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Six Social Media Trends for 2012 - David Armano

Six Social Media Trends for 2012 - David Armano
by David Armano | 10:25 AM December 12, 2011 Each year at this time, I look forward and predict trends in social media for the coming year. But first, I look back at my predictions from last year. How’d I do? Not bad. Social media continues to move forward toward business integration, a trend that I identified last year. I was also partially accurate in predicting that Google would “strike back” in 2011. I had one big swing-and-miss on Facebook’s intrusion in the location-based services war. So what can we expect in 2012 in a world that seems to grow ever connected by the hour? Convergence Emergence. The Cult of Influence. Gamification Nation. Social Sharing. Social Television. The Micro Economy. These are a few emerging trends which come to mind.

Gamification : le clip jouable par We The Kings marketing Le Groupe de PowerPop américain, We The Kings propose depuis le 22 novembre dernier, un clip interactif pour leur nouveau titre Say You Like Me sur leur site officiel. La vidéo permet aux internautes de prendre le contrôle d’un des membres du groupe pour jouer et tenter de passer les 7 niveaux pour voir la fin du clip. Le principe : vous êtes invités à choisir un des membres de We The Kings pour déjouer l’enlèvement d’une « jolie fille par d’affreux loubards… » 7 niveaux à réussir pour arriver à la fin du jeu (du clip), vous avez autant de tentatives que de membres du groupe et selon votre parcours vous pouvez découvrir des dénouements alternatifs. Cliquez sur l’image pour jouer Déniché par le label S-Curve Records, la société Interlude s’est chargée de produire ce clip hors norme. Travis Clark (leader du groupe) confie à Billboard

65 Terrific Social Media Infographics 65 Terrific Social Media Infographics As you know, infographics are visual representations of information, data, or knowledge. They present complex concepts quickly and clearly, and communicate ideas in an easily understandable fashion. Last year, I assembled a collection of 35 infographics that told the story of social media at that time. Most of these have been cropped or scaled down — please click on each image or its title to see the full-sized version. The History of Social Networking Who is the “Me” in Social Media? The State of the Internet The New Marketing Trifecta How Marketers Are Using Social Media Who is the Modern Media Consumer? The Biggest Shift The Rise of Social Networking Ad Spending How Women Use Social Media The CMO’s Guide to the Social Landscape The B2B Social Media Landscape The 2010 Social Networking Map How the World Spends Its Time Online Who Uses Twitter and How A Year of Twitter The Meteoric Rise of Twitter How Engaged is Your Brand? The Social Engagement Spectrum Facebook vs.

3 Reasons Why You Can't Neglect Socializing in Person I’m a 30-year-old writer who works from home and thrives on the neat things you can do with technology. I’ve written books about smartphones and online social networks, and I’m reading things all day. But perhaps the most idea-generating part of my workweek is attending a knitting circle. I’m pretty sure at least a half-dozen other web professionals feel the same way, and you might as well. Not a traditional knitting circle, mind you, but it’s the same kind of idea. Left to our base instincts, we'd all probably spend that scheduled time, like most of our time, in front of a screen. That’s just dandy for me. You need a real Third Place The Third Place is a concept of Ray Oldenburg, urban sociologist and author of The Great Good Place: Cafes, Coffee Shops, Bookstores, Bars, Hair Salons, and Other Hangouts at the Heart of a Community. Oldenburg published his major books on the Third Place in 1999 and 2002. You need to argue your ideas more You’ll do better work [Image: Flickr user hellobo]

La gamification : résultats du sondage Notre dernier sondage, publié sur du 21 septembre au 08 novembre, a montré que la gamification reste peu utilisée par les marques françaises. A la question « Le jeu est-il un outil de marketing relationnel sous-exploité en France ?», 24% des 725 participants ont répondu non contre 76% pour le oui. Une relation moins institutionnelle et commerciale « Le jeu permet d’orienter le comportement des joueurs et de créer des interactions entre les consommateurs et la marque », explique Caroline. Les grandes marques l’ont bien compris, comme Microsoft par exemple qui a mis au point Ribbon Hero 2, un outil de gamification online qui permet de découvrir le fonctionnement de sa suite Office. Exemple de gamification : opération "Adidas Wall" réalisée par Adidas au Japon Les social games, nouvel eldorado de la gamification Malgré tous ces avantages, pourquoi annonceurs et agences restent-ils frileux à faire jouer les consommateurs français ?

