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Mobile web content adaptation techniques

Mobile web content adaptation techniques
Introduction This article will help you pick from amongst the many techniques for building a mobile website. It doesn't describe how to do it, rather it instead tries to help you to pick the right approach. trying to make an existing website work passably well on mobile devices or, building a mobile experience from the ground up These two goals are quite different and tend to result in different approaches and solutions. In order to distinguish between the techniques available this article will use the terms resolution independence and content adaptation respectively. Evolution of content adaptation For the first decade or so of the mobile web there was a clear distinction between the mobile web and the desktop web, and there was really only one technique available to make content work well across multiple devices: server-side adapation. The following table lists the main techniques in use today. Responsive Design Responsive design, as orginally outlined is based on three core techniques:

25 jQuery Plugins to help with Responsive Layouts The most popular topic of discussion at the moment is undoubtedly responsive layouts in web design. Without going into it too much, a responsive layout allows you to offer a specific and optimised screen size based on whatever device (mobile, tablet…) the visitor uses. You would typically use Media Queries to resize the overall layout, but what about all of those individual elements and features that make your page unique? Navigation, forms, images, sliders, carousels… they all need to be optimised as well. That is were this post comes in, by highlighting 25 jQuery plugins that will help you optimise and resize those trickier web elements. Response.js Response JS is a lightweight plugin that gives you the tools for producing performance-optimized, mobile-first responsive websites. Response.js Responsly The Responsly plugin is a set of simple responsive widgets written using CSS3 transformations. Responsly Menu to a Dropdown for Small Screens Menu to a DropdownDemo Responsive Menu Doubletake

Apple to eat up increasing share of mobile revenues and profits next year By Daniel Eran Dilger While Apple doesn't sell more smartphones than all other device makers put together, it does earn more profits that the rest of the industry combined, and its profit share is expected to continue to grow in 2012. According to an investor report by Oppenheimer published in part by Fortune, Apple's share of smartphone shipments have put it in second place behind Samsung but above long time leader Nokia. However, Apple's share of the smartphone market's revenues has increased at a much faster pace, with the company taking in nearly 40 percent of all mobile dollars. In terms of profits, however, Apple is inhaling closer to 65 percent of the industry, and the company is expected to retain and even grow its outstanding revenue percentage next year. Nokia's shipments have conversely collapsed over the same seven year period, falling from nearly half of all smartphones sold in 2006 before the iPhone appeared to just over an estimated 10 percent next year.

JS & AJAX | 1stwebdesigner - Graphic and Web Design Blog In this tutorial, we are going explore the basics of jQuery animations for you to get prepared for advanced designs. Animations is the core functionality behind the interactive elements in web design. The design of a website plays a major role in attracting visitors on a consistent basis. Technology is improving at a rapid pace to cater the advanced modern web designs. Let’s get started! Read More Hello Everyone! In the first part we identified the importance of WordPress plugins for you as designers and the basic structure of a plugin. I am happy to announce that SlidesJS has won the voting contest and I’ll be using it through the rest of this tutorial series. Read More Sliders are a common component used in website design and for various purposes. Layered Sliders – This is the latest addition to sliders with parallax effect.Fade In/Out Sliders – These types of sliders do not have controls. There are many other types of techniques as well. Read More What is it all about? Read More Read More

Inspiration: Fluid & Responsive Design Responsive design all started with this article by Ethan Marcotte. Some people see it as a trend. But it is more than just a trend. It is a new design solution — it helps to resolve the design problems associated with the different resolutions and devices (desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile). I'm going to share a list of responsive sites that I feel are nicely done. I've categorized the list into two categories: Adaptive and Fluid & Responsive. Adaptive Design The following sites are examples of adaptive design. iA Information Architects is one of my favorite minimal sites. Head London Although the Head London site is not fluid, but it did a pretty good job on the responsive layouts. Food Sense Pay attention to see how the Food Sense site responds. Fork CMS Go to the Fork CMS site, resize your browser window. London and Partners Design wise, I'm not a big fan of this site, London and Partners. Fluid & Responsive Now let's take a look at the fluid and responsive sites. Bitfoundry Ethan Marcotte

A new mobile phone market index Measurements of “share” are abundant. There is journalistic value in summarizing performance in a single figure of “share” but it usually is a very limiting view. For example in the global mobile phone market there are at least the following measurements available: Share of all handset units soldShare of installed based of handsets (penetration)Share of smartphonesShare of mobile computersShare of value (revenues) capturedShare of profitsShare of platformsShare within a given platformShare by regions/countries/geographies/demographics One could go on. There is no good answer. Share of all handset units sold (global)Share of smartphonesShare of value (revenues)Share of profits The raw data for each share is shown in the following charts (note change of vertical scale: each gridline represents 10%). Note that the vendors are arranged in a particular way: top row are entrants, bottom row are incumbents with late incumbents from Korea arranged in the middle. And here it is in sparklines:

35 Beautiful Unusual Web Designs Advertisement Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. Web designs are one of best way to present your portfolio. In this round up, we’ve showcases 35 Beautiful Unusual Web Designs and inspirational web designer portfolios that’ll take your breath away. Moocup Get London Reading HTML5 Readiness CL Designz Dean Oakley Creative Capital Real-Visuals Roland Olbeter Narfstuff Jiri Tvrdek Paolo Cavanna Zillu Pixelcool Grip Limited Juan Diego Velasco Pretty Production Stripes Design Marc Anton Dahmen Architecture HTC Sense Nick Jones Digital Podge Veerle Dave Werner Veboo Labs Julia Noda Abm Carol Rivello Stuff and Nonsense Creative Thien Llt Group Conspiracy Userbrain Neighborhood Studio Caava

Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It - Smashing Coding Advertisement Almost every new client these days wants a mobile version of their website. It’s practically essential after all: one design for the BlackBerry, another for the iPhone, the iPad, netbook, Kindle — and all screen resolutions must be compatible, too. In the next five years, we’ll likely need to design for a number of additional inventions. When will the madness stop? It won’t, of course. In the field of Web design and development, we’re quickly getting to the point of being unable to keep up with the endless new resolutions and devices. Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests that design and development should respond to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation. The Concept Of Responsive Web Design Ethan Marcotte1 wrote an introductory article about the approach, “Responsive Web Design992,” for A List Apart. Transplant this discipline onto Web design, and we have a similar yet whole new idea. Adjusting Screen Resolution

iPhone owners very loyal, BlackBerry not so much — Apple News, Tips and Reviews Responsive Web Design · Diseño Web, diseño gráfico y programación “Responsive Web Design“, en español “Diseño Web adaptativo” es el método que sugiere que el diseño y el desarrollo Web deben responder al comportamiento y entorno del usuario. En pocas palabras, un sitio Web se debería adaptar correctamente al dispositivo con el que se está navegado, dígase smartphone, tablet, Web browser, etc; lograr que el sitio se adapte visual y funcionalmente al medio con el que se está accediendo a él. Esta práctica se lleva adelante poniendo en juego un conjunto de herramientas; templates flexibles, imágenes que se ajustan, javascript para identificar los tamaños de pantalla, CSS media queries para establecer estilos según los dispositivos, etc. El sitio deberá automáticamente adaptarse al tipo de dispositivo mostrando su contenido de manera correcta para le usuario. Media Queries Existen dos maneras de aplicar media queries, una de ellas es dentro de una hoja de estilos ya creada y la otra es crear hojas de estilos específicas según el dispositivo. Javascript Sony

Thoughts On Developing A Responsive Design Workflow Print design has the physical constraint of the canvas. The format is fixed. The situation is different on the web. We can’t know in advance exactly how someone will view our sites. We don’t have a fixed canvas. We need to create websites with the ability to adapt and respond. How To Build A Responsive site Believe it or not we’ve already covered all the technical details for building responsive sites over the last few weeks. Flexible grids — which are based on relative measurements, ideally elastic sites that are relative to something internal to the design. The last few weeks we’ve gone over the details of each of the above and I’ll refer you back to those posts for the details. Ethan is the person responsible for responsive web design and my posts, including this one have relied heavily on his work and writing. I can’t recommend the links above enough, particularly the last link, Ethan’s new book on responsive web design. InteractiveWall from Festo HQ on Vimeo. The Way Forward Summary

The US smartphone landscape comScore published the latest data regarding US smartphone installed base. To summarize: Penetration reached 37.4%, an increase of 2.9 million or 1.24 points of percentage.Approximately 650k consumers switched from non-smart to smartphones every week during SeptemberBased on trailing average of six months’ growth, 50% penetration will be reached by end of September 2012, though the trend is for accelerated adoption (see chart below). Of the platforms available, Android reached 39 million users, RIM 16.5 million, Apple 24 million and Microsoft about 5 million. In terms of user gain/loss here is the tally: Android and iOS have continued to increase consumption fairly consistently while RIM has moderated user losses. Overall, smartphone non-consumption continues to be the largest competitor though one which is steadily losing. Even though China may overtake it in the new few months, the US is the largest smartphone market and it’s a good leading indicator of the way the industry in evolving.

Brett Jankord – Cross Browser Retina/High Resolution Media Queries fantasai, Ben Frain, and Peter Gasston have all written about this topic before, though I still see a lot developers using verbose media queries for retina/high resolution displays so I figured I would write up my own post. Most developers are currently writing retina/high resolution media queries similar to the examples below: This media query example is from 37signals article on retina images and scss. It is based on the one in Thomas Fuchs’ Retinafy book but, it has been modified to define the Google Nexus 7 with it’s 1.3 pixel ratio as a retina-capable device. @media (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.3), (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2.6/2), (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.3), (min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.3), (min-resolution: 1.3dppx) { /* Retina-specific stuff here */ } Chris Coyier has a retina display media query example that looks like this: What’s wrong with the above solutions Nothing really, though they could be a lot cleaner. IE is using standards, this is new Update Opera Mini

10 Excellent Tools for Responsive Web Design By Jason Gross So, you’ve decided to venture into the creation of responsive web designs. Wonderful! With the browsing landscape diversifying into mobile devices, netbooks, desktops and so forth, responsive web designs allow web designers to provide different layouts for specific devices (based on screen size and browser features) giving site visitors an optimal user experience. So now, you’ve determined that it would be beneficial to create responsive web designs. What tools can help you get the job done? Tools have started to spring up to provide us with shortcuts and helpers for common responsive web design tasks. I divided the tools in this list into four categories: Responsive typographyFlexible imagesResponsive web page layoutsTesting and cross-browser support Responsive Typography First, let’s look at two tools (out of the many out there) that allow us to create beautiful, adaptive typography. 1. 2. Another jQuery plugin, FitText helps you make your headlines responsive. 3. imgSizer.js
