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Match Photo: Modeling from photos

Match Photo: Modeling from photos
Creating a 3D model to match a photo Use the matching process to create a 3D model to match one or more photos of a building or structure. This process is best suited for making models of images of structures containing features representing parallel lines, such as the top and bottom of a square window. Note: There are several You Tube videos on the Match Photo feature, including two videos that use the same example found in this article. To create a 3D model to match photos of a building or structure: Take digital pictures of the building or structure. Click and hold the cursor on the origin (). Release the mouse button. Release the mouse button.Click on the other red vanishing point bar grip. Note: Axis bars should be aligned to features that are parallel to their corresponding axis, such as window frames, roof lines, or door frames. Click on the blue axis bar (Z axis). Context-click to invoke the matching context-menu.Click the Done button.

Je possède de nombreuses formations vidéos sur SketchUp.... Courbe de bezier | Forum Logiciel SketchUp bonjour, il faut éditer ton composant en double cliquant dessus puis suivre la méthode que je t'ai indiqué hier soir. Une remarque encore. Pour dessiner cette forme il n'est pas nécessaire d'utiliser les courbes de Bézier. Avec une courbe de Bézier cela pourrait donner ceci:
