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iWork - Keynote - Create captivating presentations easily.

iWork - Keynote - Create captivating presentations easily.

Combien de temps garder papiers et documents Novembre 2017 Pendant combien de temps faut-il conserver ses papiers et documents administratifs ? Relevés bancaires, quittances de loyer, impôts, fiches de paye... Les délais de conservation varient en fonction de la nature des pièces. Les règles à connaitre pour savoir ce qu'il est possible de jeter et ce qui, à l'inverse, doit être soigneusement conservé. Certains papiers doivent être gardés avec vous toute votre vie. Mais d'autres documents, « moins importants », peuvent être jetés passé un certain délai. Pour mieux défendre vos droits, Restez informé gratuitement avec la Lettre de Notre vidéo Les conseils d'Eric Roig, directeur-fondateur de Logement Charges de copropriété 10 ans Conservez pendant le même délai tous les courriers échangés avec votre syndic. Contrat de location 5 ans à compter de la fin de la location Correspond au délai pour contester loyers et charges. Quittances de loyerMême durée que le contrat de location Banque Impôts et taxes

6 Best Business Presentation Software and PowerPoint Alternatives Think PowerPoint presentations, and you probably think of a never-ending series of slides and the urge to doze off. Sure, Microsoft PowerPoint might be the industry standard for presentations, but it's got its fair share of haters (case in point: the Anti Powerpoint Party). Fall back on stock templates too often, and your business presentations are going to lack the impact you desire. If you need to create a snazzy, animated presentation that captures attention, then you need business presentation software that's designed to do the job. 1. Prezi is about as different from PowerPoint as you can get. Prezi is an online tool, so it's available anywhere that you have an internet connection. There's also the ability to work offline and to set security levels around who can see your animated presentations. Once you're done, publish it on or embed it on your own website. 2. Videos increase people's understanding of your product or service by 74% - Digital Information World 3. 4. 5. 6.

Brickflow ScreenFlow Highest Quality Recording ScreenFlow has the best screen recording available – whether you are recording multiple screens at once, or using retina displays. Built in Stock Media Library Spice up your videos with access to over 500,000 unique images, audio & video clips and more directly from within your ScreenFlow projects. iOS Recording Record your iPhone or iPad screen for high quality app demos. Easy to Learn, Easy to Use ScreenFlow’s intuitive UI allows everyone to create amazing content in minutes. Powerful Video Editing Tools Add pro touches to your videos with transitions, text animations, video animations, freehand annotations, multi-channel audio and more. Professional Animations & Motions Graphics Animate graphics, titles and logos with built in video and text animations. Better Tools for Software Tutorials Use Styles and Templates to make editing a series of Software tutorials quicker and easier. Streamlined Media Management Closed Caption Support More Publishing Options

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