Best General Web Directories Post Panda and Penguin Google Updates Web Directories Web directories, especially general Web directories, have been at risk lately due to Google’s Panda and Penguin updates. With some of them taking hits, which directories can you submit to that are still worth it? To help you decide which directories offer the most value for your sites, we’re comparing some of the best general Web directories around. And we’re narrowing down the top ten of those starting directories based on how they’re faring after the algorithm updates and how strong of an outlook they have due to the quality of their directories and related content. The Starting General Web Directories To compare the current status of general Web directories , we had to come up with a starting list for the rankings. You can find those rankings in the chart below along with further details on the top ten general Web directories. * Note that we didn’t include in this Web directory comparison. How the Web Directory Scores Were Calculated Google PageRank Tweets

Médias sociaux : passer de la communication traditionnelle à la communication relationnelle | Communicationandco Le livre « Communiquer sur les réseaux sociaux » d’Antoine Dupin apporte une réflexion sur les nouvelles logiques de communication. Outre l’intérêt de dresser un panorama assez complet des médias sociaux aujourd’hui, il présente également l’avantage de comporter de nombreux exemples de cas concrets. J’ai retenu de la lecture de cet ouvrage trois fondamentaux à prendre en compte pour la mise en place d’une stratégie de communication 2.0 : connaître sa réputation numérique, ne pas confondre pertinence et visibilité, passer de la communication traditionnelle à la communication relationnelle. Connaître sa réputation numérique (et celle de ses concurrents…) : préalable à toute communication sur les médias sociaux Avant de mettre en oeuvre une stratégie de communication sur les médias sociaux, il rappelle qu’il est important de connaître son environnement et sa réputation numérique, notamment en mettant en place une veille. Ne pas confondre pertinence et visibilité Like this: J'aime chargement…

Adidas gamifie sa communication en utilisant le buzz marketing | Gamification L'IDRAC est une école de commerce multi-campus présente à Amiens, Bordeaux, Grenoble, Lille, Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes, Nice, Paris et Toulouse. Créer un compte L'inscription est simple et rapide. Remplissez le formulaire ci-dessous et votre compte sera immédiatement créé. Informations du compte Votre profil détaillé Détails du blog Oui, je veux créer un nouveau blog. Qui est en ligne ? Entrez votre adresse email pour vous abonner à ce blog et recevoir une notification de chaque nouvel article par email. ©2014 Blogs IDRAC Aller à la barre d’outils

Google+ continues to dominate LinkedIn & Twitter, could catch up to Facebook You may not be using Google+, but your friends probably are. If they’re not hanging out and posting photos of cute puppies and sunsets, there’s a good chance they’re using Google+ to log in to various web sites — and increasingly, they’re also clicking the +1 button to share those sites. In fact, it’s the clear number two social network according to a variety of measurements. A new study commissioned by Janrain shows that, of the people who use social networks to log in to other websites, almost half (46 percent) use Facebook. That bolsters the claim that Google+, despite its late start, is solidifying its position as the number 2 social network after Facebook. In a distant third place: Yahoo, with just 7 percent of social logins; and Twitter, with 6 percent. From VentureBeat Get faster turnaround on creative, more testing, smarter improvements and better results. Google+ launched to a limited number of users in June, 2011, and more widely in September of that year.

Announcing the 2011 Mashable Awards Winners The votes are in and the results have been tabulated: After two months of nominations and voting by our community, Mashable is thrilled to announce the winners of the 2011 Mashable Awards! The fifth annual Mashable Awards honors the best in Mashable's core content areas: Social Media, Tech, Business and Entertainment. Presenting the winners of the 2011 Mashable Awards: Social Media Best Social Network: FacebookUp-and-Coming Social Media Service: CrowdtapMust-Follow Actor or Actress on Social Media: Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Must-Follow Musician or Band on Social Media: Super Junior Must-Follow Athlete on Social Media: John CenaMust-Follow Media Personality on Social Media: Ellen DeGeneresMust-Follow Business Personality on Social Media: Bill GatesMust-Follow Non-Profit on Social Media: The Trevor ProjectMust-Follow Politician on Social Media: Barack Obama Technology Business Entertainment Game of the Year: WWE '12Viral Video of the Year: “Mr. Congratulations winners and finalists!

