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The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Arduino Over the Christmas break from work I wanted to learn something new. I’ve been eyeing up Arduino for some time now, and for Christmas I got an Arduino UNO R3 board. What is Arduino? Snap4Arduino beta GNU/Linux You just need to unpack the package. The executable is Snap4Arduino. In case it complains about a missing library, you can sudo run the script, which will attempt to automatically take care of the issue. If you would like to help us build packages for different distros, please don't hesitate to write to us.

Compiling for ATtiny84 - ‘Serial’ was not declared in this scope - JeeLabs Café Well, it's been 3 years, and from time to time I get the same error, as in the title of this thread, probably every time a new IDE version comes along. I have spent quite some time recently trying to correct my setup, and then trying to find any setup that will compile ATtiny84 code without a problem. The Jeelib installation I was using until now started having problems, even with the 1.5.5 version of the IDE. Alternative Arduino Interfaces Overviewing the Options Arduino is awesome! It’s our go-to electronics education platform, and it’s our top choice for rapid prototyping, but it isn’t for everyone. Maybe it’s the cryptic language, or the Java-based IDE, or maybe it’s just the teal window border – regardless of your reasoning, if you’re trying to escape the Arduino IDE, here are a few alternatives we’d like to share. The Arduino alternatives covered in this tutorial range from simple, introductory graphical programming to web-based Arduino interfaces for your web browser. Here’s a quick overview of each interface covered, we’ll go into further detail later on:

Arduino’s Servo Library: Angles, Microseconds, and “Optional” Command Parameters Last Wednesday I spent most of the morning and part of the afternoon chasing a signal anomaly that, as it turns out, did not exist. I wouldn’t call the experience a waste of time, but the experience occupied more of my time than I would have liked. I described the account over at ToolGuyd (An Oscilloscope, an Arduino Servo PWM Signal, and a Wild-Goose Chase) if you’re interested in the whole story. Installing an Arduino Library What's a Library? Arduino libraries take a complex task and boil it down to simple to use functions. Arduino users have written lots of exciting add-ons for Arduino. For example, capacitive sensing takes difficult timing and pulsing of digital pins. We can write the code from scratch, or we can stand on the shoulders of great people who are smarter than we are.

Creative Computing 7 units44 activitiesremixing encouraged download the Scratch 3.0 version of the guide> help learnerscreate new worldswith computing download the Scratch 3.0 version of the guide an introductorycomputing curriculumusing Scratch Autonomous car – navigation As part of my autonomous car project ( I need to make the car turn towards its destination. This is a picture of a PLC reading the current location using a GPS and calculating the bearing (the direction from the current location to the destination) and distance between the current location and the destination. For more details, Which direction should the car go?The car’s direction is a function of where it is and where it should be.

Blocks This article is about the programming blocks. For account blocks, see Ban. Blocks are puzzle-piece shapes that are used to create code in Scratch. Autonomous car – steering & acceleration As part of my autonomous car project ( I need to control the RC car’s steering and acceleration. Here is a video of an Arduino Uno performing this function: To take control of the car’s steering and acceleration, I needed to understand the signals currently used to control the car and figure out how to emulate them with a micro-controller. For more details,
