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FAIL Blog: Epic Fail Pictures and Videos of Owned, Pwnd and Fail Sometimes, you really can't help but wonder if people even listen to the words coming out of their own mouths or if they're so out of touch that they hear and even believe the wildly out-of-touch things that they are saying. The reality is that whether we love, are passionate about, and believe in what we do—or not—is really a moot point. We work for money to provide for ourselves, to put a roof over our families' heads, and to put food on our table. The service, skills, and time that we provid… A peak working environment is one where you can comfortably and confidently tell a coworker to knock it off when they are going past their boundaries. Those places definitely exist, but, unfortunately, they are rare. One high schooler was upset by their teacher's policies, so they decided to follow his rules to the letter. If you're like me, “exercise more” makes an annual appearance on my mental list of New Year's resolutions. It's hard to dislodge CEO's from their position of power.

Top 35 Best 'Saturday Night Live' Skits of All Time EasyBib: Free Bibliography Maker - MLA, APA, Chicago citation styles Comixed (404 error) Yikes! This page doesn't exist. Please choose something else from the Cheezburger menu Make a Meme Use one of our LOLBuilders . Make a Site Cheezburger Sites , the fastest site you'll ever make. Pick Your Site Name Tell me more Sign Up Sign up now to save memes, make a site, and share your funny with the world. Sign Up with Facebook By signing up, you agree to our terms of service Sign Up With Email Existing account? Thanks for your funny! Sign up now to save your meme, share memes, and make your own Cheezburger site! Welcome Back! Socially Awkward Penguin forgot your name. Forgot your password ? Just 3 Steps and Done. Now create your Cheezburger account. Existing account? Login with Facebook Login with Cheezburger Username or Email No account? Keyboard Navigation Use your keyboard to navigate the site! J K Next / previous Post F Favorite S Share on Facebook ? Invite Your Friends! Cheezburger is even more awesome when you share with your friends. Invite with Facebook Showcase Your Humor Submit

