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Modular Origami - models folded by Michał Kosmulski

Modular Origami - models folded by Michał Kosmulski

Dixie Cup Spherical Dodecahedron All you need is a glue gun and 140 5 oz. Dixie Cups to achieve this rigid erection! Make several - then show off your amazing balls to friends and family! Then show them the thing you made out of 140 Dixie Cups! These Dixiespheres exhibit icosahedral symmetry, but other kinds are possible as well - I've included pictures of other Dixie Cup spherical constructions. I'd love to see any new ones you can come up with (especially if they exhibit some sort of symmetry), and I'd love to hear about how you use your Dixiespheres. The Dixiesphere is composed of twenty spherical-hexagonal 7-cup modular units, which you will construct first.

origami - charli blog A continuación os pongo la información de los invitados al Curso, si queréis más información acerca del curso, pinchar en estos enlaces: Página de Escuela de diseño. Información del Curso Instrucciones de matriculación Formulario de matriculación Organizado por la Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón (ESDA), bajo el patrocinio del Instituto Aragonés de Enseñanzas Artísticas Superiores (IAEAS) y la colaboración del Grupo Zaragozano de Papiroflexia. Dirigido por Ángel Morollón Guallar, profesor de Volumen de la ESDA. Ciclo de conferencias y talleres destinados a profesores y alumnos de artes plásticas y diseño, diseñadores de interiores, artistas, diseñadores gráficos, arquitectos y creativos o curiosos entusiastas en general. Sin embargo en este caso no partiremos del mundo del diseño para rastrear papel y pliegues en él, haremos el camino a la inversa, en esta ocasión el papel plegado será el protagonista. La duración total del curso entre charlas y talleres es de 25 horas, 1 crédito ECTS.

Origami Instructions modular origami « paper and polyhedra August 31, 2009, 00:00 Oh, there are so many things I want to do, but so little time. And why am I always distracted by all these little things anyways? I joined Flickr! Instead of posting to the LJ Scrapbook, I’ll upload new pics there. I really should work on my photography and Photoshop skills. Anyways, I’ll post some of the older photos with commentary! This model comes from Meenakshi Mukerji’s Marvelous Modular Origami! I tried to make this out of paint chip samples, 1.37×2.75 in, but the paper is really thick and difficult to fold. It’s beautiful otherwise, so if I were to do this model again, I’d take more paint chips to be able to use larger pieces. Inspired by the cover of Modular Origami Polyhedra, using Lewis Simon’s Decoration Box model. I really love the rainbow effect that it has! Since there are so many pieces, the model takes a while to fold. From Tomoko Fuse’s Floral Globes book again. I think the color combination came out well. I am in love with shiny metallic paper.

origami modular Envelope Edit Article Gift PackageHidden Message Edited by Mimi, WikiBunny, Krystle, Eric and 23 others Have you ever wanted to send a letter to somebody, perhaps a small gift or hidden message? Of course, it is best to have something attractive to put it in! Ad Steps Method 1 of 2: Gift Package an Origami Envelope Step 1.360p.mp4 00:00 00:03 00:03 spaceplay / pauseescstopffullscreenshift + ←→slower / faster (latest Chrome and Safari)←→seek . seek to previous 12…6 seek to 10%, 20%, …60% 1Take a square piece of paper with the corner facing you. Method 2 of 2: Hidden Message 10Slide the tip of the other triangle underneath the flap found under it. Tips

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Sonobe module Instuctions for making this model Below is the Sonobe unit, designed by Mitsonobu Sonobe, which I learned from Kazuyo Inoue. Above is the capped icosahedron which she made for me from this unit; you need to make about 30 units for this, but you only need six if you want to make a cube. Since this must be very well known, I'm only putting a very brief picture of how to make it. Just in case you want more details than above, you can find some more diagams here and here. Kazuyo first showed me a kind of stellated icosohedron made from this unit; and there are lots more things to be made from it. Sonobe links VRML Models of Modular Origami Modular Origami VRML Models Modular origami involves folding several identical or similar pieces (called units), which are then joined, usually without glue. Although I prefer single-sheet origami, some modular models are extremely attractive and elegant, not the least in the mathematical sense. Most modular units are fairly simple to fold; however, assembling some models can be quite difficult, since some units cycle or "penetrate" one another. Static diagrams and pictures are often not enough to solve placement ambiguity; in this case, assembly is greatly eased if a finished model is available for reference. These VRML ("virtual reality") models are intended as an aid to folders who didn't yet finish or don't have at hand a "real" instance of those remarkable origami creations. If your browser shows the models as text, you might have to install a plug-in or separate viewer. Copyright © 2002 Carlos A.

Goldengami Collections | Goldengami’s Weblog | Chinese Unit Origami – Gives a Singular Voice to the Unity of Many African Chevron Mask Complex modular paper wall mask 2012 in review The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: 4,329 films were submitted to the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. Click here to see the complete report.
