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Related:  Strategic PlanningPlantillas contenidosMARKETING

School Library Standards and Evaluation Resources for School Librarians - Index Menu for this page: Mission Statements | Action Plans | Action Research | Annual Reports Today it seems that accountability is the hot topic in educational reform. School Library Mission Statements Your mission statement declares what you propose to achieve. Action Plans Action plans detail the steps needed to achieve your mission and defines how you will evaluate your progress. Up to top Action Research Teacher-As-Researcher - Definition of action research. Annual Library Reports Annual reports provide a very effective way to demonstrate to the adminstration that you are improving the educational process. This site is maintained by Linda Bertland, retired school librarian, Philadelphia, PA. Free Buyer Persona Template Download | Blog | Ascend Every business has its collection of ideal customers—but while it's easier to try to market to everyone, it's much more effective to identify, understand, and attract the perfect people to your brand for maximum success. That's where buyer personas come in handy: each one you create helps you easily organize your research to successfully identify your ideal customers. That way, you know exactly who you're interacting with and how to best capture their attention and patronage. Why build a buyer persona? The best way to understand and attract your ideal customers is to map out exactly who they are. Building buyer personas for each major customer type is the best way to achieve this as it lays out all the details in an easy-to-reference format that can be shared and understood across every team in your company. What is a buyer persona? A buyer persona—or customer avatar—is a detailed description of your target customer that’s organized into a document that reads like a profile. Start with sales

Créez ensemble un contenu professionnel puissant | Xtensio Free Action Plan Templates - Smartsheet A More Collaborative Action Plan Template in Smartsheet Smartsheet is a spreadsheet-inspired task and work management tool with powerful collaboration and communication features. It’s pre-built action plan template makes it even easier to track plan details, communicate status, and collaborate on key strategies. Track assignments, due dates, and ideas, and share the plan sheet to coordinate and collaborate with your team. And, with Smartsheet’s powerful collaboration features like comments, reminders, and attachments, you can store all documentation in one place for everyone to view, access, and make changes in real time. Finding the right action plan template is important to help you streamline processes and ensure no goal is missed. See how easy it can be to use an action plan template. Try Smartsheet for Free Want more project management tips and best practices?

Example content strategy – Content Design Centre Many people we train have never seen a content strategy. In our workshops we take organisations through a series of exercises to get them to a point where they can start working towards a good strategy. Of course, if we consult, they have the strategy written for them. To sell or not to sell We often use 2 main types of strategy: one for selling content strategy into an organisation and one for organisations with a more mature editorial model that just need the strategy itself. Massive warning about this blog post I have totally made this up and it is a summary. Note about square brackets If a word or phrase is in square brackets, [like this] it means there is a note to you, dear reader or that it is meant to be a link. Type one: content strategy with sell This is a hybrid document. Introduction Publishing sits across many business units in our organisation and we are all publishing to 32 different sites. Purpose of a content strategy A good content strategy means our team is: The core Workflow

Comment créer et utiliser des personnalités marketing If you keep up with marketing blogs or publications of any kind, you’re probably familiar with the idea of “marketing personas.” Both traditional and Internet marketers talk about them as an absolute necessity, but can fictional people really help your strategy? We think so. At WebFX, we have detailed personas (complete with stock photo faces) that we keep in mind when creating any new site content or marketing materials. And by writing to specific “people,” we’re able to make our copy feel personal, instead of generic and boring. If you’re still not convinced (or just not sure how to get started), read on. Why do you need marketing personas? First, let’s start by defining what marketing personas are: Fictional, but data-based characters that represent different parts of your target audience. If your personas are detailed and you think of them as real people, you’ll have an easier time addressing their individual needs and values. How can you create marketing personas? Demographics Values

The professional learning hat Barbara Braxton The core of our mandate as teacher librarians is to enable our students to become lifelong learners. By teaching students, staff and other members of the school community about the information literacy process, we provide them with a scaffold that they can use in any area. This allows them to find what they need to know, whether it is solving a complex mathematical problem or learning how to start a motor mower. How many of us walk across the stage at graduation, accept the certificate that states we are now qualified teacher librarians, and think, ‘that’s it, I’ve completed my studies’, or believe that the only way to grow professionally is by attending teacher librarian-specific courses and conferences? Over the last few years, education in Australia has changed significantly, in part due to the establishment of the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL). Ask yourself how achieving this goal will contribute to: Put your plan into practice.

