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Interactive Graphic Organizer Holt Interactive Graphic Organizers "Graphic organizers are tools that help your brain think." - Kylene Beers Graphic organizers are an illustration of your thoughts on paper. They can help you brainstorm, organize, and visualize your ideas. Click on a graphic organizer to download a PDF of it. Each graphic organizer below includes Teaching Notes with lessons and tips on how to use graphic organizers in the classroom. Help with PDF Files Generating, Identifying, and Organizing Details Determining Main Idea and Drawing Conclusions Order and Sequence Comparison-Contrast and Cause and Effect Process and Cycle Diagrams Evaluating and Making Decisions Persuasive and Supporting a Position Vocabulary Miscellaneous Organizers Graphic Organizer Teaching Notes

Free Map Creator The Click2Map Editor is a powerful Rich Internet Application. Its look and feel are similar to those of a standard desktop application. Click2Map's ergonomic user interface helps you create maps easily, even if you have no programming knowledge. Create your maps and add your own points of interest in just a few clicks. Display markers containing text, photos, videos... When a visitor clicks on a marker, an info window pops up, displaying the information you choose: address, coordinates, any kind of data such as text, photos, videos or even embedded HTML content. Add Lines and Polygons Lines and polygons can be used for multiple purposes, for example to mark geographical areas or to highlight itineraries. Personalize your maps with your own markers The Click2Map Editor comes with a library rich of several dozens of markers to which you can add your own images. Organize your markers into groups A productivity oriented professional application Create your personalized marker templates

Grammar stickler: Starbucks booted me - Starbucks’ strange vernacular finally drove a customer nuts. Lynne Rosenthal, a college English professor from Manhattan, said three cops forcibly ejected her from an Upper West Side Starbucks yesterday morning after she got into a dispute with a counterperson — make that barista — for refusing to place her order by the coffee chain’s rules. Rosenthal, who is in her early 60s, asked for a toasted multigrain bagel — and became enraged when the barista at the franchise, on Columbus Avenue at 86th Street, followed up by inquiring, “Do you want butter or cheese?” “I just wanted a multigrain bagel,” Rosenthal told The Post. “I refused to say ‘without butter or cheese.’ When you go to Burger King, you don’t have to list the six things you don’t want. “Linguistically, it’s stupid, and I’m a stickler for correct English.” Instead, she insists on making a pest of herself by ordering a “small” or “large” cup of joe. “I yelled, ‘I want my multigrain bagel!’ “She would not answer.

Home INFOGRAPHIC : The Neurology Of Gaming I am not that much into gaming but I know a lot of people who are, and after showing them today’s infographic, all of them had very mixed reactions. One wanted to shoot me with his laser gun, another wanted to blow me up with his Apache helicopter missiles while a third started humming the Tetris music while trying to bend me into a weird shape to fit into the corner of the room. Seriously though, a lot of studies have been done throughout the years regarding the psychological effects of gaming on people, especially on young children. As the infographic shows, there are positive sides to gaming too – improved problem solving and ability to work in a team, improved co-ordination and more. What do you think? Infographic Source: Image Credit: San Diego Shooter

ru_photoshop: Как я уменьшаю фотографии и навожу резкость Рассматривая результаты опытов Павла Косенко по наведению резкости на фотографиях, мне пришла в голову идея применить описанные им методы и совместить полученное с решением проблемы потери резкости при уменьшении. Я думаю, у каждого есть свои методы по уменьшению и наведении резкости, так что не стесняйтесь, делитесь своими технологиями. Perfect Sharping (2,5Кб), распаковываем и перетаскиваем в фотошоп. Этот нескромно названный сет фотошопных Action'ов состоит в моём случае из: Sharpening And Resize Select Edges Intelligent Sharp (модифицированный скрипт Павла) Unsharp Contrast (опционально) Texture Improvement (эксперимент)Итак, как это работает? Чтобы не трогать шумы, мы автоматически выделим (Select Edges) наиболее резкие переходы — иными словами создадим «мягкую» контурную маску. Потом я обычно делаю общее повышение контрастности за счёт последовательного применения Unsharp Mask с большим радиусом. Мы подходим к первой фазе уменьшения размера.

Visualize the Web Do you like concept maps? I do because I'm a "visual learner." I read a rather funny Twitter back and forth between two people the other day about in which one stated "We are all visual learners, so quit calling yourself that!" Funny and accurate. Concept maps were new to me before I began my M.Ed., and I fell in love quickly with Webspiration. My plan is to implement Pearltrees as students use their RSS feeds (via Google Reader) to explore topics of interest for their writing activities.

INFOGRAPHIC : How To Create An Infographic Here at MakeUseOf, we get lots of infographic submissions sent to us on a regular basis. Some fall under the category “EXCELLENT!” while a lot others get deleted right away. A lot also falls into the middle category which I like to call the “meh” category (thank you Lisa and Bart Simpson). The fact is that creating a quality infographic is not an easy task and not everyone can do it properly. Our infographic today comes courtesy of DIY Blogger and it shows you the 7 steps necessary to make a good infographic that people will want to look at. What do you think of the infographic? Click on infographic for a larger version Infographic Source: DIY Blogger Image Source: Selva

Убийца Иллюзий - «Поворотный Момент!» - Выключение экономики США-20 (июль-2010) Обзор прошедшего месяца. Сперва наиболее важные события - их несколько и они взаимосвязаны. Они произошли в разных странах и касаются разных вопросов, но их все объединяет одно общее свойство - они влекут за собой увеличение разрыва между долларовой денежной массой и объемом товаров, которые в обмен на доллары готовы отгружать. Каждое из этих событий само по себе является грозным знамением, а их совместное сочетание - обозначает поворотный момент, начало новой фазы дезинтеграции глобальной финансовой системы: 1. 2. 3. Таким образом, количество макулатуры увеличивается, а число товаров уменьшается - пространство для игр спекулянтов становится все меньше и меньше. При этом значительно выросла доля спекулятивных сделок (так объемы торгуемых контрактов превышают физические объемы отгружаемых поставок примерно в 50 раз!). Параллельно с этим идет процесс сокращения облигаций США в национальных резервах у иностранцев. Снимем текущие индикаторы. Резюме. а) в деньгах:

Spice up the classroom SpicyNodes makes education more authentic and tangible. Use SpicyNodes in teaching and research for a broad range of ages. Discover why SpicyNodes is an effective teaching tool. Or get ideas right away from the lesson plans below... Teachers from various disciplines have created lessons that incorporate SpicyNodes into curricula. Forms of energy (Physics) - Engage students in an interactive exploration of forms of energy and energy transformation. Are you using SpicyNodes in your classroom? More about sharing »
