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Acoustic Blues guitar lesson spice up that bluesy playing

Acoustic Blues guitar lesson spice up that bluesy playing

LeaderSpring: Communities of Leaders Transforming Our Communiti Springboard Forward Dolores Street Community Services - home Cellars at Jasper Hill, A Vermont Artisan Cheese Partnership, Gr Personally speaking Posted by Sep Kamvar, Engineering Lead for Personalization, and Marissa Mayer, VP Search & User Experience Google's goal has always been to give you exactly the information you want right when you want it. With the growth of the Internet and all the new information coming online every day, this might sound hard. We're constantly trying to improve the quality of your search results. We have two main ways of personalizing your Google experience. Second, we offer automatic personalization through things like personalized search and recommendations. Today, we're taking another step toward making personalization more available to you by combining these two into a single signed-in experience. Keep in mind that personalization is subtle—at first you may not notice any difference. If you don't want to see personalized results, just sign out of your Google Account.