VMT Framework — Scott Kubie VMT is a lens for understanding the purpose behind your products and initiatives. The things we believe, the things we do, and the people we impact shape the way we see the world, the way we think, and the way we speak. The tools and teachings of content strategy are well-suited to facilitating understanding within product teams. Clarity in each of these areas will empower designers, writers, and business leaders to do their best work. Be intentional and specific about each of the six areas of this framework. Reading the Chart The letters VMT are simply a convenient initialism to aid recall. Vertically, the pairings of each column best describe the scope of each area: our organization or team, the project or product, and finally, the context of a given interaction or communication. Vision Visions are realized. Clear visions are ambitious. A vision is an idea of how the world could be different. Voice Voices are found. Clear voices are unique. "Brand building" is phony bullshit. Mission(s) Message

Créer un persona marketing, comment faire ? Comme vous le savez très probablement, en marketing, il est essentiel de connaître sa cible et de savoir à qui vous vous adressez tant dans votre communication que dans votre création, déploiement de nouveaux produits, services. Pour connaître vos clients et leurs attentes, un élément simple a vu le jour il y a maintenant un bon nombre d’années : le persona marketing. Et comme on est sympa, on va vous rafraîchir la mémoire… Un persona, kézako ? Un persona, en marketing, représente votre client type : mi-fictif, mi-réel. Elément clé en Inbound Marketing, le persona peut être utilisé dans tous les domaines d’activités. Le persona va vous aider à comprendre comment votre client fonctionne et, surtout, si plusieurs profils se distinguent. Maintenant que le contexte est posé, on passe aux étapes de la création d’un persona : comment faire ? La recherche des données pour établir un persona La recherche de données est l’élément clé pour la définition de votre persona. Synthèse des résultats obtenus

Plan, Persist Prevail (Hilda K. Weisburg) How do leaders get so much accomplished? Whatever they do works out. It sometimes seems as though they are luckier than other people. Attributing their success to luck, however, gives you a way out. Nothing could be further from the truth. A well-known phrase comes to mind, “Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance.” During my career, part of my ongoing planning involved my practice of seeing m Superintendent of Schools over the summer, although you might be better off doing this with your principal. In addition to making one of my plans happen, I was also sending an important message. As I reported in the blog she once said to me, “I have the feeling that if I go one step with you, you have nine others waiting.” That same Superintendent told me on another occasion “She learned the easiest way to deal with requests was to say no. What others saw was that my proposals always seemed to go through. I had been in this position for only a few years, but I wanted to make changes. Like this:

Esbozo de una estrategia de marketing de contenidos – Marketing de contenidos Pensar una estrategia de marketing de contenidos es una cosa, ponerla por escrito es otra diferente. Para confirmar cuánto sabes de tu estratagia, rellena los huecos de las siguientes frases: Vamos a invertir [presupuesto] para lograr [objetivos] en [plazo]. Y lo conseguiremos publicando cada [calendario] sobre [línea editorial] en [canales]. Este contenido gustará a nuestra audiencia porque es [buyer persona]. También he preparado la plantilla en PDF con un formato un poco más visual para que puedas descargarla y usarla en tu empresa.

Comment créer son persona marketing ? Les différentes méthodes – Sollya Combien de personas dois-je avoir ? Souvenez-vous qu’il faut toujours utiliser le moins de personas possible. Il faut que votre persona soit représentatif de votre cible et de vos segments, pas la peine de représenter chacun de vos users ou au contraire n’en avoir qu’un seul et unique ! C’est ce qui vous permettra d’avoir un résultat encore plus ciblé. Si vous en avez plusieurs, choisissez-en un « principal » sur lequel vous orienter en priorité. Comment procéder ? Il existe 2 méthodes principales, la méthode classique de « marketing persona » et la méthode « Jobs-to-be-done » (JTBD). Méthode A : Personas x Storytelling Ces personas sont relativement détaillés pour permettre de raconter une histoire et créer une immersion plus facilement pour les équipes. 10000 questions pour vos personas… Avez-vous réellement besoin de savoir si votre cible à 1 ou 3 soeurs ? Ce qui va être important ici, c’est de n’utiliser que les données dont vous avez besoin pour votre business !

*The Planner’s Hat (Barbara Braxton) A vision statement is just the beginning. If it is to come to fruition then it needs to be teased out in and supported with a formal strategic plan which becomes the road map to the destination of your vision. Such a plan shows the pathway forward, guides decisions, helps negotiate obstacles and avoid detours, has markers and milestones which prove your progress and ensures that your steps are leading in the right direction. It includes identifying purposeprioritiesgoalstimeframesperformance indicatorsstakeholdersroles and responsibilitiesfinancial, human, time and physical resourcesexternal supportdocumentationreview periods It needs to answer these sorts of questions… What have we already got? Purpose All that is done within the library, whether it is wearing your teacher’s hat or your librarian’s hat must contribute positively to the teaching and learning in the school. Priorities Not everything needs to be done at once. Areas of priority to be considered include Goals Timeframes Stakeholders
