - 2012download large image (5 MB, JPEG, 6120x3826) Instrument(s):

RiskEnergy Tekaisu – Opasnet Suomi Tekaisu-ajattelun keskeiset osat (sininen), osamenetelmät (vihreä)ja niiden ajallinen sijoittuminen päätöksentekoprosessissa (keltainen). Keskellä ja kaikkeen vaikuttavana on tahdonilmaus (violetti) eli päättäjän ääneen lausumat tavoitteet päätöksenteon vaikutuksille. Muut menetelmät ja käytännöt (punainen) ovat muistuttamassa, että päätöksenteon ja toimeenpanon osalta on tarkoitus toimia pääosin entiseen tapaan. Päätösvalmistelussakin monet hyvät nykykäytännöt jatkuvat, mutta Tekaisu-menetelmän tuomat muutokset painottuvat juuri sinne. Tämä sivu esittelee Tekaisu-hanketta. Katso myös muita aiheeseen liittyviä sivuja: Hankkeen yhteenveto: Hankkeen nimi: TEKAISU Hankkeen koordinaattori: Jouni Tuomisto, Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos (THL) Hankkeen kesto: 2012-2014 Osallistujat: THL, STM, Nordem Oy, Kuopion kaupunki, mahdollisesti muita kuntia. Keskeiset tulokset Muutospaineita on erityisesti päätösvalmistelussa. Hankkeen toimintaperiaatteen mukaisia pilotteja ollaan käynnistämässä.

Lecciones · El conocimiento <i>open source</i>. La apertura estratégica como arquitectura para la gestión del conocimiento By the dawn of the twenty-first century, new technologies transformed the way students learn, faculty member teach, scholars inquire, and librarians deliver research resources. (Hess y Ostrom, 2007:85) Este trabajo postula que los procesos de generación de ideas, conocimiento e innovación se enfrentan a un paradigma de apertura, intercambio y colaboración que se ha visto profundamente influenciado por las nuevas apropiaciones sociales de las tecnologías de información. El análisis se establece bajo los principios del "open innovation"(1) descritos por Chesbrough y otros (2006). El presente texto ha sido elaborado en un momento de la historia en que la masificación de las nuevas herramientas para generar y explotar tanto la información como el conocimiento, han adquirido una relevancia y visibilidad sustantiva. Resulta axiomática la conformación de nuevas pautas y metodologías que favorecen el "conocimiento socialmente distribuido".

Earth Surface Processes - Philip A. Allen Energy Intelligence Energy Intelligence is the leading provider of independent, objective insight, analysis, and data to the global energy industry. Our worldwide network of experts has been delivering market-critical information and unbiased analysis to the top decision-makers in the global oil and gas business for almost 60 years. Read more With a staff of seasoned specialists and affiliations across the industry, our expertise can be deployed around the world to assist you with a broad spectrum of research and advisory services. Read more Energy Intelligence is a one-stop-resource for all essential energy data, widely used by industry professionals, traders, and analysts. Read more Spanning offices on four continents, Energy Intelligence's experts deliver the global perspective, broad outlook, and specialized knowledge that frames our forums and forms a foundation for meaningful exchanges of ideas.

Welcome to the Multi-Level Governance Guide! | Coopenergy The COOPENERGY MLG Guide, based on experiences from nine European Sustainable Energy Regions, aims to provide all the information you need in order to implement collaborative sustainable energy planning processes and tools between regional and local levels, helping you to: Decide where to start and what to do next in your journey to develop a regional Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) and planning tools which are consistent with the needs of municipalities and communities within your regionInvolve regional and local stakeholders during the preparation phase in order to get their buy-in and support, ensuring long term benefits for your Region, its stakeholders and citizensDeliver SEAPs in partnership, avoid duplication, cut inefficiencies, and share energy resources effectively to help residents and communities make the transition to a low carbon society and economyIdentify where you can get further information, support and funding

10 aplicaciones Open Source para edición de multimedia Una de las muchas ventajas del software libre es que surge para suplir necesidades compartidas entre usuarios de todo el planeta, y qué uso más común que el de la edición de multimedia. Para todos los gustos y sistemas operativos pues todos funcionan en Windows, GNU/Linux y Mac -otro punto a favor posibilitado por el tratamiento ilimitado del código fuente-, están aquí algunas de las alternativas más llamativas: Miro Cliente para descargar torrents, lector de feeds y un excelente sistema para reproducir todo tipo de audio y video. VirtualDub Un editor y capturador de vídeo que realiza las tareas más usuales: cambios en frames, filtros, efectos, modificación de duración y fragmentos, manejo del audio, compresión y más. Audacity Para grabación de audio y tratamiento de archivos musicales multiformato. ImageMagick Para la creación, edición y composición de varios formatos de imagen (casi 100), especialmente el bitmap. MediaCoder Jokosher y Pinta Pencil Inkscape

The Undamming of America — NOVA Next Gordon Grant didn’t really get excited about the dam he blew up until the night a few weeks later when the rain came. It was October of 2007, and the concrete carnage of the former Marmot Dam had been cleared. A haphazard mound of earth was the only thing holding back the rising waters of the Sandy River. But not for long. Grant, a hydrologist with the U.S. Over 3 million miles of rivers and streams have been etched into the geology of the United States, and many of those rivers flow into and over somewhere between 80,000 and two million dams. Explore this interactive map of dams in the United States or search to find a dam close to you. Some of the names are charming: Lake O’ the Woods Dam, Boys & Girls Camp # 3 Dam, Little Nirvana Dam, Fawn Lake Dam. The names arose over the course of a long and tumultuous relationship. The Dams We Love When a group of settlers arrived in the New World, the first major structure they built was usually a church. The Dams We Love to Hate Dam New World

World Energy Outlook ZOOM: Home Peer-to-Peer Learning Handbook |

Posible descarga de información geográfica. by valzor Jun 17
