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Reversible, Lined, Color-Blocked Tote

Reversible, Lined, Color-Blocked Tote
I’ve got a new summer bag that I totally love. It’s nice and heavy-weight, the perfect size for all my stuff, annnnd…… It’s reversible! Yay! It’s good to have options. Here are the TOTE bag versions we’ve tried so far…. This time around we’ll make it: • reversible (similar to having a lining) • color-blocked on the outside with heavy Duck Cloth (read more about duck cloth and other fabrics in my book) • DIY handles Summer, Summer, Summer time. Let’s get started. Start by cutting all your bag pieces. The reversible bag is basically two separate bags, sewn together at the top. Decide what size you’d like for your bag. Start by sewing the handles. If you’re using lightweight fabrics, place right sides of the fabric together and sew down each side. However, with heavy duck cloth it’s very difficult to pull the fabric right-side out. Now piece together the bag fronts and backs…. Now your bag pieces are ready to assemble. Then Box out the bottom of each bag, about 2 1/2 inches on each side.

The Twenty Minute Tote Updated September 2011 We have remade these awesome, simple bags for fall! This time around, I used a gorgeous new collection of upholstery weight cotton called Outside Oslo. These bold, stylish prints are sophisticated without being serious and come in a rich palette of colors perfect for fall. I added some sturdy contrasting cotton webbing handles for a pop of color, and I love the way they came out! To make one tote bag: 1/2- yard of Outside Oslo Fabric. Updated February 2011 These totes really do come together in 20 minutes a piece which makes them a great, quick, way to add a little Springtime color and excitement into the dull end of Winter months. 1/2-yard of Kokka Apples. The Original The fabric in these how to shots is from Echino and is now out of print but you can see more from the same designer, Etsuko Furuya here. Cutting Cut two 16-inch tall by 14-inch wide panels from the fabric. Cut two 22 1/2-inch long pieces from the webbing. Attaching Handles and Hemming the Top

How to make a tote bag Here is a simple way to make a tote bag. The best part it is even reversible. You might also like to make a zippered pouch to go with your new tote! You will be surprised at how easy it is to put in a zipper with this zippered pouch tutorial. You will need: 2 pieces fabric 13 1/2 inches X 14 inches (outside) 2 pieces fabric 13 1/2 inches X 14 inches (lining) 1 piece 4” X about 44″ long 1. 2. 3. 4. Cut four pieces fabric 13 1/2 inches X 14 inches. Sew lining fabric right sides together on three sides and also outer fabric right sides together on three sides. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Finished! You might be interested in making a matching pocket tissue holder and zippered pouch to go with your tote! The fabric is from Heather Bailey. Patrons - 3 patrons de… - Patron de blouse à… - Robe pour bébé Samedi 21 juillet 2012 6 21 /07 /Juil /2012 08:00 Cadeaux utiles et mignons: les bavoirs ! voici 3 nouveaux patrons de bavoirs qui tiennent bien en place et couvrent les épaules du bébé... Le patron: Cliquer pour agrandir le patron avec sa liste de fournitures: il est imprimable échelle: 1 carré = 5x5 cm comment agrandir ce patron au carreau Le petit plus: les tutoriels utiles de Coupe-couture Par labobine - Publié dans : Patrons -Communauté : c'est facile, je te montre... 4 Dimanche 15 juillet 2012 7 15 /07 /Juil /2012 08:00 Voici un patron de blouse à col claudine en taille 3 mois. Le patron et les fournitures: cliquer pour agrandir le patron (imprimable) échelle: 1 carré = 5x5 cm comment agrandir ce patron au carreau Le petit plus: les tutoriels utiles les plis nervures (sans s'énerver ;) le col claudine et la patte de boutonnage chez 3 petites fourmis aussi chez Coupe-couture: Par labobine - Publié dans : Patrons -Communauté : c'est facile, je te montre... 0 Patron et fournitures:

Free Clothes Patterns Posted on | October 9, 2008 | 7 Comments I originally became interested in patternless sewing, many years ago, because I had a hard time finding patterns in my size. Nowadays, patterns in large sizes abound. Nonetheless, I still love my pattern free sewing. These patterns generally of three types. One type requires you to take your measurements and draw up the pattern yourself. Skirts are very easy to make without a pattern. I came across a few patterns that didn’t fit into any other category, so I gave them their own. We normally assume underwear is too complicated or to time consuming to sew ourselves. Aprons can usually be whipped up in less than an hour. Shirts and dresses are much more complicated to make than skirts. Coats can easily be the most expensive piece of clothing in your wardrobe. Click on the first link to get inspiration. Read More : Sewing or Home Comments

Hanty Panty / underwear making Girl's Bandana Dress The awesome feature of using bandanas in your sewing is; they are already hemmed for you! I took advantage of those hems and put together a quick and easy dress for my toddler to wear for St. Patrick’s Day. Using elastic thread gives it a lot of elasticity, so I’m sure an older girl could use it as a top instead! 3 Green bandanas 1 spool elastic thread (source) Basic sewing supplies Start by wrapping your elastic thread around the bobbin by hand. Starting at the top corner of one bandana, sew ¼” away from the hem. Sew 12 lines in a row. Repeat with one of the other bandanas. After replacing the bobbin with normal sewing thread, place the two gathered bandanas right sides together and pin down the sides and sew with a ¼” seam Take the last bandana and cut out two pieces at 2” x 12” Take one strap and turn it right side together length-wise and press in half. Place the straps 2” from the side seams on the front. Sew the straps down by following the stitch lines from the gathering process.

Pop Couture | La couture gratuite ! SENSOUSSI le sac de deux Taie d'oreiller - un Tutoriel Got a linen closet full of pillowcases? If you can spare two pillowcases, here is a tutorial for a free reusable shopping bag: One pillowcase will form the outside, and the other will be the lining. Lay both pillowcases flat and cut out the pattern below. You will have two outside pieces (blue) and two lining pieces (taupe). If you want a pocket, sew one to the good side of a lining piece now. Lay one outer (blue) piece on top of one lining (taupe) with right sides together. Turn right side out and topstitch the same place - up one side of the curve and down the other. With right sides together, lay the front piece over the back piece. Here's how to square the corners of the bag: from the inside, take the bottom corner of bag and pinch sideways. Confused? And this is a square corner from the outside. Last thing: either tie the two handle pieces in a knot for fun, or overlap them on the ends and sew shut like I've done here. Now off to the closet for more pillowcases.

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☆ Jojo & Lili ☆
