Travel Phrases - Learn Basic Phrases in 30 Languages. Fast and Easy! Lesson #1 - How to Say “Thank You!” in French Learn French travel phrases with! A little French can go such a long way! Whether you’re traveling, visiting, or sightseeing, has all the essential travel phrases just for you! Today we cover a high frequency French phrase sure to be of use on your trip, travels or vacation to France. Today’s Survival Phrase is merci, the most common way to say thank you in French. Lesson #2 - How to Say “You’re Welcome” in French Today’s Survival Phrase is de rien, which means “you’re welcome” in French. Lesson #3 - Please (This Please) In today’s lesson we’ll be learning an essential phrase when traveling in France. One Thing In A French Day Didier Latitudes
News in Slow French We are happy that you are considering News In Slow French subscription. We sincerely hope that we can help you advance your French comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, idiomatic expressions, and pronunciation quickly. We'll be thrilled to have you among our subscribers! For beginners we offer a course of 30 lessons, dialogues, pronunciation practices, and quizzes: Whether you complete our French for Beginners course or you already have solid foundations of French, our News in Slow French program will further improve your skills. Whether your goal is to rapidly improve your French language skills, quickly move to the intermediate/advanced level, pick up idiomatic expressions, or just enjoy our news stories, News In Slow French can help you achieve your goals. Please Note: We do NOT do automatic renewals. Sign Up
Improve your French by listening to French Radio stations Listen to real French in action LIVE on on French Radio! It's also taking part in French life and culture and being informed about what's happening around the country: Politics, Cultural events, Sports, Finance and business. You can really improve your French and your general cultural knowledge by listening to French radio stations. There's no better way to become informed about everyday life in France than to connect via the internet and listen to various French radio stations on-line. To begin listening to French radio programs just click on the links below each station listed. You will be forwarded directly to the radio station's main home page. Plug in your head phones and turn the sound up of your speakers and enjoy listening to French! Check out the following French radio stations: Online French FM Radio Stations Online French FM Radio Stations offers a comprehensive list of links to French radio stations covering all types of musical genres and interests. Madagascar Radio French radios
Learn French by Podcast Les portes tordues - French Listening Comprehension Les portes tordues - Beginning levelFrench Listening Comprehension Introduction and Sound Files Les portes tordues is a bilingual audiobook for beginning to intermediate French students. As the book proceeds, the French becomes progressively more difficult. The two sound files featured here are beginning level. Listen to both sound files in MP3 format by clicking on the links below. If you don't have the correct software, your computer should prompt you to download it in order to listen.
Amener - Emmener - Apporter - Emporter Lesson | Test The English verbs to bring and to take have four French equivalents: amener, emmener, apporter, and emporter. This causes all kinds of confusion, but it really is very simple once you understand the differences. To bring The French verbs apporter and amener are used to indicate that you are bringing someone/something with you to the place where you are. Apporter can only be used with things you can carry, whereas amener has to be used with people, animals, and vehicles. To take Emporter and emmener are used to mean that you are taking someone/something to a different place than you are right now. Emporter is for things you can carry, while emmener is for people, animals, or vehicles. Summary Important note Despite the actual variations in meaning, amener tends to be used for all of the above in colloquial French. To Take/Bring Back/Again There are four related French verbs: ramener, remmener, rapporter, and remporter. which mean to take back/again or to bring back/again.
Le Petit Prince By Antoine de Saint-Exupéry A Project Gutenberg of Australia eBook Title: Le Petit Prince Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944) eBook No.: 0300771h.html Language: French Date first posted: April 2003 Date most recently updated: May 2014 Project Gutenberg of Australia eBooks are created from printed editions which are in the public domain in Australia, unless a copyright notice is included. We do NOT keep any eBooks in compliance with a particular paper edition. Copyright laws are changing all over the world. Be sure to check the copyright laws for your country before downloading or redistributing this file. This eBook is made available at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Je demande pardon aux enfants d'avoir dédié ce livre à une grande personne. Lorsque j'avais six ans j'ai vu, une fois, une magnifique image, dans un livre sur la Forêt Vierge qui s'appelait "Histoires Vécues". Elles m'ont répondu: "Pourquoi un chapeau ferait-il peur?" -Hein! -Non!
BBC - Learn French Free Apprendre le français avec TV5MONDE 5 exercices • 3 Écouter • 1 Vocabulaire (dans l’entreprise) • 1 Grammaire (adjectifs - accord) A1 débutant • Cinéma • Courts métrages 1 exercice • 1 Culture(s) A1 débutant • Santé • Première classe • Se soigner 5 exercices • 1 Regarder • 1 Écouter • 3 Grammaire (adjectifs - accord / masculin / féminin) A1 débutant • Logement • Première classe • Décrire un logement 8 exercices • 1 Regarder • 2 Écouter • 2 Vocabulaire (achats / habillement) • 2 Grammaire (adjectifs interrogatifs / caractérisation) • 1 Culture(s) A1 débutant • Vêtements • Totem 1 4 exercices • 1 Regarder • 2 Écouter • 1 Vocabulaire (vie urbaine) A2 élémentaire • Patrimoine • 7 jours sur la planète 4 exercices • 3 Écouter • 1 Vocabulaire (carte d’identité) A2 élémentaire • Francophonie • 7 jours sur la planète 4 exercices • 2 Écouter • 1 Vocabulaire (cuisine) • 1 Grammaire (présent) A2 élémentaire • Repas • Épicerie fine 4 exercices • 3 Écouter • 1 Grammaire (registres de langue) A2 élémentaire • Environnement • La minute verte
French Grammar Games and Vocabulary Exercises speakfrench PRONOUNCE IT RIGHT IN FRENCH!Globe-Gate learning object Are you puzzled about how to pronounce the words and sentences in your French book, or how you might pronounce a sentence you compose yourself? Here is how to solve those problems. Consultation of SWAC Audio Collections - French French Audio Dictionary Online Talking Dictionary (over 120,000 French terms) Most impressive and helpful about the web is a small collection of "text-to-speech" applications. AT&T Research Text-To-Speech (TTS) AudioPal Demo Cepstral Voices Démo synthèse de la parole Acapela Google Language Tools (try French to French, then hit audio button) Vocaroo Shtooka - Browse collection: fra Language: fra Some proverbs, conversation sentences, idioms… Alphabetical Index