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Nicolas clauss

Nicolas clauss

Chris Cunningham Chris Cunningham is a British video artist. He was born in Reading, Berkshire in 1970 and grew up in Lakenheath, Suffolk. Cunningham has primarily directed music videos for ambient music and electronica acts such as Autechre and Aphex Twin. He has also created art installations and directed short movies. He was approached to direct a movie version of the cyberpunk novel Neuromancer, but nothing came of early discussions. The video collection The Work of Director Chris Cunningham was released in November 2004 as part of the Directors Label set. Early work[edit] Music videos[edit] Video art[edit] The Anthony d'Offay Gallery also commissioned Monkey Drummer, a 2½ minute piece intended for exhibition as a companion to Flex at the 2000 Apocalypse exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts, however the piece was not finished in time. Short films[edit] In 2005, Cunningham released the short film Rubber Johnny as a DVD accompanied by a book of photographs and drawings. Commercials[edit]

De l'art si je veux Chico MacMurtrie / Amorphic Robot Works --------> WORKS the robotic church chrysalis organograph inner space inflatable architectural growth inflatable architectural bodies a tree for anable basin totemobile the inflatable birds the mechanical mural the forest of telescoping totem poles growing, raining tree foetus to man skeletal reflections the amorphic landscape urge to stand the cave of the subconscious

Notes et fragments Du 11 au 14 mars à Maubeuge, après Mons où le festival avait débuté, Via offrait une belle série de spectacles qui ouvrent les frontières du théâtre. Et une formidable exposition, Dancing machine, à retrouver au festival Exit à Créteil. Les gens du Nord ont dans le cœur le soleil qu’ils n’ont pas dehors, prétendait une fameuse chanson d’Enrico Macias. A ceci près que quelques rayons pré-printaniers ont réchauffé les derniers jours du festival Via à Maubeuge, force est de confirmer le cliché. Le sens de l’accueil, s’il compte dans l’art d’accommoder la culture, ne serait que poudre aux yeux s’il ne faisait que masquer une programmation de seconde zone. L’attente était également forte avec Capital confiance, création commune des compagnies Transquinquennal et TOC. Et un coup de cœur pour finir.
