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Elections in Action Lessons Whether you are teaching about this spring's primaries or planning to cover the midterms this November, the latest version of Mikva's Election in Action lessons is now available. To receive a *FREE* pdf version of these lessons (designed for middle and high schoolers), please click here to complete a short request form. You will then receive them by email within 24 hours. (Click the following icon to download a Table of Contents for this curriculum: 2014_Elections_table_of_contents.pdf (69 KB) .) Rock the Vote's Democracy Class Rock the Vote's Democracy Class Rock the Vote's Democracy Class is a one-period, civics education lesson plan that teaches high school students about the importance of voting, the history behind it, and registers them to vote. Campaign Ads: Create Your Own and Analyze Others Teaching Campaign Finance Additionally, you can click here to find the NYTimes' guide about the different ways one can make political donations. Listen to Me 50 States' Voting Laws in One Place

Congress for Kids - Interactive, Fun-filled Experiences About the Federal Government 40 Maps That Will Help You Make Sense of the World If you’re a visual learner like myself, then you know maps, charts and info graphics can really help bring data and information to life. Maps can make a point resonate with readers and this collection aims to do just that. Hopefully some of these maps will surprise you and you’ll learn something new. If you enjoy this collection of maps, the Sifter highly recommends the r/MapPorn sub reddit. 1. Map by Google 2. Map via Wikimedia Commons 3. Map by Stuart Laycock (via The Telegraph) 4. Map by via Reddit Pangea was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras, forming about 300 million years ago. 5. Map by Business Management EU 6. Map by The New York Times 7. Map by Teepr on Reddit 8. Map by 9. Map by Phoenix B 1of3 10. Map by Carna Botnet via Reddit 11. Map by Vizual Statistix 12. Map by valeriepieris on Reddit 13. Map by andrewfahmy on Reddit 14. Map by World Health Organization 15. 16. Map by Nelson Minar 17. Map by 18. 19. 20.

Social Media for Teachers: Guides, Resources and Ideas Although students are evermore connected to the social web, many of these networks remain out-of-class digital playgrounds where students congregate. In a 2014 survey of 1,000 teachers, just one in five said they use social media regularly with students. Of course, it can be a challenge to incorporate social media into lessons. There are many gray areas for teachers to navigate, like setting guidelines, accessibility at school, and student safety. More Great Reads From Edutopia In addition to those great guides, there is a lot of useful information right here on Edutopia.

election day Election day was a lot of fun today. We read Duck for President to learn about the voting process. Then just like Duck we made mini campaign posters and paraded around the classroom trying to gain more votes. We voted on our favorite way to eat corn. mini campaign posters Here is our booth and ballot box. They used dot markers to cast their vote. | Library of Congress Web 2.0 Tools for Kids Page 1 / 28 1. Mind42 2. 3. Powered by JOGTHEWEB Index Share It : Web 2.0 Tools for Kids The page must be refreshed to take effect.

The Race Card Project ® - Submit your 6 Word Essay on Race Hello and thank you for visiting My idea was to use these little black postcards to get the conversation started. But I quickly realized once I hit the road on my book tour that I didn’t really need that kind of incentive. All over the country people who came to hear about my story wound up sharing their own. Despite all the talk about America’s consternation or cowardice when it comes to talking about race, I seemed to have found auditorium after auditorium full of people who were more than willing to unburden themselves on this prickly topic. So the postcards that were supposed to serve as a conversation starter wound up instead serving as an epilogue. I asked people to think about their experiences, questions, hopes, dreams, laments or observations about race and identity. The submissions are thoughtful, funny, heartbreaking, brave, teeming with anger and shimmering with hope. Here’s the answer. I am grateful for the tremendous response. Go ahead. Michele Norris

Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives: Transition Music Part 2 and a Little Gov Catch Up Hello there! Thank you for all the comments about my post on using transition music in the classroom! I found a website where you can read more about using music during transitions and can also download some snippets of songs to use in your own room. Check it out here. My class is knee deep in our government unit! You can get your copy of the entire government unit here or by clicking the picture. Have a great Tuesday! C-SPAN Classroom | Free Primary Source Materials For Social Studies Teachers BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER

The 3 Branches of Government in 3D!! Hey guys! Sorry I have been MIA lately! I have been SOO busy!!! I have missed blogging!!! I have a SUPER FUN craft today for you to make up for my absence! It was super fun and super easy!! I hope some of you can use this in your classroom! Also, tomorrow is the SUPER SALE over at TpT! Just click on the button above to head on over to my store to shop! HAPPY WEEKEND friends!
