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Free and simple CMS » CushyCMS

13 Excellent Tools and Systems for CSS Grid Based Layouts A good grid can be a strong foundation for any design. Using grids got its start in print design, but has made it’s way over to the web. There are several advantages to using grids in web design, but primarily they help achieve structure and consistency in layouts. If you have yet to start using grids in your web design projects, but want to get started…we’re here to help. 10 Free powerful Content Management Systems Content Management Systems help web developers create, manage and publish quickly blogs, portal or social collaboration websites. Probably you know the most popular CMS tools such as WordPress, Movable Type, Joomla!, Mambo but there are a lot of similar CMS tools for all needs.

Monday Inspiration: Paper Strips Menus Advertisement The beauty of an excellent design lies in designer’s attention to smallest details. Conventions are our friends; however, to stand out, a design needs a creative spin, an elegant play of colors, some unique flavour — a small detail that would make a big difference. Where the boundaries between traditional solutions and unusual approaches become fuzzy, designers tend to get creative. 15 Free Online Tools for Web Designers on a Budget About two years ago when I became a full time freelance web designer, I made it a point to operate with little overhead. Even though I was confident I could make it as a freelancer, there was some fear that things might not go as planned. Because of this, I didn’t go out and spend lots of money on equipment and expensive software. My focus was on being frugal and saving money where I could. One way I was able to do this was using free online tools or web apps to perform my everyday tasks as a web designer. Here are 15 free online tools that you will find very useful.

WordPress Theme deFusion 0.9 I just updated my latest WordPress Theme deFusion. Fixed some minor bugs, added a Superfish dropdown menu and made it compatible to WordPress 2.7 with threaded comments and sticky posts. Get it! This version of deFusion is no longer supported! 65 Excellent Flash Designs Advertisement With Flash you can do more than just displaying videos. You can create stunning visual experience and offer your visitors incredible user interaction.

Ivana Jurčić – Lilit » Blog Archive » A Collection of Printable At the beginning of a web (or application) development project I always create the sketches first. While sketching can be done on a blank paper, it’s much better to use a sketch template. For me that is the best and most productive way to work on and improve my ideas before application development begins (and things get more complicated :-)).

Open Atrium Open Atrium is an intranet in a box that has group spaces to allow different teams to have their own conversations and collaboration. Open Atrium 2.x for Drupal 7 A new architecture for Drupal 7 that is built upon Panopoly and intended as an extensible collaboration framework. Adds the ability to have private "sections" within a collaboration space with granular access control. Drag/drop layout control with dozens of widgets that can be placed on dashboards and landing pages. Comes with Discussions, Events, Issue tracking, and Document Wiki out of the box, along with the dashboards to manage it all.

The future of Web Services isn’t the Library website The last three weeks I’ve been thinking a great deal about the role of my department in fulfilling the Libraries mission and where the department needs to go in the next 3 years. Part of getting where we want to go has been this whole site redesign process. But not in the way most of the library thinks. Most of the library sees the redesign process as about “fixing” the current website so that it is more usable, up-to-date, and attractive.

Learn CSS Positioning in Ten Steps: position static relative abs 1. position:static The default positioning for all elements is position:static, which means the element is not positioned and occurs where it normally would in the document. Normally you wouldn't specify this unless you needed to override a positioning that had been previously set. 2. position:relative If you specify position:relative, then you can use top or bottom, and left or right to move the element relative to where it would normally occur in the document.

Use WordPress to Create Amazing Sites There are lots of Innovative ways to use WordPress, because of its flexible plugin and theming architecture. I am compiling list of websites and look at how you can use WordPress to create a variety of different types of sites and manage different functionalities. As you’ll see with a bit of cleverness, the sky is the limit!
