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Healthy Living for Women through Fitness, Food, & Weight Loss

Healthy Living for Women through Fitness, Food, & Weight Loss
You perform a breast exam in the shower each month. You shoot off to the doctor every time you spot a new mole. But chances are you still don’t notice most of what your body is trying to tell you. See, even the smallest of changes—from a new line on your fingernail to a bump on your eyelid—can be red flags for a host of health conditions, some of which are life-threatening, says Michael Smith, M.D., WebMD's chief medical editor. And since your doctor sees you once a year (for 10 minutes, right?) it’s even more critical to be in tune with your body, according to Smith. Here are five of the most surprising… If you see: “Spotting” all month long. It could mean: Most women chalk irregular vaginal bleeding up to stress, and that very well could be the cause. Follow up: See your gyno. If you see: Dark lines on your nail beds. It could mean: Mutating moles aren't the only signs of skin cancer—the disease can also develop under your nails. If you see: Sprouting pimples or thick hair.

Christopher Hole Mother-In-Law Fruit Dip -                     Green Teeth and Sweet Thumbs This creamy fruit dip recipe was a big hit at a summer party my Mother-in-Law threw for my bridal shower and I got the recipe from her so I could share it. A few weeks later I was having some girls over for a small pot luck to ease my premarital jitters and I made her recipe. Needless to say it was a big hit with several of the women asking me for the recipe in emails over the course of that month! Today I made it for a Fathers Day BBQ and once again more people wanted the recipe (including my brother's Mother-in-Law to be! Thus the title!) Ingredients 1 package 8 oz cream cheese1 jar (7.5 oz) of Marshmallow Fluff (or less to taste)1/2 teaspoon Vanilla1/4 cup heavy whipping cream Mix and chill until ready to serve. Serve with strawberries, pineapple, apples, and melon wedges.

Amazing Body Now, Proven Natural Weight Loss Secrets — 5 Ways To Lose Belly Fat, Best Weight Loss, Exercise Motivation, Weight Loss Help Cakepops With The Babycakes Cake Pop Maker – And A Babycakes Cakepop Maker Giveaway! One of my Mother’s Day gifts this year was the Babycakes Cake Pop Maker. I will admit, my first thought was “I bet this won’t work”. Cake pops require baking and destroying a cake, mushing it with frosting, and forming all of the pops by hand. It just won’t work if you don’t do it the way Bakeralla does it. I thought the cake pops would be dry, they will fall off the stick and probably won’t even taste good. It will be yet another kitchen gadget that will collect dust. While I had my doubts, I also have to admit that I don’t LOVE the traditional cake pops (please don’t judge me!). I am very happy to report that I was extremely impressed with the Babycakes Cake Pop Maker. My cake pop maker (which was purchased at Kohl’s – with coupons and sales you can score a great deal on one) came with the machine, sticks, a fork, a syringe for fillings and a cake pop stand. Whenever I need to fill a bag like this, I use a heavy mug to hold the bag for me while I scoop in the frosting or batter.

8 Commonly Used Herbs and their Healing Properties Herbs have been part of every culture and medical tradition since the earliest humans walked the earth for treatment of everything from colds to digestive issues to depression. You may be surprised to learn that the herbs you have been regularly using to infuse your food with appetizing flavors also have amazing healing abilities. They are easily grown in your own home so you can have them on hand to use whenever the urge to cook strikes you. Read on to find the healing health benefits of these commonly used herbs. 1. Growing tips: Rosemary needs to live in a very sunny window and may even need supplemental light. 2. Growing tips: Mint is an easy-to-grow herb that is invasive, so be sure to grow it in its own pot. 3. Growing tips: Oregano needs a lot of light to grow so find a window with direct light or grow out-of-doors. 4. Growing tips: Sage can be a bit difficult to grow. 5. Growing tips: Chives are fairly easy to grow because they don't require as much light as other herbs. 6. 7. 8.

Honeyed Pears in Puff Pastry Poaching fruit is one of my favorite things to do when cold weather arrives. It's so warming to stand over a boiling pot of fragrant spices and lose yourself in thought. When I made these, I couldn't help but daydream as I stirred; if I were a pear... I wouldn't want to spend my days on the shelf of a cold produce department. I'd want to be taken to a warm home and placed in a jacuzzi of honey and spices. That sounds a little silly, but that's what I'd want... if I were a pear. The idea for these came from the Pepperidge Farm website. On a personal note, our Christmas tree is already up courtesy of Mr. Since poaching is a relatively easy task, I'll skip to some helpful tips for wrapping the pears in puff pastry. The poaching liquid has a high concentration of sugar, so your pears will be sticky. When you reach the top, tuck in the end piece of pastry behind the last spiral. 4 small pears 1 sheet of ready made puff pastry dough, thawed 4 cups water 2 cups sugar 1 cup honey 1/2 lemon

10 Tips to Stick to Your Diet I was recently asked for 10 tips for sticking to your diet . I quickly made the following list but I didn’t necessarily include the 10 most important tips, especially because each dieter is different. Which tips (on or off the list) have been most important to you? Don’t even try to change your eating until you have learned important skills, such as how to motivate yourself every day, how to get yourself to use good eating habits, how to withstand hunger and craving, and how to get yourself back on track immediately when you make a mistake. Motivate yourself every day by reading a long list of reasons that you want to lose weight every morning. Pull out this list at vulnerable times of the day, as well.

19 Ways to Slash Your Utility Bill Where George Scott sees red, his clients are bleeding green. Scanning the outside of a ranch home in Longmont, Colo., recently, the energy auditor's infrared camera registered blue and aqua in spots where heated air stayed put. That's what the homeowner expected. "He thought he'd done everything right," Scott says, because he had tackled obvious stuff like adding insulation. "But he was baffled by his high gas bills." When the camera scanned the attic, the viewfinder found orange and red blobs where air gushed by the chimney, 20 recessed lights and two uninsulated hatches. But you don't need an infrared camera to reveal utility-bill busters that are left after the obvious stuff is done. That old clunker of a refrigerator in the basement could be costing the equivalent of 10 cases of Bud in wasted energy each year. + Plug the Power Drain As much as 75 percent of electricity use by electronics occurs while the devices are off. + Seal HVAC Ducts Put away the duct tape. + Block the Stairs
