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100 Great Movies Every Guy MUST See 100 great films for every guy to see. Send your wife/girlfriend out to the salon to get her nails done and sit back to enjoy some amazingly manly movies. For years now men have had to suffer in silence when taking their girlfriend or wife to the cinema. How often do you get to see that new Jackie Chan movie? Men know that violence beats sex (marginally) and war beats peace! With that in mind, we've compiled a list of 100 great movies that every guy MUST see. 1. Fast cars, sexy women, sharp suits and high stakes poker. Best line in the movie: "Now the whole world's gonna know that you died scratching my balls!" Buy Casino Royale Now 2. Originally offered the leading human role in this movie, Arnold Schwarzenegger decided that playing a bad ass robot sent from the future to kill was his destiny. Best line in the movie: "I'll be back." Buy The Terminator Now 3. Nothing says hardcore like a hero running around on broken glass in bare feet and smashing through windows on a firehose. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Crazy Illustrations By Chow Hon Lam | Pokkisam blog Chow Hon Lam is a t-shirt designer and a humorous illustrator from Malaysia. He has been completed this crazy project called Flying Mouse 365, which is create 1 design per day. I hope his illustrations can bring some smile and entertainment to the world. About the author Collected Quotes from Albert Einstein - StumbleUpon [Note: This list of Einstein quotes was being forwarded around the Internet in e-mail, so I decided to put it on my web page. I'm afraid I can't vouch for its authenticity, tell you where it came from, who compiled the list, who Kevin Harris is, or anything like that. Still, the quotes are interesting and enlightening.] "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. Copyright: Kevin Harris 1995 (may be freely distributed with this acknowledgement)

Real food!!! You have the right to remain silent. Being polite these days... Freud's Breakthrough. What people want. Bat cave. Haha you 'fell' for it! A Beautiful Mess I love using cloth napkins to dress up our dinner table, and through the years I've grown even more fond of their sustainability and cost effectiveness. Though, I'm not sure how cost effective it is if you keep buying more and more cloth napkins each year! This holiday season I thought it would be fun to look at how I could dress up the napkins I already own to give them an extra festive vibe. Check out three simple ways you can give new life to your table linens. And hey! Two of them are even no sew! Ribbon Trimmed Napkin This look is so (no sew) simple! Supplies:-ribbon-heat bond in width of ribbon-cloth napkin (buy mine here)-iron-fabric scissors (not shown above) Step One: Trim pieces of your ribbon to be about 1.5 inches longer than the width of your napkins. Step Two: Fold down the edges of each ribbon segment about 1/4" and iron flat. Step Three: Iron the heat bond to the ribbon (pressing with hot iron for two seconds), then peel off the paper backing. Pom-Pom Trimmed Napkin

50 Lessons I wish I had learned earlier | Family on Bikes Welcome to our blog! Here you'll find bits and pieces of wisdom learned from cycling 17,000 miles from Alaska to Argentina together as a family. Hope it inspires you to live your dream! My book about our journey, Changing Gears, is now released! Now that I’m old and gray (but not quite in my rocker yet!) You’re stronger than you think you are.Mistakes teach you important lessons. What lies before us and behind us are tiny matters when compared to what lies within us.Don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.It’s not about getting a chance, it’s about taking a chance.If it were easy everyone would do it.Be vulnerable.A problem is a chance for you to learn.Regardless of the situation, life goes on. If you enjoyed these inspirational quotes and feel they would be beneficial for others, we would appreciate it if you would take a moment to share it with your friends via Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or email. Interested in our journey? Finances are a big hurdle.

Dr. Seuss Quotes In Image Home > Education, People & Celebrity > Dr. Seuss Quotes In Image Very good quotes from Dr. Seuss in image version. Curly-Natural-Me Bicycle that lets you to play records on its wheels I dream of owning a bicycle that allows me to play records on its wheels so I can show punks in their souped up jeeps a thing or two about pimping out a ride. Hence, I am excited to hear this protype was just unveiled at Dezeen Platform exhibition by Dutch designers Merel Sloother, Liat Azulay and Pieter Frank de Jong. My day is coming. Painfully Hip: Fashion-Forward Finds for the Weak of Wallet Seven Speaking Tips That Beat “Pretend Your Audience Is Naked" Aggh. Everyone showed up clothed! Once upon a time, I suffered from glossophobia. This affliction touches billions. I conquered it by discovering what makes people smile, nod, and listen carefully, because nothing calms you down faster than an interested audience. This is what I've learned. Children plea for them at night, and adults crave them, too. They want to be respected. This principle also underlies another rule of effective speaking: Dress like your audience, but just a little bit better." {*style:<i>Don't try to impress them. </i>*} If you truly want to help your listeners--by informing or motivating them, or improving their lives--they will care and listen. This recalls a favorite tip: We mistrust people who won't look us in the eyes--even if our eyes are among over 200 sets in a room. If you look each person in the eye for a few seconds, you make each person feel important--a feeling that every person craves. For this reason, minimize visual aids. . .
