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Graphite Pencil Drawing Tutorial: Female Eye by Faith Te

Graphite Pencil Drawing Tutorial: Female Eye by Faith Te
About Faith Graphite Pencil, Charcoal Pencil and Pastels Artist Hello! I practiced every day and for many hours since. Initially, charcoal and graphite pencils were the only mediums I used. I devote many hours and lots of attention to detail into each and every one of my drawings or paintings. Thank you for your interest in my artwork. Please take a moment to visit Faith’s Website and Blog to learn more about her and her products and services. Her Website: Her Blog: Graphite Pencil Drawing Tutorial: Female Eye by Faith Te (Click Images Below for Larger Views) Here is the first tutorial from Art Studio — a female eye. Step 1: The outline on Canson Grain. Step 2: Using a soft brush dipped in small amounts of graphite powder, I cover the outline with two or three layers of tone. Step 3: Using a smaller version of the brush I used in the previous step, I begin forming the shapes of the eye by defining the darker areas. Step 4:

Charcoal Drawing Techniques Let me demonstrate some of my charcoal drawing techniques. My goal here was to see how far I could push my charcoal drawing techniques to make the textures look real . . . the skin, the handkerchief,the metal trumpet , the shirt , and the hair. Some people have a difficult time drawing from life because they find it hard to translate the three dimensions in real life onto a two-dimensional drawing surface. Others can easily translate what they see whether they are creating charcoal drawings from a photograph or drawing from a live model. In either case, you must observe very carefully, and then translate those observations expressively onto the surface of your charcoal drawings. Before applying any charcoal drawing techniques, you should make preliminary drawing pencil sketches. This one was drawn in ink (which is unforgiving since you can’t erase!) Some of the lines, particularly those in the hand, were done quickly in order to get the feeling of movement. Then the real work began. #5. #6.

New Ornate Insects Drawn by Alex Konahin How To Draw "How to Draw" is a collection of tutorials that will teach you everything from perspective basics to shading chrome. Never picked up a pencil before? Fear not! Instructables is the most popular project-sharing community on the Internet. How to Draw Learn how to draw people/figures successfully then you will be able to draw almost anything. That is why all the masters studied mainly the human figure over the centuries. Even today, figure drawing classes are mandatory in all art schools and colleges. We have designed these drawing tutorials assuming that you are a beginner, so feel free to skim through if you are more advanced. Also the tutorials are on the narrow field of representational observational drawing techniques. We guarantee that you will become a master draughstsman if you thoroughly study our tutorials. Have you ever seen a kid without any prior training do a great pencil drawing by copying from comic books or photos? Value Sketching Practice A great way to train your eyes to see the accurate shapes and values, is by doing a lot of value sketching practice. Seeing the forms clearly is very hard. Seeing The Forms All Around Click here to see the tutorial on seeing the forms click here to see a head drawing tutorial demo

Zentangles: my new favourite artform | The Underground Artist Pub I recently bought the book One Zentangle a Day from amazon and I’ve found it a lovely and practical introduction into the art of zentangles. This is a recently developed technique where you draw repetitive strokes over and over again, adding shading and highlights to form a patterned tile. These tiles can be shaped to create a greater picture or form. Below is a starter Zentangle that I drew recently. It is a very meditative form of art, hence the zen in Zentangle. Here are some more advanced zentangles from the web. Why not give zentangling a go. Like this: Like Loading...

25 Great Quotes to Inspire and Brighten Your Day Here’s a collection of great quotes by some of the most inspirational men and women that ever walked this earth. Hopefully you’ll find them inspirational in some way. If you do like them and find them helpful, check out our similar posts by visiting the links listed below. We have created over 20+ of these galleries, so there is lots more to be seen. More popular quotations: – 25 Inspirational Quotes – Great quotes to ponder upon Check out all of our galleries with nice quotes here: More great quotes:

Gesture Drawing Captures Movement All gesture drawing is done quickly. You have to feel the action of your model. You’re letting the pencil roam freely and quickly in order to capture the model’s movement. The important thing here is not what the final drawing looks like, but that the line is moving in the same way that the model is moving. The drawing may be meaningless to someone else but it’s important to you because at that moment you’re capturing the feeling of the figure's movement. Do not look at the paper…keep your eye on the model as he or she moves….. Use cheap paper (like newsprint) because you’ll go through a lot of it. Most of the gesture drawings that you will see on this site were done years ago when I was in University. Human Figure Drawing In the above examples, our model changed positions every minute. In the above example, the model kept moving. If you're lucky enough to be enrolled in an art class you will have access to models. Pen and Ink Sketches This drawing was done in ink.

Irina Vinnik on Behance by bec finch: stamped. As you probably already know, I love making little outfits for family and friends. A while ago, I made labels to make my creations a little more personalised. I think that they still need something extra to complete the packaging. So...I got a stamp made! I went to a local stamp shop in my town called Express Rubber Stamps. I bought some plain recycled cardboard labels off eBay, and finished them off with a corner cutter (my favourite scrapbooking tool). I can also use the stamp for branding some new products that I'll be launching soon, so stay tuned!