La « Gamification », nouvel eldorado marketing? | Blog stratégie marketing Billet écrit par Valérie Lacroix, consultante et expert en stratégie de marque, marketing, communication et créativité. Pour atteindre les objectifs marketing tels que renouer avec les clients ou séduire les prospects, le jeu s’impose de plus en plus: quoi de mieux, en effet, que faire appel à leur âme d’enfant ou de compétiteurs pour capter leur attention? Car les français sont joueurs, en témoignent les 10 milliards de chiffre d’affaires annoncé par le PDG de La Française des Jeux en janvier 2011. Et puis le jeu se réinvente au travers de nouvelles technos: il est connecté, interactif, participatif et mobile afin de laisser une trace positive dans l’esprit du client. Gamification et marketing Comme l’indique Wikipédia, « la gamification consiste à utiliser des mécaniques de jeu dans un service ou une offre afin d’en faciliter l’adoption et la fidélisation ». Les 4 atouts de la gamification Pourquoi utiliser la gamification en marketing? Une relation à la marque scénarisée.

Brother Sharp (犀利哥) About Brother Sharp (犀利哥) is the nickname given to Chen Guorong, a homeless man from the streets of Ningbo in China’s Zhejiang province. The man became a national celebrity for his undoubtedly handsome face in February 2010 after a photograph of him wandering the streets was uploaded online. Eventually, the Chinese netizens tracked down and located the man through the means of Human Flesh Search Engine. Origin On the morning of January 30th, 2010, a photographer took his new Sony video camcorder to Tian Yi Square and decided to try out the new lens by shooting street scenes for the photography community forum Fengniao. “He has a very special temperament,” stated Mr. Spread On February 21st, 2010, a Tianya Club forum user posted a thread titled “秒杀宇内究极华丽第一极品路人帅哥! “…a starkly handsome Chinese man walking with a model’s measured gait, and wearing a rag-tag but well coordinated overcoat on top of a leather jacket. Human Flesh Search Engine Media Appearances The Story of Cat Identity Revealed

8 Handy, Beautiful Social Media Tips From Grandma [PICS] Move over Sophia Petrillo, there's a new Golden Girl in town sharing her timeless advice on how to act on various social networks and Internet hangouts. Props to Chacho Puebla and his latest project, Grandmother Tips, a humorous collection of tips our grandmothers never taught us, but we might share with our grandchildren. The typography series features Puebla's great aunt holding signs with bold, beautiful type, bestowing words of wisdom for a new generation, since the times they are a-changin'. La gamification au service de la rétention et de la transformation Souvenez-vous : au début de l’année je vous parlais déjà de l’utilisation des mécaniques de jeu dans mes prédictions 2011 ainsi que dans un article publié l’année dernière (Le gameplay comme élément clé de l’expérience utilisateur). Figurez-vous que ce phénomène a pris de l’ampleur et qu’il a maintenant un nom : la Gamification. Derrière cet anglicisme (qui doit faire se retourner Maitre Capello dans sa tombe) et les exemples que l’on cite trop souvent (Foursquare & cie), se cachent des pratiques réellement disruptives et une nouvelle façon d’aborder les prospects, de les convertir et de fidéliser les clients. Définition et origines de la Gamification Pour la définition, je me contenterais de citer celle de Wikipedia : “La gamification consiste à utiliser des mécaniques de jeu dans un service ou une offre afin d’en faciliter l’adoption et la fidélisation“. Pourquoi la gamification est bonne pour votre marque ? Il existe différents objectifs pour la gamification :

Establish the %$#! Out of Your Brand (Right Now!) with These 37 Free Resources There’s so much information available to help online entrepreneurs become successful, I’m surprised more of us haven’t gone cross-eyed. What I’m not surprised by is the number of online entrepreneurs who are still struggling, who are reading blogs and soliciting advice, waiting for someone to throw them a frickin bone. When I first started out, I was stuck in that place, and it usually happened for one of two reasons: I didn’t know enough about the technical side of building a brand, so my creative voice became lost within the learning.I took advice I read too literally and didn’t make it my own. And sometimes, the advice was just too vague: Be authentic. Tell a story. Since there’s no “right” or “wrong” way to do this, how do you know if you’ve found your right way? What helped me move from amateur (or rather, completely lost) blogger to seasoned, was getting to know each and every step of the process. Plan 2. 7 Ways To Craft A Consistent Social Media Brand by Kristi Hines 3. 4. 5. 6. Design
