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playground - Gyro This is just a basic code snippet for the time being, but please feel free to contribute more information Gyroscopes measure the rate of change of a particular axis at the current moment in time. This means that to keep track of our angle, we need to sum all of the rates of change over a given period of time.

Arduino to Max/MSP via OSC (Guide and Example Code) "This Article is a guide complete with example code and downloads that allows you to send and receive data between an independent Arduino microcontroller (with no external Ethernet Shield) and Max/MSP using Processing software and the OSC protocol, as well as introducing alternative methods. This information can also be applied to using Arduino with other OSC-compatible software. The reason for this guide? ArduinoISP Learning Examples | Foundations | Hacking | Links This tutorial explains how to use an Arduino board as an AVR ISP (in-system programmer). This allows you to use the board to burn the bootloader onto an AVR (e.g. the ATmega168 or ATmega328 used in Arduino). The code in this example is based on the mega-isp firmware by Randall Bohn.

MacOSX This document explains how to connect your Arduino board to the computer and upload your first sketch. 1 | Get an Arduino board and USB cable In this tutorial, we assume you're using an Arduino Uno, Arduino Duemilanove, Nano, Arduino Mega 2560 , or Diecimila. ArduinoToBreadboard This tutorial explains how to migrate from an Arduino board to a standalone microcontroller on a breadboard. It's similar to this tutorial, but uses an Arduino board to program the ATmega on the breadboard. Unless you choose to use the minimal configuration described at the end of this tutorial, you'll need four components (besides the Arduino, ATmega328, and breadboard):

XBee Buying Guide XBee Buying Guide Welcome to the wireless world of XBee. Maybe you’ve heard of it, maybe you haven’t, either way you are in for a fun ride. XBees are tiny blue chips that can communicate wirelessly with each other. They can do simple thing like replacing a couple of wires in serial communication, which is nice when you want to make a remote for your paintball vehicle. But which of the dozen or so modules do you want? playground - RegulatedPositiveVoltageBooster Outputs 1/4 Watt, up to +60V DC Max Accepts any input voltage (1V minimum) Uses a simple, flexible circuit

PortManipulation Reference Language | Libraries | Comparison | Changes Port registers allow for lower-level and faster manipulation of the i/o pins of the microcontroller on an Arduino board. The chips used on the Arduino board (the ATmega8 and ATmega168) have three ports: Arduino Wireless Programming with XBee Series 1 or 2 -Use Arduino for Projects Hi. This Instructable will guide you through the process of wirelessly programming your Arduino using two XBees. I just finished designing a wireless EEG system with the XBee modules, so I’ve become quite fluent in their programming and have just now been able to accomplish this. It still amazes me how difficult it has been to try to wirelessly program the Arduino. On top of that no one has been able to do this with the series 2 XBees (that I know of… and I’ve looked hard). However I do not see why this method cannot be extended past the series 1 or 2 and used for the 900MHz series as well.

Arduino Ethernet Shield Tutorial The Ethernet Shield is based upon the W51000 chip, which has an internal 16K buffer. It has a connection speed of up to 10/100Mb. This is not the fastest connection around, but is also nothing to turn your nose up at. It relies on the Arduino Ethernet library, which comes bundled with the development environment. There is also an on-board micro SD slot which enables you to store a heck-of-a-lot of data, and serve up entire websites using just your Arduino. This requires the use of an external SD library, which does not come bundled with the software.
