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About rel="canonical" - Webmaster Tools Help

About rel="canonical" - Webmaster Tools Help
If you have a single page that's accessible by multiple URLs, or different pages with similar content (for example, a page with both a mobile and a desktop version), Google sees these as duplicate versions of the same page. Google will choose one URL as the canonical version and crawl that, and all other URLs will be considered duplicate URLs and crawled less often. If you don't explicitly tell Google which URL is canonical, Google will make the choice for you, or might consider them both of equal weight, which might lead to unwanted behavior, as explained in Reasons to choose a canonical URL. How Googlebot indexes and chooses the canonical URL When Googlebot indexes a site, it tries to determine the primary content of each page. Google chooses the canonical page based on a number of factors (or signals), such as whether the page is served via HTTP or HTTPS, page quality, presence of the URL in a sitemap, and any rel=canonical labeling. Valid reasons for keeping similar or duplicate pages Related:  edecofy1

Objects, Images, and Applets in HTML documents 13.1 Introduction to objects, images, and applets HTML's multimedia features allow authors to include images, applets (programs that are automatically downloaded and run on the user's machine), video clips, and other HTML documents in their pages. For example, to include a PNG image in a document, authors may write: <BODY><P>Here's a closeup of the Grand Canyon: <OBJECT data="canyon.png" type="image/png"> This is a <EM>closeup</EM> of the Grand Canyon. </OBJECT></BODY> Previous versions of HTML allowed authors to include images (via IMG) and applets (via APPLET). They fail to solve the more general problem of how to include new and future media types. To address these issues, HTML 4 introduces the OBJECT element, which offers an all-purpose solution to generic object inclusion. The new OBJECT element thus subsumes some of the tasks carried out by existing elements. The chart indicates that each type of inclusion has a specific and a general solution. Attribute definitions src = uri [CT]

Two Examples of How One Line of Code Could Kill Your SEO [Case Studies] With all of the buzz about Social Media Marketing, I think too many companies overlook the importance of having a rock solid technical structure (SEO-wise). Sure, Social Media Marketing is important, but let’s not forget that SEO can be driving quality traffic 24/7, and for the long-term. When it comes to building SEO strength, you absolutely need a clean and crawlable structure so the search engines can easily crawl and then index your content. If your site can’t be crawled or indexed properly, you’re essentially dead in the water. You can build links until the cows come home and it won’t make a difference SEO-wise. I perform a lot of SEO Audits at G-Squared, and across a wide range of web sites. The Cost of One Line of Code When performing audits, you never know what you’re going to find. WordPress and NoIndex/NoFollow As part of an SEO audit, I typically review the core domains in use by a company. Upon further review (about 15 seconds on the blog), I pulled up the source code.

Balise TITLE, comment la rédiger ? Si l'importance de la balise TITLE ne fait plus aucun doute pour faciliter le positionnement d'une page web sur les moteurs de recherche, son mode de rédaction amène encore très souvent de nombreuses interrogations. Voici donc quelques conseils pour faciliter son optimisation en fonction des situations. Cet article s'adresse plutôt à des débutants en référencement... Quoi que... Une balise très visible dans Google Votre balise TITLE est l'élément le plus visible dans les résultats de recherche, il est donc important de lui allouer tous vos efforts pour rendre votre page pertinente aux yeux de l'internaute qui effectue une recherche. A l'affichage, Google présentera en gras les mots contenus dans la requête de l'internaute et dans votre balise TITLE, son contenu impacte donc votre visibilité au milieu des résultats. Son contenu sera aussi visible dans l'onglet du navigateur une fois votre page affichée. C'est quoi, ça se met ou le TITLE ? Ça ressemble à ça : <title>Ici mon joli titre</title>

Institute Management System for simplifying school operations. If you have a single page that's accessible by multiple URLs, or different pages with similar content (for example, a page with both a mobile and a desktop version), Google sees these as duplicate versions of the same page. Google will choose one URL as the canonical version and crawl that, and all other URLs will be considered duplicate URLs and crawled less often. If you don't explicitly tell Google which URL is canonical, Google will make the choice for you, or might consider them both of equal weight, which might lead to unwanted behavior, as explained in Reasons to choose a canonical URL. How Googlebot indexes and chooses the canonical URL When Googlebot indexes a site, it tries to determine the primary content of each page. Google chooses the canonical page based on a number of factors (or signals), such as whether the page is served via HTTP or HTTPS, page quality, presence of the URL in a sitemap, and any rel=canonical labeling. Valid reasons for keeping similar or duplicate pages

