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The 50 greatest arts videos on YouTube

The 50 greatest arts videos on YouTube

The best documentaries of 2010 - Roger Ebert's Journal Documentaries became a box office factor with the rise of such films as "Hoop Dreams" and "Roger & Me." Before then, there were hit music documentaries like "Woodstock" but most other nonfiction films could expect short runs in few theaters before dutiful audiences. What a small but growing minority of Friday night moviegoers is beginning to discover is that there's a good chance the movie they might enjoy most at the multiplex is a doc. In alphabetical order, these were the best documentaries I saw in 2010: "45365" is the zip code of Sidney, Ohio. The brothers Bill and Turner Ross were born there perhaps 30 years ago. The film is privileged. Sidney has what can only be described as a great radio station. "A Small Act." The film shows Mburu seeking the Swedish woman "who made my life possible." She is flown to Kenya, serenaded by the choir from Mburu's village, feasted, thanked, gowned in traditional robes. "Art of the Steal." "Best Worst Movie." "Collapse." The man fit the legend.

Lemn Masiv - MTI Impex | Usi | Ferestre | Scari | Subansamble MTI Impex, producator de elemente din lemn masiv pentru habitat, va propune un sortiment de usi de interior, usi de intrare si scari pentru casa sau biroul dumneavoastra, garantandu-va calitate, excelenta in design si confort la cel mai bun pret. Cei 15 ani de experienta in prelucrarea lemnului si know-how-ul grupului Lapeyre - Saint Gobain, la care am aderat in 2007, ne permit fabricarea si lansarea pe piata de produse inovatoare si de inalta calitate, care va vor satisface pe termen lung. Capacitatea de uscare alcatuita din 28 de camere de uscare de cate 100 metri cubi fiecare, cat si tehnologiile moderne de prelucrare, asigura produselor noastre, garantia lucrului bine facut. De asemenea, suntem singura companie romaneasca cu dubla certificare, PEFC si FSC, marci ale calitatii, pe plan intern si international. Serviciul nostru comercial este la dispozitia proiectului dvs. Vizualizati angajamentul MTI fata de protectia mediului.

arsVirtual Divulgamos el conocimiento A través de la generación y divulgación del conocimiento, creamos, difundimos y compartimos el conocimiento cultural y tecnológico generado a partir de los usos, formatos y contenidos digitales. Organizamos investigaciones, conferencias y congresos con autores internacionales consolidados como referentes. Asímismo, impulsamos la creación artística contemporánea relacionada con la tecnología, a través de concursos internacionales, y conservamos y gestionamos el patrimonio artístico y tecnológico de Telefónica.

20 Beautiful Video Motion Pieces | Inspiration Advertisement A show reel is the motion picture equivalent of an artist’s portfolio. It is typically used as a tool to promote an artist’s skill, talent and experience in a selected field, such as acting, directing, cinematography, editing, special effects, animation, video games or another graphic-related field. In this episode of our inspiration series, we present 20 examples of beautiful motions pieces: stop-motion, experiments, show reels, demos, paintings and more. Motion Pieces London (harder, better, faster, stronger)1 Stop-motion: more than 3000 pictures, all put together in less than 2 minutes. Obama ’08 – Vote For Hope2 “Vote For Hope” was written to encourage and inspire the hip-hop generation, and everyone else, to get involved and contribute their time, energy and creativity. World War – 3D Animation3 World War was created by Vincent Chai for his final degree project while studying 3-D Animation at the University Of Hertfordshire. Love Story4 A short love story in stop-motion.

What is 21st century design Vaness blogueuse mode influente parisienne | Vidéo publiée le 16 novembre 2009 Ca y est, Vaness’ est arrivée à Paris et elle a désormais la possibilité d’accéder au Saint Graal : devenir une blogueuse mode influente parisienne. Elle nous raconte dans cette vidéo son nouveau style, dresse son top des blogueuses mode parisiennes influentes et te donne quelques conseils à toi, madmoiZelle qui voudrait devenir blogueuse mode parisienne influente. On dit merci qui ? - Deviens Fan de Vaness’ sur Facebook - La Malveillante point blogspot point com Et comme Vaness’ fait du Vaness’, voici les liens des blogueuses citées : - Charlie, sans sa chocolaterie - Babillages (et pas Babibages) - Caroline Daily (qui n’a pas arrêté et encore moins eu d’enfants) - Garance Doré - La Méchante, l’inspiration de Vaness - Le blog de Betty (et son blush naturel) Crédits : Sophie-Marie Larrouy…… Vaness Linda Felinger…………… Accessoriste
