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Covered in His Glory Cake Wrecks - Home Confessions of a Pioneer Woman I walked outside on the porch yesterday before leaving for church so that I could scratch Hooker‘s ears and reassure her that I love and adore her, which I try to do once a day so she doesn’t ever doubt it, when lo and behold, I came face to face with this bull. If you want to know the honest truth, before I was able to take my phone out of my back pocket and snap this photo, he was peeing…right there on the ground beside my flower bed. And he wasn’t just peeing—he was defiantly peeing. He was peeing while looking straight at me; my sudden presence on the porch didn’t startle or concern him one bit. I was but a speck. Finally, the bull finished his business but continued to look straight at me, and I stood there, somewhat frozen, convinced that if I made too drastic a move, he would leap onto the porch, head-butt me, and stomp me into the concrete. And without flinching, the bull turned on his heels and skittered right out of our yard. I don’t get no respect around here!

Crappy Pictures - Illustrated with Crappy Pictures Booking Through Thursday WIL WHEATON dot NET ASBO Jesus | The Ongoing Adventures… 1884 Knitted Lace Sample Book Milk & Honey Liturgy worship spirituality Glory to God for All Things Baby Steps Towards Plain: Inspiration from a Desert Monk A desert monk was summoned to Alexandria one day by his bishop. As he entered the city, he saw a prostitute, and he started to weep. "Why are you weeping, Abba?" his disciples asked him. This is a story that Father Alexis told in his homily this morning, and although I cannot remember the name of the dessert monk in this story, I content really struck me. "...more time and effort to be attractive...than to acquire the grace of God." And that is what I want to write about today. So it is important not to spend too much time dwelling on (obsessing over) one's clothes, one's head covering (or whether or not, blah blah blah), whether one is "plain enough" or whatever. And the effort, dear friends, ought to be put towards acquiring the grace of God.

