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New Presentations From creating story and design concepts to developing entire presentation templates and systems, Duarte can make sure your presentation makes the right impact on your audience. Existing Presentations Using the building blocks you already have in place—your content, presentation system, and visual assets—Duarte can enhance, revise, or redesign your existing presentations. Device-Based Presentations Your content must be compelling on all platforms. Multimedia Sometimes your idea is best showcased and shared through multimedia, including motion graphics, videos, and animated demos. Events Duarte has been part of hundreds of company events, doing everything from creating the theme and message strategy to crafting presentations for keynotes and break-out sessions.

Making presentations that stick Almost three years agoI praised the ideas expressed in the bestselling book Made to Stick.I even featured the ideas briefly in the first book, Presentation Zen. Earlier this month Fast Company Magazine featured a 3-minute video by Made to Stick co-author Dan Heath on their website called Presentations that Stick. Watch the video below orcheckout the transcripts and resources on the Fast Company site.As you may recall from the bookMade to Stick,if you want to communicate your ideas in a way that makes an impact, then craft messages that embrace storytelling, are simple, concrete, credible, emotional, and have an element of unexpectedness. In the video below, Dan reminds presenters to (1) be simple (without being simplistic), (2) show something, and (3) tease before you tell.Example: The Girl EffectBelow is the YouTube version of the Girl Effect, the sample that Dan mentioned in the video. (Go here for the high-rez version on the Girl Effect website. Digg this • Add to

How to Keep Your First 1,000 Users Vinicius Vacanti is co-founder and CEO of Yipit. Next posts on how to acquire users for free and how to raise a Series A. Don’t miss them by subscribing via email or via twitter. So, you have a startup idea. It’s going to be big. You can see it now. The only problem is that your vision is based on having hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of happy users and, currently, you have zero happy users. If your startup plan is directly based on this vision, you will struggle. You need a different plan; a plan that doesn’t assume millions of happy users. You need a first 1,000 users plan. Unfortunately, looking at how successful startups are currently executing (Facebook, Yelp, Foursquare) doesn’t help because their growth plans are based on the fact that they already have millions of users. You have to look at their history. Focus on a Niche. On your way to millions of users, don’t forget you have to get 1,000 happy users first.

KeynoteUser Steele Presentation Coaching Failing well Failure sucks. Nobody wants to fail. But in the start-up world, most people are doing just that. I’m not sure I’ve read much about “how” to fail, since failure is so depressing and negative. Thank your investors for their faith and confidence in both you and the mission, and express how truly sorry you are that it didn’t work out.Work hard to leave on good terms with all other key constituencies - co-founders, employees, service providers, etc. While it’s poetic to say “do it again,” maybe that’s not necessarily the right thing for everybody to do.

Presentation coaching for High Impact Presentations My 2010 Mentors I was going through my reader this morning and it occurred to me; I learned a lot from a lot of smart people in 2010. There were a number of people I looked to for brilliance, insight and perspective. These people are smart, funny, energetic and definitely worth following and reading in 2011. My mentors of 2010: Rosabeth Moss Kantor – Leadership and Business Fred Wilson – Start-ups and Entreprenuership Paul Dunay – B2B Marketing David Brock -Sales Mark Suster – Sales, Start-Ups, Entreprenuership Seth Godin – Marketing, Personal Development, Leadership Jill Konrath – Sales Steve Chihos – Change, Change Leadership, Organizational Change S. Wally Bock – Leadership Dan Waldo – Passion, Energy, Life Tibor Shanto – Sales Seth Levine – VC, Start-ups TechStars Companies and Founders – Pure Grit, Passion, If there are folks you found super valuable in 2010 share them in the comments.

Resume - Susan McGraw, Employee Development Speaker, Trainer, Consultant Consulting to individuals, businesses, and organizations to enhance individual and organizational performance. Facilitating group processes to support strategic planning and change management. Designing and delivering presentations and training programs on a diversity of topics including strategic planning, organizational development, leadership, change management, career and entrepreneurial planning, communication and presentation skills, and women's issues. Professional Experience Consultant, Facilitator, Speaker, Trainer 1986 to Present Los Angeles, CA; Cambria, CA; and Kalamazoo, MI Designed and delivered speeches, seminars, and consulting services to enhance the success of individuals, organizations, and businesses. Consulting and Group Facilitation: San Luis Obispo County: Facilitated an organization-wide culture change process to enhance organizational effectiveness, efficiency, and accountability. Speaking and Training: Director of Operations, A Touch of Care W.

14 Ways To Be A Great Startup CEO Everyone thinks that being a startup CEO is a glamorous job or one that has to be a ton of fun. That's what I now refer to as the "glamour brain" speaking aka the startup life you hear about from the press. You know the press articles I'm talking about... the ones that talk about how easy it is to raise money, how many users the company is getting, and how great it is to be CEO. Very rarely do you hear about what a bitch it is to be CEO and how it's not for every founder that wants to be an entrepreneur. Be A Keeper Of The Company Vision The CEO is the keeper of the company's overall vision. Absorb The Pain For The Team A startup CEO needs to be the personal voodoo doll for a startup. Find The Smartest People And Defer On Domain Expertise A startup CEO has a great knack for finding talent. Be A Good Link Between The Company + Investors Whether you want to believe it or not, you are not an investor's only portfolio company. Be A Good Link Between The Company + Product Be A Great Communicator

Corporate Trainer Resume, Corporate Trainer Resume Format | Resume Format Corporate trainer is an excellent and skilled organizer in providing successful corporate training programs for both employee and client. They are experts in developing training modules and materials and presenting programs in an enthusiastic and stimulating manner using proficient interpersonal, multimedia and group exercises to facilitate smooth learning of corporate goals and programs. They must emanate enthusiasm, energy and strong proficiency in using computer, multimedia and audiovisual presentations to create a better environment of rapport and learning. They must have the ability to work within a team and must be able to handle multiple tasks. Corporate Trainer must have an ear and an eye to quickly identify and solve problems swiftly. Finally Corporate Trainer must be able to create group exercises that will embody actual corporate operations towards the realization of team and corporate goals. Jewel Tyson Merseyside, L27 6EL Phone: 456-776-2345 Objective Education
