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Looking for free and easy SNA software « Net-Map Toolbox Posted on May 7, 2008 by Eva Schiffer I use Visualyzer for visualizing and analyzing my Net-Maps and I love it. But while there is a free trial version, in the end it is a software that you have to purchase. As I want to further spread SNA literacy in developing countries, I am looking for free software that is at least as user friendly as Visualyzer, which means having a rather intuitive and visual user interface. Like this: Like Loading... Filed under: open questions, Social Networks, technical details

Network governance Network governance (also called "network organization",[1] "networks forms of organization",[2] "interfirm networks", "organization networks",[3]" flexible specialization",[4] "network-centric organisation" and "quasi-firms"[5]) is "interfirm coordination that is characterized by organic or informal social system, in contrast to bureaucratic structures within firms and formal contractual relationships between them.[6] The concepts of privatization, public private partnership, and contracting are defined in this context. Network governance constitutes a "distinct form of coordinating economic activity"[2] (p. 301) which contrasts and competes with markets and hierarchies.[6] As such, governance networks distinguish themselves from the hierarchical control of the state and the competitive regulation of the market in at least three ways:[7] As a concept, Network Governance explains increased efficiency and reduced agency problems for organizations existing in highly turbulent environments.

download [Pajek Wiki] Pajek Pajek 3. Pajek3.* is a significantly reconstructed new version of 'standard' Pajek. All menu items that were available in Pajek 2.* are available also in Pajek 3.*. Pajek 3.* for Windows 32 bit Download the latest installation pack: mirror1 / mirror2 / mirror3. Pajek 3.* for Windows 64 bit Download the latest installation pack: mirror1 / mirror2 / mirror3. Pajek 2 Pajek for Windows 32 bit Download the ESNA 2version 2.05 / Book edition 2, (September 25, 2011) - installation pack. Pajek for Windows 64 bit On Windows 64 bit a special 32 bit version of Pajek can use up to 4GB of available computer memory. The genuine 64 bit version of Pajek was published on September 25, 2011. PajekXXL PajekXXL / mirror is a special edition of program Pajek. Sparse networks containing up to 100 millions of vertices can be analysed on computers with 4G RAM memory. Data sets Slides Download tools related to Pajek: Back to top

Gateways and Hubs Gateways and hubs refer to rather similar elements of the spatial structure of flows. However, the concept of gateway tends to be more restrictive in its definition. While a hub is a central location in a transport system with many inbound and outbound connections of the same mode, a gateway commonly imply a shift from one mode to the other (such as maritime / land). A gateway is performing an intermodal function (between modes) while a hub is mostly transmodal (within a mode). The transport system is subject to remarkable geographical changes even if many of its infrastructures are fixed. Transport corridors are commonly linking gateways to the inland.

Coworking Coworking is a style of work that involves a shared working environment, often an office, and independent activity. Unlike in a typical office environment, those coworking are usually not employed by the same organization.[1] Typically it is attractive to work-at-home professionals, independent contractors, or people who travel frequently who end up working in relative isolation.[2] Coworking is also the social gathering of a group of people who are still working independently, but who share values,[3] and who are interested in the synergy that can happen from working with like-minded talented people in the same space.[4][5] Coworking offers a solution to the problem of isolation that many freelancers experience while working at home, while at the same time letting them escape the distractions of home.[6][7] Coworking is not only about the physical space, but about establishing the coworking community first. History[edit] Coworking in Europe[edit] Zonaspace in Saint Petersburg, Russia

Análise de Redes Sociais - Teoria e Prática Flexibele werkplekken in Amsterdam - TheCoworking Kom bij ons werken op onze fantastische kantoorlocatie Zuidpark in Amsterdam! The CoWorking is de verzamelnaam voor alle werkplekken, vergaderruimtes en faciliteiten waarmee je met je CoWorking membership toegang toe hebt. Implementeren doe je samen Samenwerken is een belangrijke voorwaarde voor succes (en gezelligheid een fijne bijkomstigheid). In The CoWorking kun je samenwerken met gelijkgestemden en profiteren van al het Open Circles succesmateriaal en de uitgebreide kennis en ervaring van de aanwezige Open Circles experts.Klik hier voor de algemene brochure Zie onderstaand overzicht voor onze CoWorking services per membership*Je kunt deelnemen aan de support sessies op de dagen dat je gebruikmaakt van je werkplek. Als je in een maand vaker komt dan je membership toelaat, betaal je €35 per extra dag. Extra Services* Klik hier voor openingstijden, adres, agenda en reserveren Wil je direct een CoWorking Membership bestellen of wil je meer informatie? Tot snel ziens in The CoWorking!

