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Convert Case - Convert upper case to lower case, lower case to upper case and more!

Convert Case - Convert upper case to lower case, lower case to upper case and more!

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Text Mechanic Enter your text for sorting here. Click "Alphabetical" for case insensitive, ascending, alphabetical sorting. Click attached "Cs" button for case sensitive results. Click "Natural" for case insensitive natural sorting of lines. Bonjour, je suis | Une intrusion dans l'univers des fontes How to Stop the Bullies - Emily Bazelon The angst and ire of teenagers is finding new, sometimes dangerous expression online—precipitating threats, fights, and a scourge of harrassment that parents and schools feel powerless to stop. The inside story of how experts at Facebook, computer scientists at MIT, and even members of the hacker collective Anonymous are hunting for solutions to an increasingly tricky problem. Geoff McFetridge In the annals of middle-school mischief, the Facebook page Let’s Start Drama deserves an entry. In contrast with some other social networks, like Twitter, Facebook requires its users to sign up with their real names. Students didn’t just message rumors to Drama Queen; they also commented in droves on her posts, from their own real Facebook accounts, or from other fake ones. Drama Queen was particularly ingenious at pitting kids against each other in contests of her own creation. Carbonella figured that all of these pages had to be breaking Facebook’s rules, and he was right.

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