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21 Ways You Should Take Advantage Of Your 20s

21 Ways You Should Take Advantage Of Your 20s
1. Don’t feel the need to respond to every text message, phone call, and email the second it reaches you. Once upon a time, it took longer than a minute to reach someone. People used stamps and envelopes; they had answering machines they didn’t check for hours, sometimes days. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. All information provided in this article is for reference purposes only.

Meltdown This next week and a half promises to be electrifying. We’re on the brink of an epic hurricane, a Presidential election, and either the most disappointing or the spookiest Halloween ever. But right now I’m going to talk about me, about MIT, and about why I haven’t talked to you in a month. Toward the end of September I became noticeably stressed out. I stopped talking to people, I stopped cleaning my room, and I got very lonely. It culminated in an hour-long cry session after a benign meeting with my biology professor about a class presentation. “Cory,” I said to my boyfriend, “nobody loves me.” “Nonsense,” he replied, “I love you.” “I want to go home,” I said. Then I watched an episode of America’s Next Top Model and felt better. “Have I always been this crazy?” “Well,” he said, “you’ve always been a little crazy. That afternoon I went to S^3. I have a fantastic dean at S^3. The next week was my primary hell week of the term. The people I met were beautiful. “Why don’t you transfer out?”

Get Hired I was recently asked for interview advice. 1. These are guidelines and examples. Have I disclaimered myself enough? Interview Objective: Join the 180° Club What You Hopefully Did Months Ago Because I GUARANTEE This Will Happen Before Your Interview What You Should Do Leading Up to the Interview What You Should Bring The Suit This is Not a Party "Fashionably Late" Does Not Exist The Handshake How Enthusiastic You Should Appear Question Category Overview: What I (the Interviewer) am Really Trying to Figure Out Tell Me About Yourself What are Your Strengths? What are Your Weaknesses? Your Phone Describe a Time You Had Difficulty Working with a Coworker. What Was Your Biggest Mistake? Describe Your Ideal Workplace What Do You Know About this Company? Why do You Want this Job? Do You Have Any Questions for Me? Lunch: Price Considerations Lunch: Limit Your Pickiness Lunch: Appropriate BAC Level Lunch: Very Important Additional Consideration What to Remember Regarding a Thank You Email

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Follow a Career Passion? Let It Follow You Daniel Rosenbaum for The New York Times Cal Newport, a computer science professor at Georgetown, says many people lack a “true calling” but have a sense of fulfillment that grows over time. For many of my peers, this decision would have been fraught with anxiety. Growing up, we were told by guidance counselors, career advice books, the news media and others to “follow our passion.” This advice assumes that we all have a pre-existing passion waiting to be discovered. To a small group of people, this advice makes sense, because they have a clear passion. But this philosophy puts a lot of pressure on the rest of us — and demands long deliberation. As I considered my options during my senior year of college, I knew all about this Cult of Passion and its demands. These traits can be found in many jobs, but they have to be earned. RETURNING to my story, I decided after only minimal deliberation to go to M.I.T. Today, I’m a computer science professor at , and I love my job.

Tawas Untuk Ketiak Putih =) | Silampuneon Salam, Tawas Untuk Ketiak Putih =) Huhu...ramai yang tanya dan drop komen pasal tawas yang i guna tu kan ? Okay..meh saya jawab.. Tawas ni beli kat mana ? So stop laa guna deodorant yanga da kat pasaran tu k.. sebab deodorant tu akan buat ketiak korang lebih melekit..walaupun bau wangi..tapi ketiak korang akan berdaki dan hitammm..banyak chemical ..pakailah tawas =) Mood : lepak...hehe 50 Best Cheap Date Ideas - Handmade Wedding Posted July 20, 2012 | 110 Comments The weekend is right around the corner and we thought it was a great opportunity to share this fun weekend-ready post. For some couples, once they get engaged the ‘dates’ go right out the window, traded in for constant wedding planning. We say… bring on the date nights! Take a (temporary) wedding planning break once in awhile to remember why you’re tying the knot in the first place. Be spontaneous. P.S. 50 Cheap Date Ideas 1. photo by lindsey k photography Oh, and bring your pup. 2. 10. photo by click chick images 11. 15. photo by eric boneske photography (remember this cute couple?) 16. 21. photo by joe elario photography via de lovely affair 22. 27. 31. photo by lavida creations 32. 41. photo by eplove 42. It doesn’t matter what the activity is… just have fun, take a break from stressing out, and enjoy spending some one-on-one time together. So, we want to know… What are YOUR favorite cheap date ideas? Happy Planning! Have you read the book yet? P.S. P.S.S.

Follow a Career Passion? Let It Follow You Daniel Rosenbaum for The New York Times Cal Newport, a computer science professor at Georgetown, says many people lack a “true calling” but have a sense of fulfillment that grows over time. For many of my peers, this decision would have been fraught with anxiety. Growing up, we were told by guidance counselors, career advice books, the news media and others to “follow our passion.” This advice assumes that we all have a pre-existing passion waiting to be discovered. If we have the courage to discover this calling and to match it to our livelihood, the thinking goes, we’ll end up happy. To a small group of people, this advice makes sense, because they have a clear passion. But this philosophy puts a lot of pressure on the rest of us — and demands long deliberation. As I considered my options during my senior year of college, I knew all about this Cult of Passion and its demands. These traits can be found in many jobs, but they have to be earned.

