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21 Meals With Tons Of Protein And No Meat

21 Meals With Tons Of Protein And No Meat

Have a very veggie Christmas By Charlie Clapp Christmas is once again upon us and carnivores all over the world will rejoice and join together to gorge on juicy meat and suet puddings. “Nom nom nom” they say, with fat dripping down their chins. So what do vegetarians eat on Christmas day? It’s easy to make the menu seasonal. What tasty nibbles might these be? When it’s dinner time, roll yourself from the sofa (remembering to bring your drink) and spare a though for the drooling carnivores in the house next door, eating the turkey that Jesus probably didn’t eat while you all tuck in to a feast of cauliflower and broccoli cheese, squash rotolo and garlicky or lemony greens. Then on to pudding, and one for everyone – Jamie’s mum’s gorgeous chocolate pudding.

13 Ways To Travel When You Have No Money I recently asked subscribers of my newsletter about the number one thing that holds them back from traveling. The near universal answer? Money This is something I hear from everyone I talk to. “Matt, I simply don’t have enough money to travel.” This problem and how to overcome it probably my most asked question. You do not need to be rich to travel. Let’s repeat that. You do not need to be rich to travel. I sure wasn’t. Yet I managed to save enough to travel the world. “But Matt, I work a minimum wage job/am a student/live on social security/am homeless/insert other excuse here and no matter what I can do, I’ll never be able to do it. What do you do when you are in that boat? Many, many things. If you feel that no matter what you do you will never get ahead by saving money, follow this guide to ultimate travel frugality and see the world on the ultra cheap: 1. Working overseas often gets discounted as an option because it seems hard to do. 2. 3. Can’t sign up for credit cards? 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Hummus clasic - Retete culinare by Teo's Kitchen Suntem pe ultima suta de metri cu Postul Pastelui, asa ca, zci eu, reteta de hummus clasic vine la fix. Sa va spun cum puteti trisa la reteta asta, nu, nu cumparand hummus gata facut, ci cumparand nautul gata fiert, la conserva. Aveti nevoie de 2 conserve de naut pentru reteta asta si sa stiti ca il gasiti peste tot, in orice market, chiar si in cele mai mici, o conserva fiind undeva la 3 lei. Daca vreti voi musai sa folositi naut uscat, atunci e bine sa il tineti peste noapte in apa, pe care o schimbati dimineata. Deci, zic eu, in lumea complicata si aagitata in care traim, e mai usor sa folosim conservele de naut si aia e, ne-am scutit de toata bataia de cap cu fiertul. Mai intai scurgem bine conservele de naut si spalam nautul, inlaturand pe cat se poate tecile boabelor. Urmeaza uleiul de masline, eu pun in prima faza vreo 40-50 ml si apoi, la nevoie, mai pun. Rating: 4.7/5 (23 votes cast) Hummus clasic, 4.7 out of 5 based on 23 ratings

26 Food Swaps To Make You Healthier 33 Insanely Clever Things Your Small Apartment Needs Din antropologia alimentației :: despre pâinea cu maia la români | my daily joys Am dat de curând peste o carte nemaipomenită, pe care trebuie neapărat să v-o împărtășesc. Este vorba despre ”Valori identitare în Dobrogea. Hrana care unește și desparte” (coordonator Ofelia Văduva), un volum extrem de valoros pentru mine întrucât conține în jur de o sută de pagini de documente de istorie orală legate de alimentația românilor. Documentele sunt rezultatul a două serii de cercetări, realizate în sate din Dobrogea între 1976 și 1982 și apoi, mai recent, în 2007. Majoritatea celor chestionați sunt oameni în vârstă (peste 65 de ani), astfel că multe mărturii descriu realități de la începutul secolului trecut. Din cartea de mai sus am încercat să extrag pasajele mai importante legate de prepararea pâinii dospite și să le sistematizez un pic. Pâine s-a făcut dintotdeauna în spațiul locuit de români și de strămoșii acestora, cuvântul ”pâine” însuși, de origine latină (”panis”) fiind o dovadă a vechimii meșteșugului. ”Când cocea pâinea, coceai un colăcel. ”Mama făcea drojdie.

32 Books That Will Actually Change Your Life 15 Reasons to Use Apple Cider Vinegar Every Day Apple cider vinegar is my new obsession. I recently began taking apple cider vinegar shots a few times a day for a quick and effective energy burst. However, I've since discovered so many other useful ways to incorporate apple cider vinegar (ACV) into my daily routine. It's effective for pretty much anything—your skin, your hair, your house, and even your pets can benefit from its qualities. 1. It's made from apple juice and is fermented to hard apple cider. 2. Apple cider vinegar can be used as a rinse for your hair after shampooing, and will boost your hair's body and shine. 3. Dilute ACV with two parts water, and spread the concoction over your face with a cotton ball to replace your current toner. It's also a recommended agent for warts. 4. Rub teeth directly with apple cider vinegar, and rinse with water. 5. Add a cup of apple cider vinegar to your bath, and soak for 10 minutes to eliminate discomfort from sunburn. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

How To Become A Mindful Eater In 10 Days Don't beat yourself up if you've eaten too much recently. Now is the perfect opportunity to try again, equipped with a new useful tool. Practicing mindful eating can help you avoid the typical holiday weight gain (and the guilt that often follows), but to do it well it does take "training," just as with anything else. We wouldn't dream about running a marathon without proper training or performing in a play without rehearsing, yet we expect that we could just start to eat mindfully at any time. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way, so I have developed a 10-day "training plan" to eat mindfully. Day 1 I will do my best to start each meal with some deep breaths and a pause to become fully present. Day 2 Before taking the first bite, I will take a moment to think about how grateful I am to have this delicious food available for me. Day 3 I will chew my food slowly, concentrating on taste and texture. Day 4 Day 5 I will eat my food sitting down at a table. Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10
