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Skeptically Speaking - Call in. Question Everything.

Skeptically Speaking - Call in. Question Everything.

Geologic Podcast Merseyside Skeptics Society Skeptics with a K Skeptics with a K is the official podcast of the Merseyside Skeptics Society. Each episode features Mike, Marsh and Alice chatting about stuff that interests them, often with a skeptical angle. Subscribe via RSS |Subscribe via iTunes InKredulous InKredulous is the skeptical, satirical, comedy panel show from the Merseyside Skeptics Society. Produced and presented by Andy Wilson. Subscribe via RSS |Subscribe via iTunes Be Reasonable Be Reasonable is the monthly interview show which talks to people who believe ideas contrary to the mainstream scientific and skeptical worldview. Presented by Hayley Stevens and Michael Marshall.

Digital Bits Skeptic | Skepticism. Critical thinking. Podcast. Community. Atheist Experience Point of Inquiry Neil deGrasse Tyson - Communicating Science September 30, 2013 Point of Inquiry is on a short hiatus right now as we transition to a new podcast team. In the meantime, enjoy these classic episodes from the POI archives, featuring Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, Susan Jacoby, and other luminaries in the science and secularism movement. Our… Lawrence Krauss - A Universe from Nothing February 06, 2012 We had Lawrence Krauss on Point of Inquiry less than a year ago, to discuss his recent book on the scientific works of Richard Feynman. But in order to keep up with him, we had to have him on again. You see, Krauss has… Brian Greene - The Fabric of the Cosmos January 02, 2012 It’s the beginning of a new year here at Point of Inquiry, and we’ve got a pretty good guest to kick it off. He needs no introduction. Officially: Greene is co-founder… Daniel Dennett - The Scientific Study of Religion December 12, 2011 Austin Dacey - Rock the Theocrats September 26, 2011

Bad Science Ottawa Skeptics Quackcast A podcast review of Quacks, Frauds and Charlatans. Oops. Thats not right. That should be Supplements, Complementary and Alternative Medicine i.e. SCAM. Winner of the The People's Choice Podcast Awards 2009, 2010, 2011 Best Podcast, Health and Finess. Well deserved, if I do say so myself. “Ridicule is the only weapon that can be used against unintelligible propositions. -- Thomas Jefferson (on a different topic) Warning: This is not a balanced review. “I have made a ceaseless effort not to ridicule, not to bewail, nor to scorn human actions, but to understand them.” --Baruch Spinoza This does not apply to me. BTW: someone noted my name was no where on the site.

Baladodiffusion - scept. du Québec Pour une brève introduction au scepticisme, nous vous suggérons les fichiers audio suivants. Vous entendrez de courts échanges (de 5 à 15 minutes) entre Pierre Cloutier, porte-parole des Sceptiques du Québec, et Isabelle Giasson, animatrice à la radio Passion FM, diffusés du 18 avril au 20 juin 2008. Notes : En cliquant du bouton gauche de votre souris sur un des liens plus bas, vous transférez un fichier mp3 de 2 à 6 MO et lancez votre logiciel audio pour l'écouter. En cliquant du bouton droit et en choisissant "sauvegarder", vous transférez le fichier mp3 au répertoire choisi. Sujets : En complément de son blog "Scepticisme Scientifique", Jean-Michel Abrassart nous propose son "balado de la Science et de la Raison". Une équipe de sceptiques d'Ottawa nous livre chaque semaine des analyses portant sur les pseudosciences et le paranormal, tout en explorant d'autres sujets controversés qui sont reliés à la science et à la pensée critique.

Mitt Romney's Mormon faith in the spotlight - - Waterfox Mitt Romney wants voters to see him as the man to save the economy and right the country, the redeeming American hero riding in on the proverbial white horse. Just not that White Horse. Continue Reading That’s the one in the old Mormon prophecy attributed to Joseph Smith, which predicts that after the banks fail and when the Constitution is nearing collapse, Mormons flush with wealth — the White Horse, in the prophecy’s metaphor — will rise and lead America back to greatness. (Also on POLITICO: GOP to Mitt Romney: Own your Mormonism.) Now that Romney’s essentially secured the Republican nomination, the media attention to his religious beliefs has already kicked off a sort of national Mormonism 101. And with religion flaring up in the 2012 race recently amid revelations about proposed ads linking President Barack Obama to his former pastor, the Rev. The White Horse prophecy itself was discounted by the church almost a hundred years ago but Mormon political figures like Sen.

Le Balado - scept. sc. Épisode #292: OVNI en Belgique June 29th, 2015 Jean-Michel Abrassart et Jeremy Royaux discutent du livre “OVNI en Belgique : Contributions sceptiques”. Épisode #291: Le monde merveilleux June 22nd, 2015 Interview: Isabelle Stephen et Christopher Hammock. Épisode #289: L’apologétique chrétienne June 8th, 2015 Interview: Guillaume Bignon. Épisode #287: Le Pharmachien May 26th, 2015 Jérémy Royaux interview Olivier Bernard pour son nouveau livre : LE PHARMACHIEN T1 Épisode #286: Pleine conscience May 19th, 2015 Interview: Sébastien Fagot. Épisode #284: Créatures mystérieuses May 4th, 2015 Julien Benoit discute avec Jean-Michel Abrassart de l’article “Mysterious Creatures: Creating a Cryptozoological Encyclopedia” de George M. Épisode #283: La recherche de Beischel & Schwartz (2007) sur les médiums April 28th, 2015 Nicolas Gauvrit discute de la recherche de Beischel & Schwartz (2007) sur les médiums. Références et liens Le livre “The Myth of an Afterlife: The Case against Life After Death” Père Brune

Le vrai du faux
