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Google Apps for ePortfolios

Google Apps for ePortfolios
©2007, Helen C. Barrett, Ph.D. Workflow • GoogleApps for Education • How-to Guides • Tool Comparison • Workshops Available under construction - check back frequently See more detailed Google Site developed by Dr. Barrett: ePortfolios with GoogleApps 2007 Version 2014 Version Google Apps for Education: ePortfolio and Formative Assessment Workflow Google Apps for Education Schools and universities can set up a free Google Apps for Education site as a secure private space, with their own domain name, to include the following tools: "How-to Guides" Google's "Using Google Docs in the classroom: Simple as ABC" (PDF version) How to create an electronic portfolio with GoogleApps (by Dr. How to create an electronic portfolio with GoogleDocs--Document (by Dr. How to create an electronic portfolio with GoogleDocs--Presentation (by Dr. How to create an electronic portfolio with Google Page Creator (by Dr. HANDOUT (all How-to's in a single 1.85Mb PDF) Google Apps Authoring Tool Comparison

Create user Start Page using Sites - Google Apps Help As a Google Apps administrator, you can create a Start Page for your users, using the Google Sites Start Page template. This page is your users' homepage, on which they can access their Google services and other content -- such as interactive gadgets and RSS feeds -- when they log in to their Google Apps accounts. Here's a simple example of a Start Page: Note: The Start Page template provides you with much control over the content on users' Start Pages, so it's especially appropriate for organizations -- such as K-12 schools -- that need limit access to some content. How the Start Page works On the Start Page, you can add content, including text, images, and gadgets, in a "locked" area, which users can't modify. Below the locked area on the Start Page, users can add gadgets of their choice from the public directory to personalize the page. For even more control over Start Page content, you can also create private gadgets that are only visible to users in your organization's domain.

Excellent Google Docs Resource Google Docs is one of my favorite resources for myself, other teachers, and students. I use it constantly and when I share it with other teachers, friends, or my students, they are usually impressed and start using it too. There are tons of features and functions in Google Docs that make using it extremely useful and effective as an educational tool. The fact that it's free, online, and collaborative make it great for students. Word Processing, Presentations, Forms, Drawings, and Spreadsheets. Google keeps adding more features too. Richard Byrne has created an excellent Google Docs resource over at his blog, Free Technology for Teachers. This is a resource that should be shared with all teachers who use, or want to get started using, Google Docs. Related: Google for Educators Resources - tips, using in education, resources, training, apps, and much more. my other favorite resource: Evernote for Education - resources, tips, ideas and more Presentation on Google for Educators

Apps Marketplace - RCampus ePortfolios RCampus ePortfolios App offers an engaging learning experience by allowing multiple ePortfolios for various purposes, including learning portfolios for authentic assessment and Folioshots for showcasing work and achievements. RCampus ePortfolios are lifelong, easy to maintain and affordable. Various accessibility options allow students to easily control access to their work by peers, reviewers and the public. FolioShots allow users to showcase their creativity through one or more multi-page presentation ePortfolios. Using the Advanced Authoring tool, users can easily develop multimedia ePortfolios from any computer without installing web authoring tools. With the integrated FolioMatrix technology, educators and administrators are able to specify criteria for collection, organization and aggregation of artifacts, reflections and assessments. 5319 University Dr 111Irvine92612United States RCampus is a comprehensive Education Management System and a collaborative learning environment.

Règles de confidentialité Google : ce qu'il faut savoir Google a choisi le 1er mars 2012 pour mettre à jour ses règles de confidentialité. La firme de Mountain View collecte un certain nombre de données, pour des raisons diverses. Au final, le but est souvent de mieux vous connaître pour vous proposer de la publicité ciblée, selon vos habitudes de navigation, vos emails, votre géolocalisation… Si cette récolte de données peut aussi vous être utile, il est important de comprendre quelles données sont effectivement récupérées. La confidentialité des données Lorsque des règles sont mises en place, elle respectent en général un certain nombre de principes. Les données collectées Il existe deux types de données : celles fournies explicitement (comme des coordonnées lors de l’inscription à un service), et celles collectées de manière régulière, lors de l’utilisation de ces services. L’utilisation de ces données La réaction de la CNIL Récemment, la Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés s’est penchée sur ces nouvelles règles.
