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Wilderness Survival, Tracking, Nature, Wilderness Mind

Wilderness Survival, Tracking, Nature, Wilderness Mind

Winter Survival How to keep warm - some tips General Winter Camping tips Snowshoes - How to make a pair of makeshift snowshoes from natural materials in the bush. By Allan "Bow" Beauchamp Shelter Making a shelter in the winter is a completely different exercise in the winter. Debris is hard to come by, and the ground is frozen, thus precluding shelters dug into the ground. Brush Shelters - brush is usually still accessible during the winter (ie, branches off trees, especially evergreens) Snow Shelters - igloos, snow coffins, quinzees, etc. Fire Starting a fire in the winter can be more challenging due to the snow and cold temperatures. Bowdrill in the winter - various articles and photos "Extreme Fireplow" - by Allan "Bow" Beauchamp Fire from Ice - several articles on this intriguing topic Snow Goggles On a sunny day in winter the sun reflects off the snow which can cause snow blindness, a debilitating and potentially dangerous condition which can literally blind a person for a few days.

Wilderness First Aid Tip: Use the powdery coating on Aspen trees as an emergency sunscreen If you're out in the Western high country and need an emergency sunscreen, try wiping the powdery coating from the bark of Aspen trees on your skin. It has an SPF of 5 and could prevent you from getting a severe sunburn. (click to enlarge) How to Master a Subject Hi there, thanks for stopping by. If you're new here, and want information, tools and resources to mentor yourself, subscribe to my RSS feed or get my posts by email. Also visit the Start Here page to find posts that others found useful. Recently I had a blog post on How to Master a Subject. It was a good blog post and some readers really appreciated it, but I realized that there is a step, a precursor to how to master a subject. If you are investing the time to master a subject, it makes sense that you choose an area that you have an interest in as well as an affinity for. If you do not already know what your interests are, or if you want to test what you think, the first step in this process is to conduct a Personal SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats). Personal SWOT Analysis Answering the questions in the above table creates an inventory of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, which will determine possible areas to achieve mastery in.

Cake Health | Home Survival Topics - Your Online Survival Kit Trois générations de toilettes sèches de toilettes sèches comprend les latrines de nos grands-parents : une cavité ou un trou pratiqué dans le sol, juste en dessous d'une planche équipée ou non d'une lunette de W.-C.. En raison des fermentations anaérobies (sans air), ces toilettes étaient malodorantes et très polluantes. L'utilisation agricole des effluents ne semblait cependant pas poser de problèmes majeurs. Pas même de problèmes sanitaires. , développée au 20e siècle est caractérisée principalement par les toilettes de type scandinaves. diffère des autres par le principe de fonctionnement, radicalement différent de celles qui l'ont précédée. La toilette à litière biomaîtrisée ou TLB Pendant des années, j'ai été agacé de voir ma pensée réduite à la recommandation de l'usage de la toilette à litière – appelée par certains - dont on me disait l'inventeur, ce qui est un bien grand mot pour une «invention» qui venait juste en son temps. Depuis lors, les problèmes d'eau aidant, on ne rit plus des toilettes sèches. Réf.: J.

Bushcraft Canada Forum Bushcraft Skills Information Wilderness Survival Skills Primitive Technology 44 Skills Every Successful Person Should Learn I don’t support the idea of being a jack-of-all-trades. I’ve always believed in mastery and focus. I however think that people who want to be successful should consider learning certain skills that can serve as valuable assets at the workplace as well as in life in general. Here I’ve listed 44 skills that I believe can work as little supplements of success. Speaking effectively. Many of the skills I’ve mentioned aren’t skills that you need to spend 20 years of your life to learn. The list is far from perfect so I would love to hear your tips too.

How to improve your credit score Here’s something that you’ll almost never see on a financial TV show: Consider 2 people… One has great creditThe other has poor credit In their 30s, they decide to buy houses of similar prices. How much do you think they pay? Simply by virtue of having different credit scores, the person with poor credit will pay over $68,000 more than the person with excellent credit. Source: Over $68,000. THAT is the power of having a great credit score. They do this because lattes and coupons are obvious and top-of-mind. But just because something is obvious and top-of-mind doesn’t mean it’s important, which is why I love mocking dumb financial experts whose advice doesn’t work. My goal with IWT is to show you what’s beneath the surface — what’s important, but not obvious — to get you BIG WINS. So today, I’ll show you a step-by-step process to improve your credit score, which is one of the top 10 Big Wins you can get in your life. The tactics: How to improve your credit score Source:

The Survival Monkey Fabriquer soi-même son gaz naturel Si le principe de méthanisation de la matière organique est connu et déjà employé pour produire du gaz à partir de toutes sortes de résidus, c’est la première fois en revanche qu’une invention permet de l’appliquer facilement à petite échelle, pour un investissement dérisoire. Pratique, bon marché et surtout écologique, le biodigesteur de Camilo Pagés est un dispositif capable de “digérer” la matière organique pour produire du gaz naturel grâce à des bactéries anaérobies (qui se développent dans des milieux privés d’oxygène). Ce jeune chercheur mexicain a eu l’idée d’utiliser une poche en plastique allongée de plusieurs mètres de long fonctionnant comme un tunnel. Les déchets sont introduits à une extrémité et parcourent lentement le sac pour se transformer en engrais, tout en libérant du biogaz. Celui-ci est récupéré grâce à un tuyau, pour être stocké dans une autre poche placée en hauteur qui servira par exemple à alimenter une cuisinière, un radiateur, ou encore un groupe électrogène.

The Official John Lofty Wiseman Website - Home How To Build A Treasury Bill Ladder: A Visual Guide So you’re interested in buying some Treasury Bills for the potentially higher returns, but aren’t exactly sure how to set it up. Well, this guide is for you! I’ve been laddering T-Bills for over a year now in order to maximize the profit out of my existing house downpayment savings and also my no fee 0% balance transfers. Quick Facts Treasury Bills are purchased at a discount and redeemed at the full par value. Visual Guide To Setting Up A Treasury Bill Ladder Laddering is a method of purchasing that increases the liquidity of fixed term investments such as Treasury Bills. Since each T-Bill has an investment minimum of $1,000, you would need to commit 4 x $1,000 = $4,000. $1,000 Minimum – Buy a T-Bill Every Month Assuming a discount value of $995: Week #1: T-Bill #1 will be issued on Thursday (net taken from bank account: -$995) Week #5: T-Bill #1 will mature (+$1,000) and T-Bill #2 will be issued (-$995) on Thursday (net: -$990) (and so on…) Whew!

How Strava Is Changing the Way We Ride - Page 6 | Biking Fitness Plans and Advice Strava CEO Michael Horvath. Cyclocross pro Tim Johnson. A few winters ago 35-year-old Massachusetts cyclist Tim Johnson, one of the country’s top cyclocross pros, was holed up in the Santa Monica Mountains near Malibu, training on the area’s labyrinthine network of canyon roads. He was staying at the house of Ben Bostrom, 38, a champion motorcycle racer and accomplished road cyclist. “It was pissing rain and cold,” he says. For the uninitiated, KOM is short for “king of the mountain.” And so, back in Bostrom’s kitchen, Johnson was suggesting that Latigo Canyon—Bostrom’s canyon—was no longer his. Johnson reloaded the site one last time. It’s not just competitive pros who are taken with Strava, of course: an army of more than a million users are turning their local tarmac into a daily time trial—sometimes bespoiling singletrack etiquette and terrifying casual riders and walkers on multiuse paths—and telling the world about it. This, in essence, is why Strava exists. Fast-forward a decade.
