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L'hémisphère silencieux

L'hémisphère silencieux
Il a une perception globale des choses L’hémisphère droit est spécialisé dans la perception holistique des relations, des modèles, des configurations et des structures complexes. Il considère toujours les choses d’un point de vu général, global, il a peu le souci du détail, mais son appréhension de la totalité est instantanée, même à partir d’un fragment. Il reconnaît le tout à partir d’un fragment La reconnaissance des visages est une faculté propre à l’hémisphère droit. Il est musicien La perception et la compréhension de la musique est, en effet, une des faculté spécifique de l’hémisphère droit. Il gère la complexité Cette faculté de percevoir la totalité à partir d’un fragment que ne possède pratiquement pas l’hémisphère gauche, donne à l’hémisphère droit la capacité de mettre de l’ordre dans la complexité chaotique du monde. Il perçoit la réalité Sa capacité à gérer la complexité lui permet de percevoir la réalité dans son ensemble de façon directe, sans interprétation.

gauchers célèbres Les listes de gauchers célèbres qui circulent un peu partout sont généralement truffées d’erreurs, d’oublis, d’imprécisions. Bref, elles n’offrent que peu d’intérêt. De surcroît, elles sont souvent "d’inspiration anglo-américaine" et concernent fort peu notre culture. Pour remédier à la situation, je propose ci-après la liste, garantie exacte, d’une centaine de personnalités gauchères. Jonny WILKINSON : rugbyman anglais : gaucher avéré CINÉMA Richard ANCONINA : comédien français : gaucher avéré Roland BARTHES : philosophe : gaucher contrarié avéré Sigmund FREUD : psychanalyste : gaucher contrarié probable Michel PASTOUREAU : historien français : gaucher avéré Michel SERRES : philosophe français : gaucher contrarié avéré (et revendiqué !) Bill GATES : informaticien américain, fondateur de Microsoft : gaucher avéré David ROCKEFELLER : milliardaire américain : gaucher avéré Ernö RUBIK : architecte et ingénieur hongrois : gaucher avéré - PICASSO - - RAVEL - - Mark TWAIN -

The Left-Handed Advantage It's not easy being a lefty. Statistics show left-handed people are more likely to be schizophrenic, alcoholic, delinquent, dyslexic, and have Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, as well as mental disabilities. They're also more likely to die young and get into accidents. So if evolutionary theory dictates survival of the fittest, why do lefties still exist? According to new theories, what left-handed people (and other animals) may lack in fitness, they make up by being different. Researchers in France recently took an interest in the disproportionately high number of left-handed athletes who thrive in sports involving direct one-on-one contact, such as baseball (think Babe Ruth), tennis (think John McEnroe) and boxing (think Oscar de la Hoya or the fictional Rocky Balboa). This means that, back in the days when fighting was an important part of survival and winning mates, the rare left-hander may have come out on top more often. Watch That Left Hook

Lewis Carroll Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Carroll. Lewis Carroll Lewis Carroll (autoportrait) Œuvres principales Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Introduction[modifier | modifier le code] La jeunesse[modifier | modifier le code] Charles Lutwidge Dodgson naît d’un père pasteur anglican, au sein d’une famille de onze enfants dont deux seulement se sont mariés. Charles Dodgson, dans son âge mûr, devait prendre souvent plaisir à mystifier ses jeunes correspondantes en commençant ses lettres par la signature et en les terminant par le commencement. Quant au bégaiement, il serait peut-être à l’origine des fameux « mots-valises » à double signification. « Tout flivoreux vaguaient les borogoves, Les verchons fourgus bourniflaient. » Les revues familiales[modifier | modifier le code] Compte tenu de l’époque et du milieu, ses parents étaient irréprochables. Le professeur[modifier | modifier le code] C’est à cette époque que naît véritablement Lewis Carroll.

What Makes a Lefty: Myths and Mysteries Can openers, scissors and spiral-bound notebooks discriminate against lefties. Despite such challenges, 10 to 12 percent of the human population has historically preferred the left hand. Why doesn't the number ever waiver? Nobody knows for sure, but new research supports a body of evidence that suggests genetics have a hand in it all. In the meantime, the myth remains that lefties are more artistic. And the idea that left-handed fighters have an advantage persists on scant evidence, supported by Scottish lore and Rocky Balboa's heroics in the ring. Look, Mom: Both hands! Like many traits, handedness is probably determined by a complex interaction between genes and the environment, experts figure. Left-handers are more likely to have a left-handed relative. Most scientists agree that handedness exists on a continuum. In a new study, researchers measured the width of elbows in living people and in skeletons from a medieval British farming community. Oppressing the left The artistic myth

Being Left Handed One out of every ten people walking down the street is left-handed. Everywhere they go, left-handed people come across tools that were designed for right handed persons. From scissors to camcorders to screw drivers to hockey sticks to baseball gloves, lefties learn early on that they need to develop skills to live in a world designed for right handed people. If you are a right-handed person, try this experiment sometime: Grab a scissors with your left hand and try cutting a piece of paper. Don't be surprised if the experience feels extremely awkward. Thankfully, there are companies that make left-handed scissors, left handed camcorders, and other left-handed tools. In ages past, society was not sympathetic to left-handed persons. These days parents and teachers are far more accepting and understanding. Medical researchers have searched long and hard for what causes people to be left handed or right handed. In the category of art, both Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were left handed.

Being Left-Handed Southpaws, lefties, sinistrals. All these terms describe a misunderstood group of people: left-handers. Lefties have been unfairly treated for hundreds of years. Enmity against left-handers is thought to have begun with ancient sun worship. Most of these sun worshippers lived in the Northern Hemisphere and faced south when worshipping the sun. The Bible contains about 25 unfavorable references to the left hand. The custom of shaking hands comes from medieval times. This enmity toward lefties can be seen in many languages. Nowadays, most societies, religions, and cultures no longer scorn left-handedness like they used to. It's important to note here that no one is exactly sure how many lefties there are. Disadvantages of lefties in society: Pens and pencils: When a lefty writes with a pen or a pencil, his hand trails over the words he has previously written. Advantages of lefties in society: Other lefty links:Rosemary West's Left Handed Page

The Left Handers Blog Right handed people for the most part probabily think that some crazy left handed person decided that people showed wear a ring on the third finger on the left hand. Many left handed people know that there is no way a left handed person created this tradition. Wearing a ring on your dominant hand is cumbersome and hazardous. If you are a right handed person and never have worn a ring on your dominant hand give it a try. See how much if affects what you are trying to accomplish. I decided to look up why we wear our wedding rings on our left hands. Another interesting note about wearing wedding rings on the left hand is that in countries like Chile, Germany, and some other Eastern European countries wear their wedding rings on the right hand. So for the record, wedding rings were not an idea of a left handed person. Now this is interesting I found out that Dick’s Sporting Good’’s has a Left Handed Shop on their web site. Here are some quotes:

Top Ten Advantages of Being Left-Handed - Associated Content - According to most studies, 7-10% of the adult population is left-handed, with the trait being slightly more common in men. Left-handedness is usually determined by handwriting. Most people have some degree of ambidexterity, especially southpaws who often have to adapt in order to get along in a right-handed world. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.
