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Realizzazione Siti Web Milano

Realizzazione Siti Web Milano

Jess & Russ She bought a Smashing Pumpkins album, painted stars on her bedroom ceiling, and felt emotional. He kissed a real girl at the annual latin camp dance social. Spoiler alert: he didn't marry her. Almost four years ago, fate and a few mouse clicks brought Russ Maschmeyer and Jessica Hische together. He graduated from NYU and shlepped his belongings to Greenpoint Brooklyn. She set up her first studio: a shared workspace with a gaggle of new illustration friends. She worked for Louise Fili from 9-6 and spent 7-2am at her studio in Greenpoint. Dressed as a sparkly penguin, she marched in The Mummer Parade in Philadelphia. Due to her work schedule, a long distance relationship blossomed and fizzled. They barely had time to eat (let alone date) with their crazy schedules. She posted her profile and was barraged by a boatload of d-bags. She stumbled across his profile and made the first move—she 'winked' at him. Completely smitten, somehow he knew he'd marry her some day.

Pitchdeck Revolutionizing the way people discover, share, and interact with images online. Inspired by Google Images, Flipboard and Pinterest Piccsy embodies all of the redeeming qualities these products provide, plus so much more. Traffic Visitors / Month Unique Visitors / Month Pageviews / Month Product Piccsy Users: Discover images through 'streams' that filter content based on custom parameters set by our community. Market/Competition Photo-sharing is one of the most popular activities on the Internet today. Piccsy recognizes the social/cataloguing void Google Images suffers from, as well as Tumblr's fragmented, unsearchable network, and Pinterest's reliance on user only bookmarking. By providing personalized streams using a uniform display, Piccsy is a social platform that aggregates images from around the web, based on customized parameters set by the user, offering a social way to discover images. Financials Spent Since 07/10 Raising for Seed Series Technology Contact Eric Nudelman/

Suit Up or Die Magazine #1 i2C | Architects ParaNorman | The New Animated Zombie Comedy from LAIKA | Dress Rush - How to Create an Online Pitch Deck Have you just begun a new business and wondering how you will get new customers? Or perhaps you have been in business for awhile, and suddenly it has become slow. Either case, you will want to know how to attract consumers to your business through lead generation. Reward your current loyal customers for providing you leads. TIP! Always verify that your leads are original. Develop content marketing that will help you generate leads. One of the highest visitor to lead ratios you will find online is with LinkedIn. TIP! When looking at keywords to help generate leads, think about long-tailed keywords. Look at your competitors to see what tactics they use to generate leads. Building content on your site sure does take time. TIP! Make sure when you’re blogging for your business that you’re seeking out subscriptions. People love the word “free.” Give your site visitors clear direction on what they should do the moment they land on your website. TIP!

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