UCINET Software Customer Support For customer support (e.g., ordering info, billing etc) contact For tech support join the users group or contact We prefer you try the users group first since the answer to your question may benefit others. In addition, you should check out the support page, which includes useful things like tutorial exercises. Fixes, improvements, upgrades UCINET is constantly being upgraded to fix problems, provide new capabilities, or generally make things better. Download and/or Purchase The program can be downloaded and used for free for 90 days. Requirements and Specifications Windows operating system Vista or later. Bouw jij mee aan jouw ideale co-work community? #zzp ZZP’ers die samen hun ideale co-working community gaan crowdsourcen. Dit is een kans uit duizenden. Een crowdsourced challenge om in 4 maanden een community te bouwen rond TheCoworking Amsterdam. De 800m2 grote locatie is net opgeleverd en is echt gaaf. Waar komt dit vandaan? Hij wil dat het een bruisende hotspot voor ondernemers wordt. De vraagstelling is: Hoe ziet jouw ideale co-work community eruit? Belangrijk criterium voor het winnende voorstel is draagvlag bij de (aspirant) co-workers. Interessant, en hoe nu verder? 1 Hoe ziet jouw ideale co-work community eruit? 2 Wat moet daarvoor gebeuren? 3 Wat ga jij daaraan bijdragen? Het resultaat van deze sessie wordt dinsdag 29 januari gepresenteerd aan de jury, met Jan als voorzitter. Waarom zou je meedoen? Doe je mee? Wat is mijn rol? Vooral als jij meehelpt het winnende plan maken.

Journal of Knowledge Management | The connection between trust and knowledge management: what are its implications for team performance Fulltext Options: Login Existing customers: loginto access this document Purchase Downloadable; Printable; OwnedHTML, PDF (777kb) To purchase this item please login or register. Rent Recommend to your librarian Complete and print this form to request this document from your librarian Marked list Bookmark & share Reprints & permissions Team Performance Management | A guide to team incentive systems [Jump to content] Your account: Welcome: Guest Browse Emerald Insight: Resource areas: Home > Team Performance Management > Volume 4 issue 1 > A guide to team incentive systems Team Performance Management Online from: 1995 Subject Area: Performance Management and Measurement Content: Latest Issue | Latest Issue RSS | Previous Issues Options: To add Favourites and Table of Contents Alerts please take a Emerald profile A guide to team incentive systems Fulltext Options: Login Existing customers: loginto access this document Help Purchase Downloadable; Printable; OwnedHTML, PDF (91kb) Rent Recommend to your librarian Complete and print this form to request this document from your librarian Marked list Bookmark & share Reprints & permissions Request About Emerald Policies & Information Emerald Websites © Emerald Group Publishing Limited ..

Chapter 10 - Motivating Employees and Creating Self-Managed Teams - docslide Chapter 10 Motivating Employees and Creating Self-Managed Te T ams Chapter 10 Learning Goals What are the basic principles of Frederick Taylor s concept of scientific management? What did Elton Mayo s Hawthorne studies reveal about worker motivation? What is Maslow s hierarchy of needs, and how do these needs relate to motivation? How are McGregor s Theories X and Y used to explain worker motivation? What are the basic components of Herzberg s motivator hygiene theory? Chapter 10 Learning Goals (cont d.) Motivating Employees Employees are a firms most important resource but also most difficult to manage So, how can managers create a workplace that motivates employees and allows them to perform at their best? Evolution of Motivation Theory 1. The Hawthorne Studies Experimented with job design, length of work day and week, break times, and incentives Hawthorne Effect Social needs also play an important role in employee motivation Contemporary Views of Motivation 1. Equity Theory, cont.