Les sprites CSS - Alsacréations Le temps des onmouseover, des images préchargées via JavaScript et des autres joyeusetés héritées des grandes périodes de tag soup est, comme le temps des Elfes de la Terre du Milieu, définitivement révolu : faire des effets de rollover sur des images est tout à fait possible en utilisant uniquement les CSS. La technique consiste à exploiter un fichier unique pour stocker de multiples images, positionnées les unes à côté des autres. Celles-ci seront ensuite appelées dans la feuille de style, et la fenêtre d'affichage sur l'une ou l'autre image sera définie en CSS grâce à la propriété background-position. Attention : la technique exposée dans ce tutoriel est à manier avec précaution car elle peut engendrer des problèmes d'accessibilité (typiquement lorsque les images ne sont pas actives). Les avantages des sprites CSS sont multiples : Des sites à fort trafic (Youtube, Google, Facebook, Amazon, ...) exploitent cette technique sur des pages que vous consultez tous les jours : Inconvénients

SEO Software System | Web Presence Optimization | gShift Labs Google +1 Button Performance Review First publication: June 6, 2011 UPDATE: Google released a non-blocking version of the button! July 26: +1 for the Google engineers for fixing the button within a couple of weeks after the initial release. They have announced that the button now loads in a non-blocking way and is a lot faster. Yeah! Get the new button code here. UPDATE: Google is working on the problems June 7: I just received a nice email from an engineer at Google, explaining some of the choices they made and telling me they are working hard on fixing the performance problems. On June 1 2011, Google released the +1 Button for the whole web. I have found 6 performance issues for the Google +1 Button as it is now. Read the description of each performance problem first - and especially 1,2 and 5 - and then view the code for loading the Google +1 Button in a non-blocking way. Blocking JavaScript in the <head> Google offers a nice and simple online code generator to create a custom Google +1 Button. Serve the JS file over HTTPS

School Management System during COVID-19 Pandemic School Management System during COVID-19 The Scenario Right Now: Amid the deadly Covid-19’s second wave hitting the world, most of the schools across the nation have shut down their schools indefinitely. However, parents, students, and schools are equally worried about the loss of a valuable academic year… Educational industry experts have clearly expressed their views saying that the entire educational system from elementary to tertiary level has collapsed across the globe due to COVID-19. “Doug Lederman” a popular educationalist has stated that “Because of COVID-19, most professors and students suddenly find themselves forced to use technology as they teach and learn”. Experts have also claimed that the upcoming times can be more challenging, with students facing multiple challenges of educational hardships including quality education, hands-on experience, laboratory work, library visit, peer tutoring, remedial teaching, research and innovation. How an Institute Management System Can Help?

Signaler les liens externes via CSS Les liens externes, c’est-à-dire les liens qui pointent vers des sites différents du site actuel, doivent être signalés selon les recommandations du W3C. Cela apporte une petite information très utile aux visiteurs lors de la lecture d’un article. Malheureusement ce système est très rarement mis en place. Cette petite astuce est facilement mise en application à l’aide de règles CSS. Rien de plus simple, nous ajoutons ici une icône « external.png » en arrière plan à tous les liens. Il suffit maintenant d’annuler cette même règle pour les liens qui ne sont effectivement pas des liens externes en utilisant les sélecteurs d’attributs en CSS : La seconde règle permet de préciser de nouvelles propriétés pour les liens qui contiennent dans l’attribut href le nom de domaine de notre site. Cela donnera ceci : Ici, le lien « Readability » fait référence à un article du blog donc pas d’icône !

SEO SEM Social Media (Search Engine Optimization & Internet Marketing) Actualités sur le groupe I normally aim to write one to two blogs per week but the reason I was kinda away this week (apart from the nasty flu I’ve suffered from since Friday night) is due to some development issues with a client’s web site. You see, I consider myself a very good SEO consultant but when it comes to development I know what must be done but not necessarily how to do it, as I have web site developers to do that for me. I decided through this article to give some technical information about two very well-known SEO issues most companies suffer and most people are not aware of. Through this you will be able to check your own web sites and see if you suffer from similar technical problems and how to solve them. How to redirect your non-www web site version to the www one. If you type you will be directed to that address, while you should have been redirected to, even if you did not use www on your link bar. How did I resolve this? How did I solve this? Like this:

SEO, expressions-clés et ergonomie (SMX) Recap SMX 6 juin La conférence à ne pas rater, c’était bien évidement celle sur l’importance du contenu rédactionnel pour le SEO :-) mais il y en avait d’autres captivantes. Voici quelques résumés courts au fil de mes notes sur les conférences SEO du SMX Paris. Mes quelques notes en vrac auraient presque pu être des tweets. J’espère toutefois que ces petits bouts d’informations apporteront quelque chose à tous ceux qui n’ont pu se rendre sur place. Will Critchlow (SEOmoz) est intervenu en intro. Will a remplacé Rand Fishkin… Il apparaît de plus en plus important d’obtenir des liens de classes d’IP C différentes.La longueur des textes semble impacter le référencement. Laurent Bourrelly : les techniques de la recherche par mot-clé J’ai beaucoup écouté, et pris peu de notes, vous m’excuserez donc de ce résumé très short. À retenir : Les outils utiles : Et voilà que Laurent nous sort une slide ou il a « épluché » le blog AxeNet:-) Rappel du programme global SMX Paris.