The How Of Happiness: 10 Ways To Be Happy ← LMLRN Happiness is not some magical state of mind that we’re born with, blessed with, or lucky enough to stumble upon. It is a way of being that each of us can attain. When it comes to advice on how to be happy, the internet is filled with opinion and pseudoscience based on experiences and feelings. Religious teachings, our grandmothers, uncles, blogs, and television shows all have an opinion too. Some of the advice is questionable and some is even contradictory. This is why we need advice that has been researched and tested. The international bestseller The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want by Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at the University of California is the best self-help book from a reputable scientist whose advice is based on the best experimental data. Now that all that is done, lets get down to the actual purpose of this article; to give you the 10 Steps To Getting The Happiness You Want. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Further Reading:

Thank Your Ex Thank you for arguing with me. You taught me the correct way to disagree, as well as the incorrect way. You pushed me to my breaking point, so now I know to never go there again. Thank you for second-guessing every romantic gesture I made. You believing them to be nothing more than measly attempts at covering up dark secrets, only solidified their necessity. You taught me that I am more than capable of being romantic. Thank you for sharing with me. Thank you for boring evenings on the couch. Thank you for the loss of affection. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for facing a tough decision with me. Thank you for leaving me. Thank you for reconnecting. Thank you for ignored phone calls. Thank you for impacting me. Thank you for changing me. And, finally, thank you for helping create a me who is loved.

9 Things We Regret Not Doing in Our 20s Life is filled with regrets. Ask anyone around you what their regrets are and they usually have no difficulty coming up with many items on their “regret list.” And for some reason our twenties are ripe for a field of regrets. Traveling more – I regret not travelling more, and so does nearly everyone that I have asked. Investing early – How many times have we kicked ourselves for not starting our 401Ks in our twenties, for not putting our excess cash in long term investments, for not investing in our future early. Being more responsible with spending – In order to invest in our retirement or save for that down payment, we would have needed to make wiser financial spending choices. Better planning – I regret not focusing more on where I wanted to go in life, what I wanted to do, who I wanted to be and what it would take to get there. Seizing more experiences – I wish I had learned to ski and paint, speak Italian and do the Tango. Life is good; don’t misunderstand.

The secrets of body language: why you should never cross your arms again 7K Flares 7K Flares × Body language is older and more innate for us as humans than even language or facial expressions. That’s why people born blind can perform the same body language expressions as people who can see. They come pre-programmed with our brains. I’ve always been incredibly fascinated with body language and how it helps us achieve our goals in life better. The power of body language is probably best described by Amy Cuddy’s famous quote: “Our nonverbals govern how other people think and feel about us.” If you are anything like me, then you’ve had a healthy obsession with body language for some time. Here is an insight of the latest studies and how we can use body language to our advantage in every day life. Your body expresses emotion better than your face We all grow up learning about how to deal with each other based on facial expressions. Researchers from Princeton performed a very simple experiment. And the results couldn’t be any more startling: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.)

Well, At Least There Was Good Stuff to Read: The Books of the Decade Anybody remember how anxious and thrilled we were in those last months of the 20th century? When we weren't at war and we had a budget surplus and it looked like Al Gore would be president? The prospect of a 21st century filled with new technologies, new art and literature loomed large and bright. But now, as we look back at what was decidedly a shitty decade for an incredible variety of people in an equally incredible variety of ways (evictions/invasions/bombings/etc), it's surprisingly hard to be pessimistic about the books that assessed, satirized, dramatized and distracted us from the events of the past 10 years. Goethe said that the decline of a nation's literature is the precursor to that nation's fall, and with this look back at the books that defined the decade, we'd like to tell Goethe to suck it. To be clear: there were plenty of bad books over the course of the decade, as well.

What Are You Going to Do With That? - The Chronicle Review By William Deresiewicz The essay below is adapted from a talk delivered to a freshman class at Stanford University in May. The question my title poses, of course, is the one that is classically aimed at humanities majors. But that's not the question I'm asking. We should start by talking about how you did, in fact, get here. Now there's nothing wrong with mastering skills, with wanting to do your best and to be the best. The problem with specialization is that it makes you into a specialist. Again, there's nothing wrong with being those things. And there's another problem. Or maybe you did always want to be a cardiac surgeon. But either way, either because you went with the flow or because you set your course very early, you wake up one day, maybe 20 years later, and you wonder what happened: how you got there, what it all means. There is an alternative, however, and it may be one that hasn't occurred to you. It means not just going with the flow. Let me give you another counterexample.

10 Easy To Read Books That Make You Smarter ← LMLRN There could be as many books written as opinions on which to read. This list is not at all exhaustive, but serves as a starting point for the inquisitive mind. These are all modern, easy to read books that don’t fill your brain with easily forgotten facts, but a way of thinking about the universe that makes you smarter. So, without further ado: 1. Carl Sagan’s Cosmos, tells the story of 15 billion years of cosmic history like no one else can. 2. Outliers brings a crucial point that there is logic behind why some people become successful, and it has more to do with legacy and opportunity than high IQ. 3. This is the greatest guide, to what we all should have learned in high school and beyond. 4. Where do morals come from? 5. Daniel Kahneman presents the brain as we have never seen it. 6. The lesson of this book is that we should be leery of trusting society’s or common wisdom. 7. 8. 9. Physics can often be wrongly marred with hatred for its complexity and day to day social application.
