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The Protester - Person of the Year 2011

The Protester - Person of the Year 2011
Once upon a time, when major news events were chronicled strictly by professionals and printed on paper or transmitted through the air by the few for the masses, protesters were prime makers of history. Back then, when citizen multitudes took to the streets without weapons to declare themselves opposed, it was the very definition of news — vivid, important, often consequential. In the 1960s in America they marched for civil rights and against the Vietnam War; in the '70s, they rose up in Iran and Portugal; in the '80s, they spoke out against nuclear weapons in the U.S. and Europe, against Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, against communist tyranny in Tiananmen Square and Eastern Europe. And then came the End of History, summed up by Francis Fukuyama's influential 1989 essay declaring that mankind had arrived at the "end point of ... ideological evolution" in globally triumphant "Western liberalism." The stakes are very different in different places.

Indignados 15-0: manifestación para pedir un cambio global Madrid. (Redacción y agencias).- Indignados de más de 80 países de los cinco continentes están llamados a salir este 15 de octubre (15-O) a las calles de las más de 650 ciudades de todo el mundo que han decidido sumarse a la convocatoria que el Movimiento 15-M realizó el pasado 30 de mayo para reclamar, a nivel internacional, "un cambio global" ante la situación económica, política y social actual. Tokio, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Los Ángeles, San Francisco, Montreal, Frankfurt, Sao Paulo, Sydney, Auckland, Kuala Lumpur, París, Roma, Helsinki, Copenhaghe o Bruselas son algunas de las ciudades en las que los indignados protagonizarán manifestaciones. En España, hasta 60 ciudades se han sumado a la inciativa global, con Barcelona y Madrid a la cabeza. Roma, punto negroNo ha sido así en Italia. Assange, en LondresEn el resto del mundo, el civismo ha sido la nota dominante. Frankfurt es uno de los escenarios del 15-O. Las protestan empezaron en Oceanía.

Occupy Wall Street protesters demand proof they broke the law Las crónicas del #15O Os contamos la jornada del 15O en Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla, Málaga, Londres, Nueva York, Berlín, Roma, París, Israel, Buenos Aires, México.... y muchos otros lugares. #15O Madrid Sol se vuelve a sentir el centro del Universo Momento de la manifestación en Madrid (Juan Luis Sánchez) Se había extendido . El otoño había recogido al 15M fragmentado y exhausto, incapaz de seguir su propio ritmo de movilizaciones. A las cuatro de la tarde, el 15O era decadente. o una mala jugada del pesimismo. La plaza tomada ya era otra vez el centro orgulloso de la indignación, esta vez a escala global. Y nos cruzamos con Carolina, una de las mentes que más ha trabajado por coordinar la convocatoria global. Y lo ves en las caras. Y desde arriba “la ballena” asomaba el lomo zambullida entre un mar de gente. Decenas de miles de personas en Sol. 15.10.2011 (Mónica López) Se había extendido la euforia. ¿A quién representan los que se quedan? #15O en Barcelona Tres columnas: sanidad, educación y vivienda {*style:<b>

Occupy Wall Street: The Most Important Thing in the World Now Published in The Nation. I was honored to be invited to speak at Occupy Wall Street on Thursday night. Since amplification is (disgracefully) banned, and everything I said had to be repeated by hundreds of people so others could hear (a.k.a. “the human microphone”), what I actually said at Liberty Plaza had to be very short. With that in mind, here is the longer, uncut version of the speech. I love you. And I didn’t just say that so that hundreds of you would shout “I love you” back, though that is obviously a bonus feature of the human microphone. Yesterday, one of the speakers at the labor rally said: “We found each other.” If there is one thing I know, it is that the 1 percent loves a crisis. And there is only one thing that can block this tactic, and fortunately, it’s a very big thing: the 99 percent. That slogan began in Italy in 2008. “Why are they protesting?” But there are important differences too. Occupy Wall Street, on the other hand, has chosen a fixed target. - What we wear.

15th october: #United we will re-invent the world Yasha Levine Released From Jail, Exposes LAPD’s Appalling Treatment of Detained Occupy LA Protesters… Yasha Levine was forced to surrender his freedom, as well as his shoe laces…for his own protection I finally got home Thursday afternoon after spending two nights in jail, and have had a hard time getting my bearings. On top of severe dehydration and sleep deprivation, I’ve got one hell of pounding migraine. So I’ll have to keep this brief for now. First off, don’t believe the PR bullshit. While people are now beginning to learn that the police attack on Occupy LA was much more violent than previously reported, few actually realize that much—if not most—of the abuse happened while the protesters were in police custody, completely outside the range of the press and news media. * I heard from two different sources that at least one busload of protesters (around 40 people) was forced to spend seven excruciating hours locked in tiny cages on a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept. prison bus, denied food, water and access to bathroom facilities. * There were 292 people arrested at Occupy LA.

Servidor Mumble The Fascinating History of How Corporations Became "People" -- Thanks to Corrupt Courts Working for the 1% November 23, 2011 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. Perhaps there were truly free markets before the industrial revolution, where townspeople and farmers gathered in a square to exchange livestock, produce and handmade tools. In 2007, the year of the crash, the top 1 percent of American households took in almost two-and-a-half times the share of our nation's pre-tax income that they had grabbed in the 40 years folliwing World War Two. The Supreme Court, with a right-wing majority under Chief Justice John Roberts, has become a body that leans too far toward the “1 percent” to be considered a neutral arbiter. While conservatives constantly rail against judges "legislating from the bench," it is far more common for right-leaning jurists to engage in “judicial activism” than those of a liberal bent. A 2007 study by University of Chicago law professor Thomas J. At a 2010 conference, former Rep.

15 de octubre: Unidos por un #cambioglobal. Democracia real Ya. How Goldman Sachs and Other Companies Exploit Port Truck Drivers — Occupy Protesters Plan to Shut Down West Coast Ports in Protest | Economy Photo Credit: Michael @ NW Lens via Flickr December 9, 2011 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. It's the time of year when lights are strung, trees are decorated, and holiday cheer is spread. Astute consumers may know that the rock bottom we see advertised on endless TV and internet commercials are often the result of companies manufacturing their goods overseas, using sweatshop labor where poorly paid workers often toil in dangerous and unhealthy conditions so that we can enjoy the latest electronics, the coolest pair of jeans. But what many people may not know is that these sweatshop conditions don't end when those goods hit American soil. Drivers, along with clergy and their union, environmental and community allies have been fighting for years for better working conditions and wages, but their plight has recently caught the attention of the Occupy movement. End of America: The 10 steps have been taken for fascism - National Human Rights In her book, The End of America: A Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot, Naomi Wolf provides historical documention of the rise of Fascism. Wolf outlines 10 steps necessary for a fascistic group (or government) to destroy the democratic character of a nation-state and subvert the social/political liberty previously exercised by its citizens. These ten steps, each of which has been taken at the time of this writing, are: Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy.' Wolf details how this pattern was implemented in Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and elsewhere. From Hitler to Pinochet and beyond, history shows these same steps of a blueprint as Wolf calls is, are those any would-be dictator must take to destroy constitutional freedoms. On August 9th, 2009, Wolf published an editorial in which she compared Obama's "Guantanimo Promise" with the hard facts created by Bush-era policies, New Boss Same as Old.

Occupy the London Stock Exchange
