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Why You Should Learn To Code (And How To Actually Do It) - DIY Genius

Why You Should Learn To Code (And How To Actually Do It) - DIY Genius
In the Lost Interview with Steve Jobs, Apple’s co-founder said, “I think everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think.” I like to think of coding as applied math and sciences because it teaches us an iterative approach to solving problems and testing out our ideas. While I don’t consider myself a coder, apart from HMTL/CSS I don’t code in my daily work, I did find that learning the basics of how to code on CodeAcademy has done wonders for improving my problem solving skills. Now that software is eating the world by automating all kinds of routine jobs, the basic knowledge of how lines of code create the digital worlds we explore every day is becoming a fundamental digital literacy. Watch the video below to discover why coding is the new “superpower” that isn’t being taught in in 90% of schools. Fortunately, it has never been easier to learn how to code. There many different options to learn to code online for free. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

4 Ways To Easily Embed Part Of A YouTube Video We have shared quite a few useful YouTube-related tips so far. Here are 10 YouTube URL tricks to play with as well as some YouTube annoyances and ways to get rid of them. You may also get inspired by this post listing 10 cool things to do with a YouTube video. This post shares another quick tip: embedding only part of a YouTube video. 10 Youtube URL Tricks You Should Know About 10 Youtube URL Tricks You Should Know About Read More While there’s really only one way to do that (the first one listed below), there are also a few well-used tools that can help you cut off a part of the video and embed it. 1. The most straightforward way to embed a video while skipping the first XX seconds of it is to use the &start= parameter which works both for the “old-style” (“classic”) and iFrame player: Old-style player: iFrame player: Likewise, there’s also the &end= parameter that makes the video stop playing at a specified time. 2. As a result, you get a new code to embed. 3. 4. To Sum Up

Best Free Ways to Learn Programming I can remember back when I was young how alien a couple of lines of code that were published in a kid's magazine looked to me. Some twenty years later (or should I better say a year ago), I decided that I should teach myself how to create some small and usable programs. Sad to say, I lost interest shortly after. Well, this year I tried again. Leaning to program: a better way There is another, better way to learn programming. First I suggest to you to start with programming languages which enable you to learn the basics about the language in a short amount of time. Second, when you will get more experience with simple languages you can at any time jump to more sophisticated programme languages if you want or need to. Easy to learn languages The first entries I want to mention are really simple. Manufactoria is a puzzle game about putting robots in their proper place. Bug Brain (biologic[DOT]com[DOT]au/bugbrain/) is a game where you build brains to run a bug. In A.

Kodu | Home Natural Docs 30 game scripts you can write in PHP, Part 1: Creating 10 fundamental scripts Getting started As both a game master/storyteller and a developer, I frequently find myself writing little utilities and scripts to help me when running, planning, and playing games. Sometimes I need a quick idea. Other times, I just need a whole pile of names for Non-Player Characters (NPCs). Occasionally, I need to geek out on numbers, work out some odds, or integrate some word puzzles into a game. Many of these tasks become more manageable with a little bit of script work ahead of time. This article will explore 10 fundamental scripts that can be used in various types of games. We will blaze through these scripts pretty quickly. Back to top A basic die roller Many games and game systems need dice. In many cases, that would be more or less fine. Listing 1. function roll () { return mt_rand(1,6); } echo roll(); Then we can pass the type of die we want to roll as a parameter to the function. Listing 2. Random name generator Listing 3. Listing 4. Listing 5. Scenario generator Listing 6. Summary

Codecademy Labs Unity Web Player The Unity Web Player enables you to view blazing 3D content created with Unity directly in your browser, and autoupdates as necessary. Unity allows you to build rich 3D games with animated characters, sizzling graphics, immersive physics. Then you can deliver the games to the web or as standalone players. Unity Web Player for Windows Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera Requirements Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 DownloadDownload Unity Web Player for Mac OS X Safari, Firefox Mac OS X 10.7 or newer Download Unity Web Player The Unity Web Player can be downloaded to run browser-based Windows and Mac games and apps made with Unity. Check out Unity's gallery to view and play games and apps on your device.

The Basics of C Programming" The previous discussion becomes a little clearer if you understand how memory addresses work in a computer's hardware. If you have not read it already, now would be a good time to read How Bits and Bytes Work to fully understand bits, bytes and words. All computers have memory, also known as RAM (random access memory). For example, your computer might have 16 or 32 or 64 megabytes of RAM installed right now. float f; This statement says, "Declare a location named f that can hold one floating point value." While you think of the variable f, the computer thinks of a specific address in memory (for example, 248,440). f = 3.14; The compiler might translate that into, "Load the value 3.14 into memory location 248,440." There are, by the way, several interesting side effects to the way your computer treats memory. int i, s[4], t[4], u=0; for (i=0; i<=4; i++) { s[i] = i; t[i] =i; } printf("s:t\n"); for (i=0; i<=4; i++) printf("%d:%d\n", s[i], t[i]); printf("u = %d\n", u); s[1000000] = 5;
